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为构建适用于一体化联合作战的电子作战文书系统,提出建设基于军事信息网格的电子作战文书系统的具体方法。通过对军事信息网格与电子作战文书系统相互融合的论证,综合得出一套高效的一体化联合作战电子作战文书系统。该系统可以在一体化联合作战指挥中利用军事信息网格的强大处理能力,充分保障战区内各指挥平台与作战单元的互联、互通、互操作。  相似文献   
This paper derives optimal policies for when to hire, train, and lay off employees in service organizations when worker productivity appreciates deterministically or stochastically under constant, monotonic, and cyclic service demand. The model, an extension of the machine replacement problem from the engineering economy literature, uses infinite horizon linear programming to produce optimal personnel planning strategies and dual prices that characterize the workforce's economic value. The effect of employee attrition is also considered. In its valuation of human assets, unlike pure accounting approaches that only try to measure, this paper proposes an approach to capture the interaction between firm decisions pertaining to human resources and human resource value. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
Consider a set of product variants that are differentiated by some secondary attributes such as flavor, color, or size. The retailer's problem is to jointly determine the set of variants to include in her product line (“assortment”), together with their prices and inventory levels, so as to maximize her expected profit. We model the consumer choice process using a multinomial logit choice model and consider a newsvendor type inventory setting. We derive the structure of the optimal assortment for some important special cases, including the case of horizontally differentiated items, and propose a dominance relationship for the general case that simplifies the search for an optimal assortment. We also discuss structural properties of the optimal prices. Finally, motivated by our analytical results, we propose a heuristic solution procedure, which is shown to be quite effective through a numerical study. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
大学本科生的综合实习不仅可以让学生把理论知识运用于实践,而且还可以使学生在实习中得到实践的锻炼。无论从做人还是做事,综合实习对学生来说都是非常重要的。实习是培养既具备系统理论知识,又具备较强动手能力高素质科技人才的关键一环。  相似文献   
机群超视距作战联合战术信息系统的效能分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
建立了机群联合战术信息系统在超视距作战中综合机群的传感器、导航和火力控制系统,组织对目标协同探测、辨识和火力控制的系统模型,以及它的效能评估模型.仿真计算表明此信息系统能有效增加机群超视距作战的效能,但噪声和欺骗干扰会显著地影响它的效率.  相似文献   
We investigate and compare the impact of the tax reduction policies implemented in the United States and China to stimulate consumer purchase of new automobiles and improve manufacturers' profits. The U.S. policy provides each qualifying consumer with a federal income tax deduction on state and local sales and excise taxes paid on the purchase price (up to a cutoff level), whereas the Chinese policy reduces the vehicle sales tax rate for consumers. We observe that these policy designs are consistent with the tax management system and the economic environment in the respective country. We analytically determine the effects of the two tax reduction policies on the automobile sales and the manufacturer's and the retailer's profits. Numerical examples are then used to provide insights on the importance of certain factors that influence the effects of the two policies. Finally, a numerical experiment with sensitivity analysis based on real data is conducted to compare the merits and characteristics of the two policies under comparable conditions. We find that the U.S. policy is better than the Chinese policy in stimulating the sales of high‐end automobiles, whereas the Chinese policy is better than the U.S. policy in improving the sales of low‐end automobiles. The U.S. policy is slightly more effective in increasing the profitability of the automobile supply chain; but, in general, the Chinese policy is more cost effective. The methodology developed herein can be used to evaluate other tax reduction policies such as those related to the purchase of energy‐saving vehicles and to serve as a decision model to guide the choice of alternative tax reduction policies. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 61: 577–598, 2014  相似文献   
目标分配是联合防空作战指挥决策的核心内容,是各级联合防空指挥中心的重要工作,其模型的合理性与可信性会对作战结局产生重大影响。为提高目标分配的合理性与可信性,对联合防空作战混合部署下的目标优化分配问题进行了详细分析,建立了相应的数学规划决策模型。为了有效获得问题的全局最优解,将改进遗传算法(GA)应用于数学规划决策模型的求解过程中,并给出了模型求解的方法和步骤,经实例应用,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
A comprehensive maritime interdiction strategy to attack the insurgent's logistic system was a key element in the defeat of the Tamil Tigers. The campaign of maritime interdiction required the Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) to attack LTTE arms smuggling, sea piracy, and maritime terrorism. The SLN degraded the insurgency's robust maritime logistical network while also devising tactics to engage the maritime insurgents who reacted with swarm and suicide boat tactics. The efforts of the SLN forced the Tamil Tigers to confront the government's final land offensives with diminished resources, thus collapsing a three decades’ old insurgency in a matter of months.  相似文献   
A key organizational challenge for all modern militaries is instituting an effective command-and-control (C2) structure for joint operations. China has been a relative latecomer to joint operations, with a persistent weakness in joint C2. Reforms launched in early 2016 sought to overcome this challenge by establishing a permanent two-level joint C2 structure. Although not a ‘tipping point’ that will lead ineluctably to stronger operational effectiveness, this reform is nonetheless an important milestone in an evolutionary process towards better PLA joint operations. The result could be added operational challenges for several of China’s neighbors and the United States.  相似文献   
学习动机是直接推动学生学习的内部动因,是影响学习效果的主要因素。学生只有了解外语学习动机的分类及其作用,才能确立正确的学习动机,才能有效地提高外语学习成绩。  相似文献   
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