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兵力部署是指挥员组织实施战斗的重要工作,也是实现战斗决心的重要条件。在分析兵力部署原则基础上,结合兵种配置的地形条件和战术条件,提出了兵力部署适应度函数。采用遗传算法,设计了适应于数字地形分析的编码方案。实验证明,遗传算法能够有效解决兵力部署的智能化自动生成和评价问题,方法可行。  相似文献   
针对直流位置伺服系统,提出了一种改进型IMC-PI控制方法。引入作用函数,并将其与IMC-PI控制器串联,构成改进型PI控制器,其中IMC-PI控制器根据内模控制原理进行设计,作用函数为系统偏差的微分表达式,其阶次的选择应保证系统开环传递函数为严格正则。改进IMC-PI控制可使系统的调节过程分为作用函数趋近零和保持为零的两个阶段,从而保证系统偏差按照作用函数等于零确定的轨迹趋近于零。仿真结果表明所提方法可使系统具有良好的动态响应性能和鲁棒性。另外,利用Qstudio RP实验平台跟随跟随1+sin(10t)rad正弦信号时,IAE为0.14 rad·s,实验结果表明该方法可有效改善伺服系统的性能。  相似文献   
In June 2016, the Colombian Government and the FARC insurgent movement signed a ceasefire agreement, which brings the two sides one step closer to putting an end to over five decades of war. Unfortunately, Latin America has a rich history of insurgent movements, particularly during the cold war era, some of which continue to operate today. Most of these movements disappeared due to military operations, though some did so via peace negotiations. This essay aims to discuss the various ends of Latin American insurgencies to answer whether, indeed, insurgents can be negotiated with.  相似文献   
Nonlinear initial alignment is a significant research topic for strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS).Cubature Kalman filter(CKF)is a popular tool for nonlinear initial alignment.Standard CKF assumes that the statics of the observation noise are pre-given before the filtering process.Therefore,any unpredicted outliers in observation noise will decrease the stability of the filter.In view of this problem,improved CKF method with robustness is proposed.Multiple fading factors are introduced to rescale the obser-vation noise covariance.Then the update stage of the filter can be autonomously tuned,and if there are outliers exist in the observations,the update should be less weighted.Under the Gaussian assumption of KF,the Mahalanobis distance of the innovation vector is supposed to be Chi-square distributed.Therefore a judging index based on Chi-square test is designed to detect the noise outliers,determining whether the fading tune are required.The proposed method is applied in the nonlinear alignment of SINS,and vehicle experiment proves the effective of the proposed method.  相似文献   
概述美国陆军现阶段实施的2010年发展战略规划,分析阐明美军制定和实行该规划理论基础和指导方针,陆军结构调整与改革的思路和实施的内容,在军队建设上如何充分发挥科学技术优势等.  相似文献   
介绍一种高效、自动、快速的鱼雷动力电池充电检测系统.该系统充分利用了微机控制技术、高速信号采集和处理技术,精确地自动测试充电过程中电池的电压,并在充电过程中进行故障检测、显示报警.  相似文献   
At the core of waging war and strategy is the creation, control and use of force. This article investigates the volunteer battalions that mobilized in Ukraine during the spring of 2014. It contextualizes the volunteer phenomenon and focuses on the state strategies to establish control over these militias. As ambiguous entities arising from a situation characterized by rapid social change – revolution and war – the volunteer battalions threatened existing hierarchies and questioned state authority. The situation was exacerbated by the war, which deviated from the expectations of Ukrainian combatants and Western military observers alike. The state nevertheless enjoyed a modicum of success in reining in the militias through four strategies of undermining, co-option, incorporation and coercion. While predominantly integrated into a more rigid category of paramilitary forces, the volunteers continue to play a role in both the Ukrainian society and security sector to the unforeseeable future.  相似文献   
分析了通信干扰设备靶场试验的目的、对象及方法,并对干扰效果的评估及有效性进行了详尽的阐述和分析。  相似文献   
从火控系统论证和动态精度检验需要出发,对火控系统动态误差应该用“逆解”还是“顺解”求取标准值问题,提出了已被否定的“顺解法”有再研讨、认识之必要。  相似文献   
计量保障是武器装备试验数据准确和试验质量可靠的重要保证,是考核与评价装备战术技术指标的关键环节,在武器装备的发展建设中发挥着不可替代的基础作用。本文结合目前武器装备试验计量保障工作的现状,从计量管理的法制化、试验计量保障能力建设、试验装备的强制检定和装备计量保障信息数据库等若干方面深入阐述了试验需求和法律法规要求,探讨了做好试验计量保障工作应采取的改进措施。  相似文献   
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