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We consider a firm which faces a Poisson customer demand and uses a base‐stock policy to replenish its inventories from an outside supplier with a fixed lead time. The firm can use a preorder strategy which allows the customers to place their orders before their actual need. The time from a customer's order until the date a product is actually needed is called commitment lead time. The firm pays a commitment cost which is strictly increasing and convex in the length of the commitment lead time. For such a system, we prove the optimality of bang‐bang and all‐or‐nothing policies for the commitment lead time and the base‐stock policy, respectively. We study the case where the commitment cost is linear in the length of the commitment lead time in detail. We show that there exists a unit commitment cost threshold which dictates the optimality of either a buy‐to‐order (BTO) or a buy‐to‐stock strategy. The unit commitment cost threshold is increasing in the unit holding and backordering costs and decreasing in the mean lead time demand. We determine the conditions on the unit commitment cost for profitability of the BTO strategy and study the case with a compound Poisson customer demand.  相似文献   
回顾了精确制导技术的发展历程,分析了精确制导成像探测技术发展过程中面临的挑战与未来的主要发展方向。结合太赫兹、量子和超材料等前沿技术的发展动态,分别梳理了太赫兹雷达、量子雷达以及超材料雷达三种典型的精确制导前沿成像探测技术的技术背景、发展脉络、基本原理、技术优势。这三种成像探测技术有望为精确制导技术应对未来新型战争形态带来的挑战提供可行的技术途径。研究成果可为未来精确制导技术的深入可持续发展提供参考,并对提升精确制导武器的打击与拦截作战效力具有重大意义。  相似文献   
This paper explores the notion that US efforts to evade the political costs of war paradoxically contribute to the subsequent exacerbation of costs over time. Leaders seek to purchase political capital in the short term by limiting the costs and requirements of military operations, but in doing so cause strategic and political liabilities to mount in the long run. While identification of such behaviour is not new, insufficient attention has been devoted to explaining its causes, dynamics, and manifestations in relation to key decisions on and in war. Evidence derived from studies of recent American discretionary campaigns is analysed to advance an argument with respect to this pattern of self-defeating strategic behaviour.  相似文献   
The article outlines the essential role of free play elements in various types of exercises for the development of in-depth and practical military professionalism. It thereafter argues why such use of free play contradicts the military science founded Russian Way of War.  相似文献   
大容量储能发电机作为脉冲电源,整流后通过逆变器向大功率脉冲负载供电。采用储能发电机直流侧并联方式工作,可以有效提高系统带载能力与可靠性。当并联运行的储能发电机转速不同时,根据转速合理分配电机释放功率可以有效提高系统工作效能,因此需要设计一种具有功率调节功能的励磁控制算法。在电压、电流双闭环控制的基础上,引入功率前馈控制,推导并求解了前馈功率与励磁电流关系以及控制参数,并根据电机初始转速设计了功率分配算法。仿真试验结果表明,功率前馈控制在励磁控制过程中起主导作用,有效分配储能电机释放功率大小,提高了励磁电流响应速度,抑制了负载功率扰动对励磁控制系统的影响。  相似文献   
军事通信网综合管理系统中,各专业网络运行情况的主要数据都可汇总到综合网管数据库中。这些网管数据中隐含了网络运行的几乎全部信息,但即使是最有经验的网络管理专家面对这些繁杂的数据也只能望洋兴叹。面对大数据的智能分析技术则有可能实现网络运行态势的高度可视化,充分理解和详细把握全网运行状态,像知识、经验、联想丰富的专家一样不知疲倦地对网络运行状况进行全面细致地分析,从海量的网管数据中发现网络故障的蛛丝马迹,发现隐含的问题,预知网络变化。论文介绍了利用大数据分析技术实现网络管理智能化的现实目标,基于性能的网络异常预测预报、基于性能和事件的故障分析诊断、网络运行知识的挖掘利用等方面的功能和技术途径。  相似文献   

In the decades following independence from Spain, ‘civil wars’ ravaged the newly established polities in South America. Former vice-regal capitals inherited a larger portion of the colonial administration and had larger economic resources and a hegemonic project they were able to have permanent and professional armed forces, capable of leading the offensive and giving battle following the European rules of military art. The central hypothesis of this work is that there is a necessary relationship between the shape of these asymmetrical conflicts, their outcome and the political territorial configuration of each country in post-revolutionary Spanish America. When permanent armies took over from local militias, the capital kept the integrity of its territories and there was a tendency towards political centralization. When this did not happen and the militias managed to find a way to defeat their centralizing enemies, the local powers had an opportunity to renegotiate their participation in the political body, and sought to maintain their independence, which was manifest in federal agreements, otherwise a process of territorial fragmentation began. More than a difference between regular and irregular forces there was one between intermittent, and permanent mobilization.  相似文献   
针对大型相控阵雷达系统安全性因素多、评价困难的特点,分析并建立了大型相控阵雷达系统安全评价指标体系。提出了一种基于改进模糊层次分析法、熵权法和拉格朗日算法确定综合权重的方法,并建立了雷达系统安全性模糊综合评价模型。以某型大型相控阵雷达系统的安全性评价为例,运用所提方法确定该雷达系统的安全性指标综合权重,并进行安全性综合评价。将该方法与传统AHP评价法进行对比分析,验证了该方法的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   
针对阵列体制雷达,由极大似然估计导出自适应多零点单脉冲测角原理。分析发现迭代步长过大导致双零点单脉冲技术在多目标条件下失效,因此提出加权步长改进角度估计的迭代过程,只需要较少计算量就能实现群内多个目标的精确测角。仿真结果表明:该算法在较高信噪比条件下可以精确测量群内三个目标角度,测角误差约为0.15倍波束宽度;当群目标数较多或者目标相位差接近于0时,算法性能下降明显。  相似文献   
研究新公布的北斗民用导航电文中的两类历书与北斗二号导航电文历书的差异,对比分析各类历书对接收机首次定位时间的影响。利用实际的历书数据,比较不同历书类型的用户算法,分析不同龄期数据对接收机首次定位性能的影响。结果表明,高精度历书在1周的数据龄期内性能较为稳定,中等精度历书精度稍逊于高精度历书,但由于简化了电文空间,能接近高精度历书性能。简约历书进一步简化了参数数目和电文空间,尽管位置误差达到了数百千米,但却能在数月之后保持相应精度,有利于缩短接收机首次定位时间。  相似文献   
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