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为了贯彻和落实《中国人民解放军政治工作条例》和《中国人民解放军思想政治教育大纲》,进一步探索坚持用科学理论指导思想政治教育工作、树立思想政治教育的科学理念、充实和丰富思想政治教育的内容、创新思想政治教育的形式方法,对于增强公安边防部队基层思想政治教育的实效性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
政治理论课的教学有效性,表现为学生具备宽阔的知识视野,在理论向生活世界的回归中培养学习政治理论的兴趣,从而达到学习的自主性和自觉性。这种状态是在课堂教学的基础上主要通过第二课堂来实现的,因此,第二课堂是政治理论教学的内在要求。其不可替代的地位表现为,它是优化知识的窗口、培养能力的平台和塑造灵魂的基地。  相似文献   
高校思想政治理论课程管理具有丰富的内涵和广阔的外延,是高校思想政治理论课程建设中一个最基本、最核心的话题,也是一个崭新的研究领域。当前高校思想政治理论课程管理存在管理理论缺乏、发展缓慢,管理结构分化、目标偏离,管理力量薄弱、意识淡薄,管理手段单一、效率低下等弊端。因此,高校思想政治理论课程管理变革是一个复杂的系统工程,变革的内容包括:重点加强课程管理方法论研究,构建共享、整合型课程领导体制,优化课程管理队伍素质结构,构建多元、综合的课程管理手段体系。  相似文献   
新世纪必须更新高校思想政治教育观念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入新世纪,为继续加强和改进高校思想政治教育工作,我们提出必须更新思想政治教育观念。就是要确立尊重社会价值与尊重个人价值统一的德育价值观;灌输社会规范与培养个性能力结合的新任务观;显性德育课程与隐性德育课程并重的德育资源观;教育者的主体性与受教育者的主体性辩证统一的新主体观;"自律"与"他律"有机结合的德育途径观;教书育人与科学研究并重的德育队伍建设观。  相似文献   
军人就业问题对边防部队思想政治工作有很大的影响 ,必须努力创造良好的军人就业条件 ,打牢部队“打得赢 ,不变质”思想政治工作的基础。  相似文献   
现代思想政治教育以促进人的自由全面发展为根本目标。在思想政治教育实践活动中,必须把握人性结构,遵循人性发展变化的基本规律,关注人的属性满足规律,把握人性结构动态平衡规律,遵循精神境界提升规律,更加有效地完成现代思想政治教育任务和教育目标的有效结合,努力促进教育目标和教育手段的有效结合,实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   
抗战时期,新四军创办的抗日军政大学华中分校吸引了大批青年,通过马克思主义理论的学习和实践教学来开展思想政治教育工作。学校采取了灵活多样的思想政治教育形式,培养了大批军政干部,使青年学生提高了马克思主义理论水平,培养了艰苦朴素的作风,坚定了革命意志。其教学方法对当今的思想政治工作仍然具有现实的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Following South Sudan's secession in 2011, the country faced significant political, social and economic challenges. The country emerged from a long andarduous nation-building journey, including almost 50 years of violent conflict, that would continue after declaring independence. This nation-building process would suffer a significant set-back in December 2013 when the most recent civil war broke out. This article provides a new perspective on South Sudan's nation-building trajectory that tends towards violence and complicates peace-building. It does so by utilising the leadership process approach from the Leadership Studies literature. While popular literature and commentary tends to fault the South Sudanese elite for the current crisis, there has not been a systematic effort to understand the leadership challenge and its role in conflict, peace and nation-building in South Sudan. In this article, South Sudan's nation-building process and its three primary components of (a) identity construction, (b) statehood and (c) collective will and responsibility, are analysed from a leadership perspective, focusing on issues of power and influence. The conclusion is reached that South Sudan's nation-building has been and will likely continue to trend towards a violent process due to a leadership process that lacks mutuality and is founded on insufficient sources of power.  相似文献   

Recent efforts aimed at understanding women’s contributions to nonstate armed groups have produced large-scale data sets on female combatants (Wood and Thomas 2017) and more limited data on women’s roles as supporters and leaders in armed groups (Henshaw 2016; 2017, Loken 2018). The present study aims to build on this literature by providing new data on the scope of women’s leadership in insurgent groups. While existing quantitative literature has focused mostly on the experience of female combatants, we argue that the presence of women in leadership roles is crucial to understanding how gender might influence the outcomes of insurgency. We introduce new data on over 200 insurgent groups active since World War II. While our analysis confirms earlier small-sample work demonstrating women’s presence in leadership roles, a qualitative analysis reveals that leadership is often gendered–revealing patterns of tokenization and tracking women to low-prestige leadership roles. At the same time, our findings challenge past research on jihadist organizations, showing limited expansion in the authority of women.  相似文献   
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