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以高空间分辨率的SAR图像和高光谱分辨率的TM图像为例,提出了一种基于特征量积和IHS变换的多源遥感图像融合方法.该方法首先对TM图像作IHS变换,得到亮度I、色度H与饱和度S三个分量;其次,依据特征量积准则融合TM图像的亮度分量和SAR图像,并用融合结果替代TM图像的亮度分量;最后,作IHS反变换得到融合图像.实验结果表明,与IHS法和小波变换法相比,方法快速、简洁,在保持光谱信息与增强空间细节信息两个方面的综合性能均得到提高.  相似文献   
视准式光学系统瞄准具的成像有主像和副像两种情形,主像是对目标瞄准的必要标志,副像则对目标的瞄准产生不良影响,为消除或减弱光学系统所成的副像对瞄准精度的影响,主要分析了光学系统中中心反射镜的反射和有无平行差时产生副像的原因.提出了消除或减弱副像的多项措施,并针对中心反射镜提出了两种截然相反地改进方法.可有效地消除或减弱副像所引起的不良干扰对飞行人员视觉的影响,有效地提高了观察效果和瞄准精度.  相似文献   
This article considers the preventive flow interception problem (FIP) on a network. Given a directed network with known origin‐destination path flows, each generating a certain amount of risk, the preventive FIP consists of optimally locating m facilities on the network in order to maximize the total risk reduction. A greedy search heuristic as well as several variants of an ascent search heuristic and of a tabu search heuristic are presented for the FIP. Computational results indicate that the best versions of the latter heuristics consistently produce optimal or near optimal solutions on test problems. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 287–303, 2000  相似文献   
In order to improve the benefits of base bleed in base flow field, the base flow with hot base bleed for two jet models is studied. Two-dimensional axisymmetric Navier–Stokes equations are computed by using a finite volume scheme. The base flow of a cylinder afterbody with base bleed is simulated. The simulation results are validated with the experimental data, and the experimental results are well reproduced. On this basis, the base flow fields with base bleed for a circular jet model and an annulus jet model are investigated by selecting the injection temperature from 830 K to 2200 K. The results show that the base pressure of the annular jet model is higher than that of the circular jet model with the changes of the injection parameter and the injection temperature. For the circular jet model, the hot gases are concentrated in the vicinity of the base. For the annular jet model, the bleed gases flow into the shear layer directly so that the hot gases are concentrated in the shear layer. The latter temperature distribution is better for the increase of base pressure.  相似文献   
In the literature two common macroscopic evacuation planning approaches exist: The dynamic network flow approach and the Cell–Transmission–Based approach. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Many efficient solution approaches for the dynamic network flow approach exist so that realistic problem instances can be considered. However, the consideration of (more) realistic aspects (eg, density dependent travel times) results in non‐linear model formulations. The Cell‐Transmission‐Based approach on the other hand considers realistic traffic phenomena like shock waves and traffic congestion, but this approach leads to long computational times for realistic problem instances. In this article, we combine the advantages of both approaches: We consider a Cell‐Transmission‐Based Evacuation Planning Model (CTEPM) and present a network flow formulation that is equivalent to the cell‐based model. Thus, the computational costs of the CTEPM are enormously reduced due to the reformulation and the detailed representation of the traffic flow dynamics is maintained. We investigate the impacts of various evacuation scenario parameters on the evacuation performance and on the computational times in a computational study including 90 realistic instances.  相似文献   
针对高分辨率遥感影像提出了一种面向像斑的自优化迭代分类算法,基于半监督聚类算法获取训练样本,以支持向量机为核心设计了自优化迭代分类器。使用分型网络演化算法获取像斑,并从中选取少量标记样本;结合标记样本,利用半监督模糊C均值算法对像斑进行聚类,并基于密集度筛选得到训练样本;设计了自优化迭代支持向量机分类算法,对所有像斑进行迭代分类直到满足分类要求,并在分类过程中对近邻分类结果进行统计得到高可信度样本以自主优化训练样本集。基于以上方法分别对武汉市QuickBird和WorldView影像进行分类实验,分类总精度分别达到94.67%与92%,与基于人工选取训练样本情况下进行分类的分类总精度(82%与82.67%)、常规支持向量机分类总精度(87.33%与88%)、最小二乘支持向量机分类总精度(88%与89.33%)相比,精度有明显提升,分类效果较好。  相似文献   
由于实时目标的红外图像具有信噪比低、边界模糊等问题,在研究红外图像噪声特点的基础上,提出了一种基于动静态检测算法的红外图像降噪算法。通过一种动静态检测算法将图像分成动态图像和静态图像,用改进的自适应维纳滤波算法处理动态图像,用改进的NL-means降噪算法处理静态图像,并用FPGA实现红外图像降噪系统设计。实验表明,红外图像经算法处理后,其PSNR和细节方差-背景方差比(DV/BV)均高于经典降噪算法,算法能有效减少图像噪声,并能很好地保持图像的边界细节信息。  相似文献   
光流的测量是视频序列处理和视频挖掘中的基本问题。首先简述了光流法的基本原理,即物体亮度不变特性;然后阐述了计算光流的4类算法:微分方法、区域匹配方法、基于能量的方法和基于相位的方法,并对当前主流的能量算法进行了详细探讨;最后对各种光流算法的评测方法与测试集进行了说明。  相似文献   
回顾了近几年本研究团队在高超声速飞行器若干气动难题方面的实验研究进展。在边界层转捩方面,测量了边界层转捩现象,研究了攻角效应对圆锥边界层转捩的影响,获得了边界层转捩的脉动特性以其对飞行器表面热流和摩阻的影响。在激波-边界层干扰方面,分析了突起物形状变化对流动特性的影响,研究了复杂外形的流动特性。  相似文献   
通过解决基于数字图像处理的环境光自适应技术、激光成像自拟合技术、分辨率自适应技术等关键技术,设计并实现"炮身轴线偏移"检测系统,提高了"炮身轴线偏移量"检测效率。经实验验证,该检测系统误差符合检测要求,且具有结构简单、操作简便、精度较高的优点,是可行的。  相似文献   
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