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针对BSC信道,提出了一种线性分组码的最大似然译码差错概率下界的计算方法.根据最大似然译码算法原理,首先将译码差错概率转化为差错事件的联合概率,基于改进的Dawson-Sankoff界的优化准则,推导出BSC信道下线性分组码差错冗余事件的判决准则,最后得到差错概率下界的计算表达式.该下界只依赖于码字的Hamming重量...  相似文献   
以车电系统总线为研究对象,以网络演算理论为数学工具,提出一种基于网络演算理论的车电系统总线的最大时延计算模型.通过仿真实验得到了车电系统总线中各个信息帧的到达曲线、高优先级的信息帧集合的到达曲线、服务曲线和最大时延的数值结果.与相关研究相比,所建模型输入参数少,计算量小,可以快速求解车电系统总线的最大时延,具有良好的适应性和通用性,可以作为车电系统总线分析、设计与优化的理论支持工具.  相似文献   
通过对出现脱靶弹情况下的散布特征参数估计方法的研究 ,建立了正态双边截尾样本均值和方差估计数学模型 ,并给出了数值计算方法 ,为坦克火控系统首发命中概率试验脱靶弹数据处理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
A system reliability is often evaluated by individual tests of components that constitute the system. These component test plans have advantages over complete system based tests in terms of time and cost. In this paper, we consider the series system with n components, where the lifetime of the i‐th component follows exponential distribution with parameter λi. Assuming test costs for the components are different, we develop an efficient algorithm to design a two‐stage component test plan that satisfies the usual probability requirements on the system reliability and in addition minimizes the maximum expected cost. For the case of prior information in the form of upper bounds on λi's, we use the genetic algorithm to solve the associated optimization problems which are otherwise difficult to solve using mathematical programming techniques. The two‐stage component test plans are cost effective compared to single‐stage plans developed by Rajgopal and Mazumdar. We demonstrate through several numerical examples that our approach has the potential to reduce the overall testing costs significantly. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 95–116, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.1051  相似文献   
For various parameter combinations, the logistic–exponential survival distribution belongs to four common classes of survival distributions: increasing failure rate, decreasing failure rate, bathtub‐shaped failure rate, and upside‐down bathtub‐shaped failure rate. Graphical comparison of this new distribution with other common survival distributions is seen in a plot of the skewness versus the coefficient of variation. The distribution can be used as a survival model or as a device to determine the distribution class from which a particular data set is drawn. As the three‐parameter version is less mathematically tractable, our major results concern the two‐parameter version. Boundaries for the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters are derived in this article. Also, a fixed‐point method to find the maximum likelihood estimators for complete and censored data sets has been developed. The two‐parameter and the three‐parameter versions of the logistic–exponential distribution are applied to two real‐life data sets. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
依据白噪声小波变换性态与信号奇异性相比具有显著不同的特点,在大尺度下设置阈值,去掉噪声信号而保留图像细节信号引起的模极大值点。在阈值设置问题上,采用自适应阈值的方法,克服单一阈值不能在每级尺度上将信号与噪声作最大分离的缺点。实验表明,与单一阈值去噪方法相比,该方法不仅可以保留图像边缘信息,而且能提高去噪后图像的峰值信噪比2~5 dB。  相似文献   
针对差速式、独立式2类转向机构,分别给出了不计和计及履带接地段打滑条件下最大循环功率及相应的相对转向半径的计算方法,定量讨论了不计和计及履带接地段打滑时循环功率的差别。在示例给定的计算条件下计算结果表明,计及履带接地段打滑时循环功率较不计打滑时小约20%。实车试验结果证实:考虑履带接地段打滑计算的循环功率同实际值更接近,在分析循环功率时不能忽略履带接地段的打滑。  相似文献   
本文在讨论人体静电定义的基础上,分析各国报导人体静电极端值差异的原因,经理论分析和实验验证,给出人体静电电位的取值范围:10~(-2)~10~5V,并证明人体静电极端值60kV 是可信的.  相似文献   
Bayes估计法是可靠性评估中应用最为广泛的方法之一,指数分布的Bayes验前概率密度函数中的重要参数主要依靠Reformulation法和Box-Tiao法确定,具有较强的主观经验性。基于Beyes估计的基本思想,以试验数据为依据,利用第二类极大似然估计法(ML-Ⅱ估计法)确定Bayes方法中的相关参数,避免了参数确定的主观性。实例表明结果合理,方法客观、可行。  相似文献   
将导弹的突防-拦截问题简化到某一平面上,基于此问题的非线性模型,确定了以突防导弹侧向机动为输入,拦截导弹脱靶量为输出的非线性状态方程.针对所研究问题的最优控制类型,构造了系统的Hamilton函数,并通过极大值原理,研究了在平面内导弹机动能力一定的情况下最优规避机动方式.对于简化后的系统线性模型,以机动方式的基波分量为输入,用伴随系统分析方法,通过拦截导弹脱靶量的稳态解,计算了最优的机动频率.  相似文献   
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