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本文在运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义研究关公人物形象的同时,也用“二律背反”的哲学观点观照他,历史并辩证地剖析了关公思想及行为中均可以论证但又相互背反的三对命题,从而对关公人物形象有了更加立体、丰富的审美剖析,并从哲学的角度提出了关公悲剧诞生的根本原因。  相似文献   
用"三个代表"重要思想转变消防部队的执法观念,树立执法为民的服务意识,为从根本上规范执法行为,建立服务型消防监督机构提供必要的法规和制度上的支持,以服从、服务于经济发展这个中心.  相似文献   
针对我国目前消防行政执法的现状及存在的问题 ,提出消防行政执法体制、消防行政执法理念、消防行政执法范围、消防行政执法方式、方法等方面的改革思路  相似文献   
基于变系数的变前置角导引律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于变系数的变前置角导引律进行了分析与研究,并从理论上给出了该导引规律的推导过程,然后对整个弹道系统建立仿真模型,并对理论设计的导引方法进行数学仿真计算。将所得到的仿真结果与经典的前置角法进行比较分析,得出最终结论。从而验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
现代思想政治教育以促进人的自由全面发展为根本目标。在思想政治教育实践活动中,必须把握人性结构,遵循人性发展变化的基本规律,关注人的属性满足规律,把握人性结构动态平衡规律,遵循精神境界提升规律,更加有效地完成现代思想政治教育任务和教育目标的有效结合,努力促进教育目标和教育手段的有效结合,实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   
针对典型的导弹弹道仿真,通过对反导导弹的几种备选制导律进行了参数调试和数字仿真,设计了初、中制导方案,通过数字仿真给出了弹道规划,明确了允许的发射条件。同时,分析了各方案主要的制导信息误差及其影响,针对高斯噪声误差模型提出了制导信息误差指标。最终确定了较优制导方案。该方案经数字仿真验证具有较优的攻击区性能,攻击区较大、发射条件约束较为宽松,以当前的技术水平有望实现。  相似文献   
小灵巧炸弹是一种采用倾斜转弯(BTT)控制方式的小型面对称电视制导航空弹药,在实际飞行中必须确保其导引头框架角不超出可用范围。针对上述问题,根据时变偏置比例导引的思想,在三维空间中设计视线角速率偏置项,通过姿态角时变修正实现框架角约束,提出了一种带导引头框架角约束的三维纯比例导引律。仿真结果表明该方法在保证小灵巧炸弹战技指标要求的同时有效减少了框架角需求。  相似文献   
针对空对地攻击武器对地面目标的精确打击问题,提出了一种带落角约束的自适应滑模变结构末制导律。该制导律在自适应滑模导引律的基础上,引入落角约束项,可以满足制导精度和落角的双重要求。仿真结果表明,该制导律对地面活动目标的攻击既具有较高的制导精度,又可以满足落角要求,对空地精确制导武器的作战使用具有指导意义。  相似文献   
The mathematical model used to describe the detonation multi-physics phenomenon is usually given by highly coupled nonlinear partial differential equations. Numerical simulation and the computer aided engineering (CAE) technique has become the third pillar of detonation research, along with theory and experiment, due to the detonation phenomenon is difficult to explain by the theoretical analysis, and the cost required to accredit the reliability of detonation products is very high, even some physical experiments of detonation are impossible. The numerical simulation technique can solve these complex problems in the real situation repeatedly and reduce the design cost and time stunningly. But the reliability of numerical simulation software and the serviceability of the computational result seriously hinders the extension, application and the self-restoration of the simulation software, restricts its independently innovational ability. This article deals with the physical modeling, numerical simulation, and software development of detonation in a unified way. Verification and validation and uncertainty quantification (V&V&UQ) is an important approach in ensuring the credibility of the modeling and simulation of detonation. V&V of detonation is based on our independently developed detonation multi-physics software-LAD2D. We propose the verification method based on mathematical theory and program function as well as availability of its program execution. Validation is executed by comparing with the experiment data. At last, we propose the future prospect of numerical simulation software and the CAE technique, and we also pay attention to the research direction of V&V&UQ.  相似文献   

The legal equality of combatants (LEC) is a fixture of international law and just war theory. Both scholars who embrace and those who reject the moral equality of combatants seem committed to the legal equality of combatants. Their reasons usually include pragmatic worries about unjust combatants committing even more harm if they were to be simply prohibited from fighting. In this article I argue that this sweeping commitment to the legal equality of combatants is mistaken and that it is often grounded in a misunderstanding of the way international law governs behavior.  相似文献   
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