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High nitrogen stainless steel with nitrogen content of 0.75%was welded by gas metal arc welding with Ar—N2-O2 ternary shielding gas. The effect of the ternary shielding gas on the retention and improvement of nitrogen content in the weld was identified. Surfacing test was conducted first to compare the ability of O2 and CO2 in prompting nitrogen dissolution. The nitrogen content of the surfacing metal with O2 is slightly higher than CO2. And then Ar—N2-O2 shielding gas was applied to weld high nitrogen stainless steel. After using N2-containing shielding gas, the nitrogen content of the weld was improved by 0.1 wt%. As N2 continued to increase, the increment of nitrogen content was not obvious, but the ferrite decreased from the top to the bottom. When the proportion of N2 reached 20%, a full austenitic weld was obtained and the tensile strength was improved by 8.7%. Combined with the results of surfacing test and welding test, it is concluded that the main effect of N2 is to inhibit the escape of nitrogen and suppress the ni-trogen diffusion from bottom to the top in the molten pool.  相似文献   
Pulse Doppler (PD) fuze is widely used in current battlefield. However, with the threat of repeater jamming, especially digital radio frequency memory technology, the deficiency in the anti-repeater jamming of a traditional PD fuze increasingly emerges. Therefore, a repeater jamming suppression method for a PD fuze based on identity (ID) recognition and chaotic encryption is proposed. Every fuze has its own ID which is encrypted with different chaotic binary sequences in every pulse period of the transmitted signal. The thumbtack-shaped ambiguity function shows a good resolution and distance cut-off characteristic. The ability of anti-repeater jamming is emphatically analyzed, and the results at different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) show a strong anti-repeater jamming ability and range resolution that the proposed method possesses. Furthermore, the anti-repeater jamming ability is influenced by processing gain, bit error rate (BER) and correlation function. The simulation result validates the theo-retical analysis, it shows the proposed method can significantly improve the anti-repeater jamming ability of a PD fuze.  相似文献   
根据当前地空导弹武器系统受干扰吊舱和反辐射导弹威胁导致其作战能力下降的作战实践,本文首先提出了一种可有效打击进犯之敌、保全自身的侧击战术;其次,对该侧击战术进行军事建模,分析了飞行器从开始转弯到照射制导雷达进入其攻击范围期间,飞行器速度、攻击角度范围、转弯时的坡度角及航线与雷达间的航路捷径等因素对飞行器转弯时间造成的影...  相似文献   
采用离子注入和电子束等物理方法,对PTFE、KPVC、PMMA等聚合物材料进行了抗静电改性实验。实验结果表明,合理选择改性工艺,可以得到优良的抗静电材料。本文对离子注入和电子束的抗静电改性机理进行了分析,提出了选择最佳改性工艺条件的原则。  相似文献   
发射药的分解机理及其安定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究发射药中硝酸酯的分解机理及其与发射药安定性关系的基础上,分析了热分解,水解和自动催化作用对发射药安定性的影响,以色谱法和粘度法等实验手段探索发射药安定性的变化规律,通过不同温度下发射药老化过程的动力学研究,提出了确定发射药安全使用寿命的可靠方法。  相似文献   
铁谱技术及其在机械监测诊断应用的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析了磨粒监测技术的几种方法,并对各种监测技术的原理、特点、适用范围进行了评述和比较。在文中系统论述了铁谱分析技术的基本原理及在磨粒监测分析中的重要意义;是应用磁场将润滑剂中磨损颗粒进行分类并计数的一种技术,对铁谱片上磨损碎片的观测能够诊断引起非正常磨损的起因和机械部件磨损的真实情况,常用来检测非正常磨损、磨损方式和磨损的程度,为预测磨损部件的使用寿命提供基本信息,从而使油液的监测分析结果更为全面和准确。  相似文献   
激光武器及其在防空防天体系中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓬勃发展的激光武器已成为武器装备重要发展方向,在未来高技术战争中将发挥潜在的特殊作用。阐述了激光武器的特点、用途及其与传统的寻的制导武器之间的区别,分析了国外激光武器的发展现状,并对激光武器的工作机理及关键技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   
针对差速式、独立式2类转向机构,分别给出了不计和计及履带接地段打滑条件下最大循环功率及相应的相对转向半径的计算方法,定量讨论了不计和计及履带接地段打滑时循环功率的差别。在示例给定的计算条件下计算结果表明,计及履带接地段打滑时循环功率较不计打滑时小约20%。实车试验结果证实:考虑履带接地段打滑计算的循环功率同实际值更接近,在分析循环功率时不能忽略履带接地段的打滑。  相似文献   
高效合理的信息流转模式是有效实施基于信息系统体系作战的前提和重要保障。引入了价值目标理论,解析了信息流转概念内涵,分析了信息流转价值目标与作用机理,分别提出了基于最大信息流量、最佳信息质量、最小传输时间和综合价值目标的体系作战信息流转模式,并给出了信息流转策略。  相似文献   
提出了一种强干扰环境下相干弱信号的DOA估计算法。该算法通过修正的Toeplitz矩阵实现了对相干弱信号的解相干,然后将强干扰信号对应的特征矢量从信号子空间中剔除,最后利用MUSIC算法对弱信号进行DOA估计。所提算法不需要预知强干扰信号方位信息,对非平稳噪声有较好的抑制性能。此外,相对JJM算法,该算法具有更高的估计精度和正确概率,对强干扰信源具有更好的抑制性能。  相似文献   
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