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GPS初始整周模糊度的求解是利用载波相位进行测量时的关键问题,采用了对系数矩阵进行QR分解的方法,用以降低矩阵的维数。模糊度搜索时,针对Z变换可能会引入多余误差,采用了对称三角分解法对协方差矩阵进行去相关处理。实验与仿真结果表明,定位误差在0.5 cm以内,方位角和仰角误差在0.1°以内。  相似文献   
为治理日趋严重的医院供配电系统谐波污染,需要深入了解医院谐波分布。利用FLUKE 43B对某医院进行现场谐波测试,基于所得数据重点分析了医院供配电系统谐波污染和谐波源分布情况,根据医院谐波污染特点总结了治理方法。结果表明:医院供配电系统存在严重的谐波污染。被测量医院设备先进,种类齐全,测试所得数据具有较强的代表性,可为医院供配电系统谐波研究、谐波治理和滤波设备选择提供基础数据参考。  相似文献   
We develop the first approximation algorithm with worst‐case performance guarantee for capacitated stochastic periodic‐review inventory systems with setup costs. The structure of the optimal control policy for such systems is extremely complicated, and indeed, only some partial characterization is available. Thus, finding provably near‐optimal control policies has been an open challenge. In this article, we construct computationally efficient approximate optimal policies for these systems whose demands can be nonstationary and/or correlated over time, and show that these policies have a worst‐case performance guarantee of 4. We demonstrate through extensive numerical studies that the policies empirically perform well, and they are significantly better than the theoretical worst‐case guarantees. We also extend the analyses and results to the case with batch ordering constraints, where the order size has to be an integer multiple of a base load. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 304–319, 2014  相似文献   
飞行器飞行试验任务中,发射零点T0是整个测控系统启动运行的基准点,是保证测控系统有条不紊正常工作的关键因素。特别是执行多个测控目标连射飞行试验任务,多个发射零点的正确处理更是关乎试验任务的成败。在分析发射零点形成机制基础上,对发射零点在指控系统实时测控软件中的处理方法进行了研究,提出了一种实时测控软件重启后重新获得多测控目标正确发射零点的应急处理方法,解决了试验过程中一旦实时测控软件因重大软件故障导致初始发射零点丢失的问题,保障了试验任务的顺利进行。  相似文献   
发射率是测量红外辐射特性中的重要参数,直接影响测量的精度。在传统的能量法测发射率的基础上进行改进,利用红外辐射计MR170测量目标的光谱辐射亮度并在同一温度相同波段下建立一标准黑体模型,对目标光谱发射率进行求解。实验验证该方法可以获得满意的测量结果。对实验求取的光谱发射率进行误差分析,结果显示误差小于3%。  相似文献   
介绍了以8031单片机为控制核心,由传感器、放大器、微型打印机及数据采集自动启动电路构成的阻力测量系统。它装在水池小型拖车上,能自动启动阻力测量,自动计算及打印结果,具有体积小、重量轻、自动化程度高、精度好等特点,有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   
本文在收集众多的转速测量方案的基础上,提出由光电反射式传感器或霍尔传感器与8098单片机构成一套可在坦克上应用的智能化转速测试系统,并进行了电路硬件设计和软件编制.  相似文献   
We consider a firm which faces a Poisson customer demand and uses a base‐stock policy to replenish its inventories from an outside supplier with a fixed lead time. The firm can use a preorder strategy which allows the customers to place their orders before their actual need. The time from a customer's order until the date a product is actually needed is called commitment lead time. The firm pays a commitment cost which is strictly increasing and convex in the length of the commitment lead time. For such a system, we prove the optimality of bang‐bang and all‐or‐nothing policies for the commitment lead time and the base‐stock policy, respectively. We study the case where the commitment cost is linear in the length of the commitment lead time in detail. We show that there exists a unit commitment cost threshold which dictates the optimality of either a buy‐to‐order (BTO) or a buy‐to‐stock strategy. The unit commitment cost threshold is increasing in the unit holding and backordering costs and decreasing in the mean lead time demand. We determine the conditions on the unit commitment cost for profitability of the BTO strategy and study the case with a compound Poisson customer demand.  相似文献   
无模糊长基线干涉仪测角的设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首先介绍了被动雷达导引头干涉仪测角的特点,分析了干涉仪测角模糊的机理,进而提出了一种新的被动雷达导引头中长基线无模糊干涉仪测角天线系统组成的设计方法,并从数学模型上论证了该方法的合理性和有效性,该方法继承了长基线干涉仪测角精度高的优点,而且具有消除模糊的能力。  相似文献   
BP神经网络的飞机机体研制费用估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种应用人工神经网络预测飞机机体研制费用的方法.该方法利用偏最小二乘法对飞机性能参数进行了主成分提取,用这些主成分作为BP网络的输入变量,建立了一种基于BP神经网络的飞机研制费用的估算模型,应用该模型对典型的飞机机体研制费用进行了预测.预测结果表明,该方法是有效的、可行的.  相似文献   
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