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为探索信息化作战中指挥控制关键因素,提出改进作战指挥体制的对策措施,采用系统动力学理论,对协同决策的结构、参与者和信息反馈关系等关键因素进行了分析,在此基础上构建了基于系统动力学的协同决策模型并进行了模拟仿真。结果表明,增加指挥控制机构之间的信息共享可以有效提升协同决策的效率,为建立协同决策指挥控制体制提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   
通过对作战对手战术战法类情报进行概念建模,为此类情报分析工作提供新的思路。这种基于概念建模的情报分析方法,可为情报人员限定信息搜寻范围,明确搜寻重点,减少工作量,将碎片化的原始情报信息较为快捷地转化为可高效应用的情报资源,服务于作战仿真、技术研究、试验训练等军事领域。  相似文献   
建设指挥信息系统效能评估数据中心,实现对海量效能评估数据的统一、集中管理,对指挥信息系统效能评估工作的常态化开展和评估成果共享具有重要作用。综合分析了指挥信息系统的效能评估对象需求、数据需求,并在此基础上提出了指挥信息系统效能评估数据中心总体框架、基础条件设计框架、数据资源设计以及数据服务和应用方法。对指挥信息系统效能评估数据中心的建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
Despite its many institutional and political weaknesses and limitations, the African Union (AU) has been developing a variety of tools and mechanisms to respond effectively to complex disasters and emergencies (both natural and manmade) by building up a comprehensive regional security architecture. Furthermore, it has become the first and only regional or international organisation to enshrine the principle of ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P) in its Constitutive Act. This regional approach to and formal endorsement of the R2P principle allowed it to assume a particular place in the promotion of peace and security in its area. This article aims to critically assess the effectiveness of the AU on the African continent by exploring its real capacity in preventing and responding to emergencies and violent conflicts, and therefore in rendering the principle of R2P operational. The article argues that the formalisation of principles does not necessarily mean their effective implementation. The organisation's use of the R2P principle is also greatly conditioned by internal and external factors.  相似文献   
As empathetic as distant nations may feel about an ongoing or looming catastrophe in a particular region of Africa, they are too far removed from the horror to grasp its gravity and impact. Geographical proximity to the atrocity, and the likelihood of its spreading to their neighbourhoods, make the communities and neighbouring countries in the imploding region the best and most effective first responders to a crisis in their own backyard. A response from ‘communal’ or ‘regional’ groups is, therefore, the most practical measure for preventing human rights violations in Africa from descending into an actual genocide or an intractable genocidal condition. A community approach to preventing genocide and other human rights abuses should serve as the foundation for a new concept of ‘moral pan-Africanism’ on the African continent in the 21st century. This article makes an argument for this genocide prevention model and new moral concept.  相似文献   
探讨了计算机和计算机技术与信息战的关系以及在现代军事系统和民用系统中的地位和作用。并提出了信息战的概念模型、基本特征和实践效果。旨在加速信息技术的大力发展和应用,以适应未来信息战、信息化和数字化的需求。  相似文献   
本文着重介绍了80年代以来国外发展新一代舰载指挥控制系统所采用的新技术,以及这些新技术对提高指挥控制系统作战效能的影响。  相似文献   
智能装备已经走入军队、走向战场,创建智能化作战指挥模式是智能化时代作战指挥的必然发展趋势,智能化作战指挥模式需求分析可为智能作战问题研究提供有效的信息。智能化作战指挥模式的需求分析已经具备了一定的物质、理论和技术基础,同时,也具有了一定的构建思路、实践条件和实验平台。在此基础上,本文从军事需求、功能需求和技术需求以及构建要求四个不同角度进行需求分析,以找准创建需求,为后续工作进一步展开奠定基础。  相似文献   
We consider a firm which faces a Poisson customer demand and uses a base‐stock policy to replenish its inventories from an outside supplier with a fixed lead time. The firm can use a preorder strategy which allows the customers to place their orders before their actual need. The time from a customer's order until the date a product is actually needed is called commitment lead time. The firm pays a commitment cost which is strictly increasing and convex in the length of the commitment lead time. For such a system, we prove the optimality of bang‐bang and all‐or‐nothing policies for the commitment lead time and the base‐stock policy, respectively. We study the case where the commitment cost is linear in the length of the commitment lead time in detail. We show that there exists a unit commitment cost threshold which dictates the optimality of either a buy‐to‐order (BTO) or a buy‐to‐stock strategy. The unit commitment cost threshold is increasing in the unit holding and backordering costs and decreasing in the mean lead time demand. We determine the conditions on the unit commitment cost for profitability of the BTO strategy and study the case with a compound Poisson customer demand.  相似文献   
地空导弹部队在防空作战中,导弹火力单元要按上级的命令适时机动,需要对所在位置进行精确定位并及时上报上级单位,以便尽快组成新的雷达网继续参加战斗。根据GPS测距和差分GPS定位原理,利用载波相位差分设备把采集的载波相位发送给用户站进行求差解算坐标,得到机动作战导弹火力单元的位置坐标。根据载波相位差分定位GPS载波相位差分接收机技术成熟,成本不高,适合机动作战导弹部队应用。通过编制相应的模型软件,以及加入通信接口,便可用于导弹火力单元雷达站址的快速定位。  相似文献   
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