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轨道机动会引起在轨卫星的轨道异常,是空间态势感知的重点关注对象之一。为此,提出一种从卫星的两行轨道要素编目数据中检测历史机动的方法。通过分析预报误差检测轨道参数的异常编目值,进而获得相应的历史机动信息。对卫星的两行轨道要素编目数据两两预报求差得到预报误差的样本数据后,利用期望最大化算法可以拟合得到以高斯混合模型表达的预报误差的概率分布模型;以此为基础,可以确定利用预报误差检测轨道参数异常编目值的门限;利用轨道机动与异常编目值之间的对应关系,最终实现机动检测。对典型活动卫星的机动检测结果表明,所提方法能够在准确检出历史机动事件的同时保持较低的误检率。  相似文献   
对运动视觉平台点目标定位问题进行了研究,介绍了基于视觉共线方程的目标定位方法,分析了共线方程关于视线约束的实质。在观测视线相关坐标系推导了视线方向角矢量对目标定位误差的影响规律,分析了多观测对定位误差的影响,并基于最小化目标定位误差推导了视觉平台的最优运动轨迹,利用简单明了的分析方法得到了与已有文献优化Fisher信息矩阵方法一致的结论。利用仿真和试验对定位误差和最优轨迹进行了验证,证实了定位误差理论分析和最优运动轨迹设计的正确性。  相似文献   
首先介绍国外F-22和F-35为代表的先进战斗机的电子战系统和其他欧洲先进战斗机的电子战系统等发展情况。对未来战斗机电子战系统的综合特点和基本功能进行了比较详细的分析和描述,最后叙述了未来战斗机的航空电子系统将设计成为一体化共平台,电子战系统与一体化的航空电子系统融合成为一个功能系统,并描述了这种先进的电子战系统的作战能力。  相似文献   
For the case that two pursuers intercept an evasive target, the cooperative strategies and state estimation methods taken by pursuers can seriously affect the guidance accuracy for the target, which performs a bang For the case that two pursuers intercept an evasive target, the cooperative strategies and state estimation methods taken by pursuers can seriously affect the guidance accuracy for the target, which performs a bang-bang evasive maneuver with a random switching time. Combined Fast multiple model adaptive estimation (Fast MMAE) algorithm, the cooperative guidance law takes detection configuration affecting the accuracy of interception into consideration. Introduced the detection error model related to the line-of-sight (LOS) separation angle of two interceptors, an optimal cooperative guidance law solving the optimization problem is designed to modulate the LOS separation angle to reduce the estimation error and improve the interception performance. Due to the uncertainty of the target bang-bang maneuver switching time and the effective fitting of its multi-modal motion, Fast MMAE is introduced to identify its maneuver switching time and estimate the acceleration of the target to track and intercept the target accurately. The designed cooperative optimal guidance law with Fast MMAE has better estimation ability and interception performance than the traditional guidance law and estimation method via Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   
There is significant value in the data collected by satellites during and after a natural disaster. The current operating paradigm in practice is for satellites to passively collect data when they happen to fly over a disaster location. Conversely, this article considers the alternative approach of actively maneuvering satellites to fly directly overhead of the disaster site on a routine basis. Toward this end, we seek to compute a satellite constellation design that minimizes the expected maneuver costs for monitoring an unknown forest fire. In this article, we present a 2‐stage stochastic programing model for this problem as well as a accelerated L‐shaped decomposition approach. A comparison between our approach and the current operating paradigm indicates that our solution provides longer duration data collections and a greater number of data collections. Analysis also shows that our proposed solution is robust over a wide array of scenarios.  相似文献   
导弹预警卫星在导弹防御体系中处在最前沿,在导弹的早期预警中起着其他装备无法替代的作用。分析了导弹预警卫星的工作原理与作战流程,从覆盖范围、最大探测距离以及检测概率3个方面对导弹预警卫星的探测能力进行了数学建模,并利用所建模型分析了美国导弹预警卫星的探测能力,为导弹预警卫星的探测能力评估奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
为探讨反舰导弹的近距离机动突防能力,用仿真方法计算了反舰导弹末端作水平蛇形机动和垂直蛇形机动时对近程反导舰炮武器系统的突防概率,以图示方式给出了两种机动周期、两种舰炮射速、多种机动幅值条件下的计算结果.结果表明,短周期大幅度的频繁机动可显著提高反舰导弹的突防能力,且两种蛇形机动的突防效果大致相同;而提高舰炮射速则是削弱...  相似文献   
炮兵实施机动是提高其生存能力与作战能力的重要手段之一,而从集结地域至待机阵地机动阶段由于距离对方近、暴露时间长,是对方毁伤火力种类最为丰富和威胁最大的阶段.以行进中的自行与牵引炮兵连为研究对象,分析了该阶段火箭子母弹攻击时的毁伤概率,计算了相应条件下的毁伤概率值,描述了毁伤概率与航路角、行进速度之间的基本关系和变化规律.  相似文献   
破损潜艇应急起浮操纵控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在建立高压气应急吹除模型的基础上,通过计算机模拟仿真对高压气吹除过程中计算型潜艇应急上浮的主要参数进行计算和分析,给出了艏部破损和舯部破损时操纵安全界限图中的进水限制线,提高了潜艇应急上浮操纵的安全性.  相似文献   
文中依据火箭自导深弹的组成及攻潜过程,建立了相关仿真模型,在典型条件下,分别采用对目标当前点和对目标提前点两种射击策略,利用蒙特卡罗法仿真分析了弹箭分离高度、入水速度、溅落点散布误差和助飞段平均飞行速度等空中段主要指标对发现概率的影响。仿真结果表明:溅落点散布误差和助飞段平均飞行速度对发现概率影响显著,为火箭自导深弹空中段关键指标;溅落点散布误差控制在200m以内,助飞段平均飞行速度高于250m/s时,具有较高的发现概率。  相似文献   
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