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研究了LDPC编码在MIMO-OFDM系统中的应用,提出了基于LDPC编码的MIMO-OFDM系统的一种改进判决反馈信道估计算法,该算法一方面利用多步预测和干扰对消技术改进了判决反馈算法的精度,另一方面利用空时解码后的序列和LDPC译码后的序列进行了两级反馈信道估计。该算法在利用LDPC码优异的低误码性能改善信道估计精度的同时,有效地改进了LDPC帧过长导致时变信道条件下的信道估计不精确的问题。  相似文献   
The aim of this articles is to study the asymptotic behavior of two imperfect repair models, called Arithmetic Reduction of Intensity and Arithmetic Reduction of Age models. These models have been proposed by Doyen and Gaudoin (Reliab Eng Syst Safe 84 (2004) 45–56) and include many usual virtual age models. First, it is proved that the failure intensity of these models is asymptotically almost surely equivalent to a deterministic increasing function with a cumulative error proportional to a logarithm. Second, the almost sure convergence and asymptotic normality of several estimators of repair efficiency are derived, when the wear‐out process without repair is known. Finally, the coverage rate of the asymptotic confidence intervals issued from those estimators is empirically studied. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
Suppose that failure times are available from a random sample of N systems of a given, fixed design with components which have i.i.d. lifetimes distributed according to a common distribution F. The inverse problem of estimating F from data on observed system lifetimes is considered. Using the known relationship between the system and component lifetime distributions via signature and domination theory, the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator N(t) of the component survival function (t) is identified and shown to be accessible numerically in any application of interest. The asymptotic distribution of N(t) is also identified, facilitating the construction of approximate confidence intervals for (t) for N sufficiently large. Simulation results for samples of size N = 50 and N = 100 for a collection of five parametric lifetime models demonstrate the utility of the recommended estimator. Possible extensions beyond the i.i.d. framework are discussed in the concluding section. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
在悬浮式深弹反鱼雷时,若只能根据声纳兵的经验估计鱼雷距离,如何正确估计鱼雷航向角范围就成为正确布放悬浮式深弹的关键.从直航雷的相遇三角形和尾流鱼雷命中目标条件出发,推导出鱼雷相对舰艇的正常提前角,从而确定鱼雷在被发现点的最大航向角范围,为正确投放悬浮式深弹提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
介绍了基于Simulink的质点外道模型的设计与仿真方法。首先给出了地面直角坐标系下的弹丸质心运动方程组,然后介绍如何采用Simulink建立系统的仿真模型并进行仿真计算。仿真方法具有模型设计过程简单、修改容易和结果直观等特点,可以应用到刚体弹道、火箭弹道及控制弹道等模型的仿真。  相似文献   
针对寿命周期费用估算和分析时存在的费用不确定性,需要对关键参数进行敏感度分析,否则会影响到结果的正确性.通过分析引起费用不确定性的因素,阐述了敏感度分析的内涵和分析步聚.为了验证该方法,举出示例加以说明.认为:敏感度分析的费用估算与分析中的运用,将对合理决策产生重要作用.  相似文献   
The Signal‐to‐Interference‐plus‐Noise Ratio (SINR) is an important metric of wireless communication link quality. SINR estimates have several important applications. These include optimizing the transmit power level for a target quality of service, assisting with handoff decisions and dynamically adapting the data rate for wireless Internet applications. Accurate SINR estimation provides for both a more efficient system and a higher user‐perceived quality of service. In this paper, we develop new SINR estimators and compare their mean squared error (MSE) performance. We show that our new estimators dominate estimators that have previously appeared in the literature with respect to MSE. The sequence of transmitted bits in wireless communication systems consists of both pilot bits (which are known both to the transmitter and receiver) and user bits (which are known only by the transmitter). The SINR estimators we consider alternatively depend exclusively on pilot bits, exclusively on user bits, or simultaneously use both pilot and user bits. In addition, we consider estimators that utilize smoothing and feedback mechanisms. Smoothed estimators are motivated by the fact that the interference component of the SINR changes relatively slowly with time, typically with the addition or departure of a user to the system. Feedback estimators are motivated by the fact that receivers typically decode bits correctly with a very high probability, and therefore user bits can be thought of as quasipilot bits. For each estimator discussed, we derive an exact or approximate formula for its MSE. Satterthwaite approximations, noncentral F distributions (singly and doubly) and distribution theory of quadratic forms are the key statistical tools used in developing the MSE formulas. In the case of approximate MSE formulas, we validate their accuracy using simulation techniques. The approximate MSE formulas, of interest in their own right for comparing the quality of the estimators, are also used for optimally combining estimators. In particular, we derive optimal weights for linearly combining an estimator based on pilot bits with an estimator based on user bits. The optimal weights depend on the MSE of the two estimators being combined, and thus the accurate approximate MSE formulas can conveniently be used. The optimal weights also depend on the unknown SINR, and therefore need to be estimated in order to construct a useable combined estimator. The impact on the MSE of the combined estimator due to estimating the weights is examined. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
在多元先验信息条件下,运用Bayes理论讨论问题时,必然会遇到先验信息融合问题.文中提出了几种简化形式,并针对产品失效率的多个先验信息情形,结合实例与熵度量的拟合优度说明了该方法的合理性.  相似文献   
AHP法改进及其在目标威胁等级评估中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目标威胁等级评估有利于合理分配战场资源,进行科学的攻防决策,既能更好保存自己,又可有打击敌人。应用模糊综合评判和成对比较法构造判断矩阵,改进了层次分析法(AHP法),提高了判断矩阵的准确性和科学性。采用改进后的AHP法评估威胁水下潜艇生存的海面和水下目标,得到了目标威胁的量化结果。改进后的AHP法可用于其它类型目标的威胁等级评估,为进一步提高评估的准确性,模糊综合评判时专家评分权值可取不同值,但判断矩阵的特性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
对加强公安边防群众工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强公安边防群众工作对维护沿边沿海地区社会稳定,推进新时期公安边防工作具有重要意义。从主、客观两方面分析了当前公安边防群众工作中存在的问题,提出公安边防群众工作要坚持为现实斗争服务、为打造服务型机关服务的原则,消除四个误区,提高专业化、信息化和社会化水平,加强保障机制、考核评估机制、奖惩激励机制和监督制约机制建设,推动公安边防群众工作深入开展。  相似文献   
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