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海洋环境中基于WVD的LFM信号检测方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海洋环境中弱信号的谱与海杂波的谱相混叠 ,目标和背景的位置差异很小 ,经典的频域或空域处理对海杂波中弱信号的检测难以奏效。鉴于Wigner-Ville分布 (WVD)对线性调频信号 (LFM )具有时频聚集性这一特点 ,提出了一种海洋环境中基于WVD的LFM信号检测方法。利用雷达采集的真实海杂波数据 ,在不同信杂比的条件下 ,研究了该方法与经典频域法在信号检测中的差别。通过实验分析 ,与经典方法相比 ,该方法具有明显的优越性 ,且信杂比达到 -14 . 3dB时 ,其仍能很好地对信号进行检测。  相似文献   
针对传统的基于区域的主动轮廓模型在分割灰度不均匀图像和噪声图像存在效果不佳的问题,提出结合全局项与局部项的主动轮廓分割模型。全局项由CV(Chan-Vese)模型的保真项构成,局部项的构建考虑局部区域信息的同时引入反映图像灰度特性的局部熵信息。依据图像灰度的特点,选择合理的全局项和局部项参数,并加入正则项保证曲线在演化过程中保持平滑,保障分割结果的可靠性。通过变分水平集方法最小化能量泛函,依据梯度下降流迭代更新水平集,完成曲线演化。采用模拟图像和实际图像进行实验分析,结果表明,所提出的结合全局项和局部项的主动轮廓模型可以高效地分割噪声严重以及灰度分布不均匀的图像。  相似文献   
针对IFS吸引子变形过程中间出现的分形特征退化的问题,提出基于局部吸引子的近似凸包及旋转匹配的特征对应方法.IFS吸引子的局部吸引子可由独立的IFS生成,IFS中每个压缩仿射映射存在不动点,构造所有不动点的凸包,即得到局部近似凸包;证明了局部近似凸包间的相似对应等价于局部吸引子间的相似对应,并提出了通过旋转匹配的特征对应方法实现局部近似凸包的配对,最后计算所有配对下相似度最高的一组局部近似凸包匹配,确定局部吸引子间的特征对应,即IFS特征对应.对两个IFS进行线性插值可实现保持分形特征的分形变形.  相似文献   
宽带ISAR雷达能够从目标回波中计算得出众多目标特征,对ISAR雷达的干扰信号必须高逼真地模拟目标的电磁散射特性和运动特性。从弹头目标电磁散射机理出发,分析了干扰信号生成流程,提出二维成像干扰的实现方案。针对虚假目标特性模拟问题,提出基于一维距离像模板合成欺骗干扰信号的算法。算法采用距离像模板与实际宽带ISAR信号的卷积调制处理,生成的干扰信号能较好地反映目标的电磁特性。通过多个脉冲的模拟,生成的干扰信号也能够准确反映目标的运动特性。仿真实验对暗室测量数据和HRRP模板数据进行成像效果对比,验证了算法的有效性。该算法对二维成像干扰机的工程设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   
指纹方向场真实地反映了指纹图像中本质的纹理特征,包括了指纹的基本形状、结构和走势。定义了局部方向场图像的描述方法,可以根据纹理信息有效地描述并区分不同的细节点。在低质量指纹图像,特别是存在较严重非线性形变的指纹图像中,细节点方向属性不够可靠,使得以细节点对作为参考对齐局部方向场图像的方法效果不佳。提出一种改进的局部方向场图像对齐和匹配方法,能够明显改善局部对齐效果,提高局部匹配的准确性,从而更加有效地区分对应和不对应细节点。实验结果验证了提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
局部火灾场钢框架结构等效楼面活荷载分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对火灾场钢结构框架梁极限抗弯、抗剪承载力的分析,提出采用等效楼面活荷载来描述火灾场对结构极限承载力的削弱,建立了火灾场等效楼面活荷载的计算公式,通过具体算例分析了厚涂型不同保护层厚度的框架钢梁极限抗弯、抗剪承载力及等效楼面活荷载的变化规律。分析结果表明,采用等效楼面活荷载可以直观地描述火灾场对结构构件极限承载能力的削弱,使火灾场钢结构受力分析变得简单、清晰。  相似文献   

Perception research can make a valuable contribution to the study of the local dimension in EU peacebuilding. The conceptual framework developed in this article distinguishes between perceptions of the “legitimacy,” “effectiveness,” and “credibility” of EU peacebuilding practices, which are crucial factors for successful peacebuilding. Relying on the case of the EU’s support for security sector reform (SSR) in Palestine, this article shows that local stakeholders—which participate in various EU-sponsored training and capacity-building programs—display considerable support for liberal peacebuilding norms. Yet, perceived discrepancies between the EU’s peacebuilding rhetoric and its SSR activities have severely undermined the potential of the EU’s liberal peacebuilding model in the eyes of Palestinian stakeholders. Critical local perceptions are frequently articulated with reference to the EU’s own liberal peacebuilding discourse, pointing to a lack of inclusiveness of the SSR process and deficits in terms of democratic governance and the rule of law.  相似文献   
区域雷达网分布式检测性能改善方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对文献 [3]提出的秩 K方法及文献 [4]的应用结论进行了讨论 ,提出利用 Neym an- Pearson融合准则改善区域雷达网分布式检测性能方法 ,分析表明 ,该方法使区域雷达网恒虚警同时 ,提高了其检测概率  相似文献   
We investigate the quality of local search heuristics for the scheduling problem of minimizing the makespan on identical parallel machines. We study exponential size neighborhoods (whose size grows exponentially with the input length) that can be searched in polynomial time, and we derive worst‐case approximation guarantees for the local optima of such neighborhoods. The so‐called split neighborhood splits a feasible schedule into two layers, and then recombines the two layers by finding a perfect matching. We show that the makespan of every local optimum for split is at most a factor of 2 away from the globally optimal makespan. We then combine the split neighborhood with two neighborhoods from the literature. The combination of split with the jump neighborhood only marginally improves the approximation guarantee, whereas the combination with the lexicographic‐jump neighborhood decreases the approximation guarantee from 2 to 3/2. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
Some scholars would have us believe that the distinctions between military and policing roles, methods and objectives have become increasingly blurred by the security demands of a post-Cold War and post-11 September global and domestic order. This article explores the current state of the police–military divide through a conceptual and case study analysis. It concludes that, in this case, there is some conflation occurring at a macro-level as international and domestic affairs have become increasingly indistinct, but the article also demonstrates that the actual ethos and practice of these agencies still differs strongly. Most importantly, the article argues that this distinction is in fact a very useful one in planning for future peace support operations  相似文献   
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