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当前,军队装备试验鉴定正由性能试验向作战试验、在役考核全领域拓展。在装备试验鉴定体系全面重塑的历史背景下,为适应军队装备试验鉴定发展新变化,探索装备试验鉴定新理论,推进装备试验鉴定自主创新发展,亟需开展装备试验鉴定技术研究。美军相对较早开展了装备试验与鉴定工作,在作战试验与鉴定工作方面已形成了较完善的法规制度体系和规范的操作流程,有较成熟的理论与方法成果可供借鉴。与此同时,美军作战试验与鉴定工作也面临许多新问题。本文剖析了美军作战试验与鉴定的内涵和管理模式,研究了2018和2019年美军作战试验与鉴定的重点技术领域,并进行了对比分析,以期掌握近期美军作战试验与鉴定工作的发展变化。  相似文献   
《美苏消除两国中程导弹和中短程导弹条约》的失效重创了本就脆弱的国际军控体系,对美俄战略稳定和全球军事安全带来消极影响,国际军控合作和全球军事安全迫切需要重构新的军控体系。本文立足当前国际军控现状,在分析美俄“退约”背后各方战略考量及国际军控面临的挑战,如“美国优先”理念下的霸权主义和单边主义、国际军控体系自身的脆弱性和局限性和新军事革命给全球安全增添新的变量的基础上,提出了“构建人类命运共同体”理念凝聚全球安全共识、以大国责任和义务为基础构建多层次军控体系和以多边军控体系循序推进国际军控进程等措施和建议,以期为推动国际军控合作,建立更为公平、合理、有效的国际军控体系做出贡献。  相似文献   
This article surveys the body of available evidence regarding the spill-over effects of defence R&D. It reviews the routes through which defence R&D spills over to the economy with positive externalities – in terms of new products, technologies or processes; the barriers that impede or block such a process; potential negative repercussions, and the measure of such effects. The main conclusion is that the uncertainty of these effects, and the inaccurate appraisal of their value, hardly supports informed decisions concerning defence R&D policies.  相似文献   
The measurement and control of high temperature play very important roles in national defense, military, scientific experiments, industrial and agricultural production. Photoelectric pyrometer is one of the important radiation thermometers for non-contact temperature measurement. It has an important application in the field of high temperature measurement, and its performance directly affects the accuracy of temperature measurement. By improving the design of the detection optical system of the photoelectric pyrometer, the imaging performance of the photoelectric pyrometer can be improved effectively, and the temperature measurement accuracy can be improved. In this paper, the temperature measurement principle of photoelectric pyrometer, the working principle of the detection optical system and the composition of the system are introduced. The optical components that affect the imaging of the optical system of the photoelectric pyrometer are analyzed. The optical pyrometer detection optical system is simulated by ZEMAX software, based on the analysis results, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and the spot Diagram are used as the main evaluation criteria to optimize the design of the objective lens of the photoelectric pyrometer detection optical system. The imaging performance of the photoelectric pyrometer detection optical system and the accuracy of temperature measurement of the photoelectric pyrometer are improved by optimization design of the detection optical system.  相似文献   
In this paper, a condition-based maintenance model for a multi-unit production system is proposed and analyzed using Markov renewal theory. The units of the system are subject to gradual deterioration, and the gradual deterioration process of each unit is described by a three-state continuous time homogeneous Markov chain with two working states and a failure state. The production rate of the system is influenced by the deterioration process and the demand is constant. The states of the units are observable through regular inspections and the decision to perform maintenance depends on the number of units in each state. The objective is to obtain the steady-state characteristics and the formula for the long-run average cost for the controlled system. The optimal policy is obtained using a dynamic programming algorithm. The result is validated using a semi-Markov decision process formulation and the policy iteration algorithm. Moreover, an analytical expression is obtained for the calculation of the mean time to initiate maintenance using the first passage time theory.  相似文献   
刘念光 《国防科技》2018,39(6):001-004
习主席在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的重要讲话,是新时代改革开放再出发的宣言书和动员令。学习贯彻习主席重要讲话精神,关键要全面推进学校深化改革创新,深刻认清弘扬改革创新精神对于建设世界一流高等教育院校的重大意义,牢牢扭住全面深化改革创新的主攻方向,科学处理深化改革创新的重大关系,既以顽强的战略定力坚定不移深化改革,又运用科学的工作方法积极稳妥地推进改革。  相似文献   

This article explores the interaction between local and international power structures in EU peacebuilding. While citizens in a state only face order from one authority (the state), local actors in a peacebuilding context are subject to orders from two institutions (the domestic state and the peacebuilding mission). This article explores the nature of interactions of these two institutions and their effect on local police officers’ compliance and resistance. Specifically, it analyzes the example of the police restructuring process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It demonstrates that the choices of local officers to comply or resist depended on whether the interactions between the EU Police Mission and the local police organization were positive and mutually supportive, or whether they were competitive and contradictory. The findings of the article contribute to the debates on the role of local power and the importance of local legitimacy in peacebuilding.  相似文献   
为提高能力型防空群整体作战能力,应用系统论方法分析了能力型防空群指控系统的构成要素及运行模式,提出了指控系统信息结构力的概念,建立了能力型防空群指控系统概念模型。在此基础上,提出了能力型防空群指控系统效能评估指标体系,运用网络复杂性理论、图论、集合论及信息论方法建立了能力型防空群指控系统的物理性能及信息结构力计算模型,给出了指控系统效能综合评估函数,可为防空指控系统构建提供参考。  相似文献   
省部共建高校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其服务应立足区域经济建设和社会发展的需要,一方面推进区域自主创新,另一方面实现学校自身又好又快的发展。该文从人才培养、科技创新、社会服务、文化辐射四方面分析了省部共建高校的服务定位,提出力争将其建设成为推动区域经济社会发展的核心动力源,成为地方高校发展的示范集群。  相似文献   
基于低压氧弹燃烧法研究了充氧压力分别为0.6MPa和0.9MPa时两种无灰型柴油添加剂不同配比对助燃性能的影响。采用均匀实验设计和Matlab回归优化的方法,得到复配体系的最优配方,并对其进行了验证。结果表明,由Matlab回归分析得到的完全二次回归模型最理想,0.6MPa时由该模型得到的最优配方为:添加剂A和B的质量分数分别是0.300‰和0.700‰,并通过实验验证得到的发热量达到最大,变化率为8.697%。0.9MPa时,结合直观分析和回归分析,得到与实际相符的最优配方:添加剂A和B的质量分数分别是0.600‰和0.900‰,此时发热量皮化率为4.453%。  相似文献   
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