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Stability among the great powers during the Cold War is widely theorized in terms of nuclear deterrence. Rationality of States and their preference for survival are the basis of nuclear deterrence. The rationality of non-state terrorist groups is different from that of nation-states. Even though they are also rational actors with their own hierarchy of preferences, survival may not be their ultimate goal. Deterrence of nuclear terrorism is therefore different from deterrence against states. South Asia is more vulnerable to nuclear terrorism than any other region of the world for many reasons. This article analyzes the possibility of nuclear terrorism and the ways of deterrence against it in the context of South Asia.  相似文献   
While unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become a standard element of modern armed forces, African countries have been reluctant to acquire remotely piloted aircraft for military purposes until recently. This is mainly due to a lack of industrial capabilities and, for military purposes so far, procurement policies that have concentrated on small arms and light weapons, more prestigious armoured vehicles and combat aircraft. Moreover, counter-insurgency strategies in Africa tend to focus on manoeuvre warfare, co-opting rebels or fighting them using armed proxies. As a consequence, international counterterrorism operations against fanatical and reckless groups like al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Boko Haram in sub-Saharan Africa are characterised by a strong dependence on Western forces providing UAV-based reconnaissance and, in some cases for the United States, military strikes by drones. This essay reviews some of the incentives and problems of the use of UAVs in the African context. Given the geographical and military conditions of asymmetric warfare in Africa, and potential problems concerning international law, ethical aspects of the use of arms, and civil–military relations notwithstanding, it is argued that African security forces should develop their own UAV capabilities by intensifying their cooperation with Western armed forces.  相似文献   
伴随着城市化进程,大规模农民进城务工与生活,城市人口与规模激增,引发了一系列严峻的社会问题,如环境污染、交通拥挤、就业困难、犯罪率上升等,其中最引人关注的即为农民工子女的违法犯罪问题。分析了农民工子女违法犯罪的原因,并从促进社会经济协调发展、加强法制建设、抓好微观环境治理、加强学校教育等几个方面提出建议。  相似文献   
“外交是内政的延续”,通过对“建设和谐世界”思想及其指导下的中国外交实践的深入分析,我们不难看出,“建设和谐世界”思想,可以树立中国的良好国际形象,可以消除国际上对中国和平发展的疑虑和不信任,对提高中国的综合国力、加快中国的和平发展意义深远。  相似文献   
通过对军校战士学员英语学习策略使用的总体情况,探讨性别、所受教育程度、英语学习间断时间对英语学习策略选择的影响。结果表明,性别和所受教育程度对语言学习策略的使用没有显著影响,语言学习间断时间对语言学习策略的使用有显著影响。  相似文献   
新时期研究生科学精神培养与塑造研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从调查问卷的分析入手,对当前研究生科学精神的现状作出客观描述,认为研究生缺乏科学精神并不只是个别现象,而在相当一部分的研究生中存在。研究生科学精神的培养与塑造是一项艰巨的任务和一项系统的工程,需要学生、导师、学校多方的共同努力。  相似文献   
普通高等学校在人才培养质量上肩负着主要责任。新招收国防生刚迈入大学校园,可塑性强,如果坚持从一入学开始就加强教育引导,对于帮助他们尽快完成高中生向普通大学生、普通大学生向合格后备军官的转变将起到至关重要的作用,达到事半功倍的效果。本文旨在通过调查了解新招收国防生的基本素质,深入分析其思想动态,在此基础上提出加强教育的对策,为国防生教育管理工作捉供参考。  相似文献   
思想政治教育是研究人(思想及行为)的科学,而需要乃人之本性,是人的一切思想及行为的原始动因,所以,思想政治教育必须把人的需要作为研究的逻辑起点。马克思主义作为思想政治教育的理论基础,其关于人的需要的理论成为思想政治教育的理论依据。本文拟把马克思主义关于人的需要理论与大学生的现实需要的特点相结合,以期对提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性、主动性和实效性有所启示。  相似文献   
当代大学生在社会认知、社会情感、意志品质等心理因素上存在着这一阶段的普遍特点 ,这些特点为挖掘大学生的创造潜能提供了得天独厚的条件 ,高校应抓住这些特点有的放矢地对学生进行创新引导  相似文献   

The legal equality of combatants (LEC) is a fixture of international law and just war theory. Both scholars who embrace and those who reject the moral equality of combatants seem committed to the legal equality of combatants. Their reasons usually include pragmatic worries about unjust combatants committing even more harm if they were to be simply prohibited from fighting. In this article I argue that this sweeping commitment to the legal equality of combatants is mistaken and that it is often grounded in a misunderstanding of the way international law governs behavior.  相似文献   
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