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减速伞拉出时间是描述低空低阻伞弹弹道特性的重要参数之一,在研究某低空低阻伞弹投弹表编拟方法时发现,拉出时间的测试数据有较大误差,制约着其它弹道参数的正确确定和投弹表的编制精度。笔者利用实测坐标数的差分特性对实测拉出时间进行了修正,该方法有利于提高投弹表编制精度和改进拉出时间的测试手段。  相似文献   
论述了舰载跟踪雷达捕获概率的分析与计算方法,给出了影响跟踪雷达照准概率的误差环节,并对搜索雷达稳定平台的隔离剩余误差作了较详尽的分析。  相似文献   
提出了通信装备系统间互扰评估的一种低计算复杂度分析方法。比特差错概率是对数字通信接收机性能进行评估的重要指标,而由比特差错概率(BEP)表征的系统间互扰的情况计算非常复杂,因此需要合理简化。通常假设干扰为加性高斯白噪声,但有些情况下这种假设并不合理。而使用高阶统计量峰度值来估计的方法可以处理调制干扰信号也可以处理脉冲干扰信号,综合了加性高斯白噪声近似和峰度测量以达到对数字通信设备间互扰分析更合理精确。  相似文献   
设计一新颖的光纤环路作为光带通滤波器,它由3dB定向耦合器和光纤光栅构成,并用传输矩阵方法对其输入、输出特性进行了理论分析,表明是一种性能优异的带通滤波器,在光通信等领域有着良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
运动目标轨迹分类与识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动目标轨迹识别是运动分析中的基本问题,其目的是解释所监视场景中发生的事件,对所监视场景中运动目标轨迹的行为模式进行分析与识别,智能地做出自动分类.对轨迹有效性判断后采用K均值聚类,引入改进的隐马尔可夫模型算法,针对轨迹的复杂程度对各个轨迹模式类建立相应的隐马尔可夫模型,利用训练样本训练模型得到可靠的模型参数,计算测试样本对于各个模型的最大似然概率,选取最大概率值对应的轨迹模式类作为轨迹识别的结果,对两种场景中聚类后的轨迹进行训练与识别,平均识别率较高,实验结果表明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   
为提高X射线脉冲星导航定轨精度,依据脉冲星导航原理,建立了X射线脉冲星自主导航系统的状态方程和观测方程,提出用强跟踪扩展Kalman滤波(Strong Tracking Extended Kalman Filter,STEKF)替代扩展Kalman滤波,并对3颗脉冲星卫星运行的位置和速度估计进行了仿真实验。仿真结果表明:STEKF具有使滤波器能够自适应地校正估计偏差并迅速跟踪状态变化的能力,有效地提高了卫星运动状态的估计精度和数值稳定性。  相似文献   
Mean residual life is a useful dynamic characteristic to study reliability of a system. It has been widely considered in the literature not only for single unit systems but also for coherent systems. This article is concerned with the study of mean residual life for a coherent system that consists of multiple types of dependent components. In particular, the survival signature based generalized mixture representation is obtained for the survival function of a coherent system and it is used to evaluate the mean residual life function. Furthermore, two mean residual life functions under different conditional events on components’ lifetimes are also defined and studied.  相似文献   
Although the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is seen as a novel manifestation of Islamic extremism, it is in fact the latest, albeit perhaps the most effective, of a long line of revivalist movements in the Islamic and the Arab worlds. Its motivations – hisba and jihad – differ little from its predecessors and its ambitions – to create a state organised in accordance with the precepts of the Islamic caliphate – reflect a long-standing Islamic ambition. It differs, of course, in terms of the sophistication of its political and military strategies, which mirror the contemporary complexities of the world in which it operates, but its objectives recall long-standing Islamic ideals, even if articulated in radically brutal and extremist ways. More importantly, perhaps, ISIS or Da’ish, to give it its Arabic sobriquet, reflects the enormous degree of resentment inside the Middle East at the ways in which Western powers have intervened in regional affairs over recent years, particularly their support for regimes and economic systems there that have betrayed, in the popular imaginary, the essential principles of social justice that lie at the root of Islamic vision of ideal social order. Indeed, in many respects, its analysis of the world in which it operates and of the objectives it seeks differ little in essence from those any other resistance and rejectionist movement, whether religious or sectarian. More specifically, it has been the sectarian conflict that resulted from the reversal of political order in Iraq as a result of the 2003 American-led invasion that has driven the success of the movement in capturing widespread Sunni support. Whether it can manage the complexities of the administration of a state remains open to question.  相似文献   
以BLUE算法和GDOP为基本定位算法和精度分析工具,评估多基地雷达的定位性能,建立以GDOP最小值最小和有效监控区最大为目标的多基地雷达布站优化模型.仿真结果表明,通过以下措施可提高定位性能:①增加收发站总数;②采取扇形方式布站;③优先增加部署接收站;④交替部署收发站;⑤通过优化模型优化扇形布站分布角总和.  相似文献   
面向容侵的秘密共享系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对Intemet服务器间安全连接所使用的会话密钥面临的威胁,利用秘密共享理论,结合Shamir有限域Zp中的多项式方程,提出面向容侵的(w,t)丁限设计方案.此方案是将会话密钥K分成W个子密钥,并秘密存储在不同的共享服务器中,若恢复会话密钥K,只需W个子密钥中的t个子密钥.而入侵者得到t个子密钥要比得到一个会话密钥更难,因此系统具有一定容侵功能,以保证会话密钥的安全.从结构、协议工作和特点等方面加以描述,并对安全性作了分析.初步建立了基于(w,t)秘密共享理论的网络容侵模型.  相似文献   
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