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Annular grooved projectiles (AGPs) have drawn ongoing concerns as an advanced penetrator for their excellent anti-rebound capability in impacting metal plates. They could become embedded solidly in the target surface during low-velocity impact. In this investigation, the firm embedding behavior of AGP was observed by impact experiments. Corresponding numerical simulations provided a better understanding of this process. Experimental and numerical results indicated that the firm embedding behavior of AGP was mainly due to the filling-material in the groove rather than the friction between the projectile and target, unlike traditional shape such as conical projectile. According to observation, firm embedding process can generally be subdivided into four stages: initial-cratering stage, groove-filling stage, filling-material failure stage and rebound vibration stage. Moreover, the damage mechanics of target material around crater was obtained through microscopic tests. A comparison of the cross-sectional figures between the experiment and simulation proved that the analysis and the proposed method were reasonable and feasible, which further demonstrated that the firm embedding behavior has application potential in new concept warheads.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to consider how Algeria's most prized achievement and treasured memory – the FLN's victory over the French in the war of liberation – has helped stimulate and sustain the violence that has blighted the country since independence. It argues that successive governments have propagated a legend of the war that encourages and legitimises rebellion and armed resistance. By celebrating the actions and achievements of a committed band of revolutionaries they have established a precedent whereby it is every citizen's duty to oppose and resist an unjust government. Time and again therefore, insurgent groups like the FFS, MIA, and AIS have justified their actions and won popular support by portraying themselves as the early FLN's natural heir.  相似文献   
为改善第二喉道中的可调中心体机构(简称中心体)在工作状态下的流致振动,根据形状记忆合金(shape memory alloy, SMA)偏置双程驱动原理,设计制作一种能够满足中心体有限安装空间要求的SMA自复位减振装置;采用UMAT接口编制的SMA本构关系子程序实现减振装置最大压紧力的数值分析,数值分析与静态调试试验结果误差约为2.58%;搭建地面减振试验平台,测试SMA自复位减振装置分离和闭合状态下的中心体零部件振动响应。减振试验结果显示:SMA自复位减振装置闭合后,中心体振动响应明显降低,在0~100 Hz频带内,均有明显的减振效果,低频至55 Hz范围内,减振率均大于50%。  相似文献   
动态二进制翻译在实现多源到多目标的程序翻译过程中,为屏蔽不同源平台间的硬件差异引入中间代码,采用内存虚拟策略进行实现,但同时带来中间代码膨胀问题.传统的中间代码优化方法主要采用对冗余指令进行匹配删除的方法.将优化重点聚焦在针对特殊指令匹配的中间表示规则替换上,提出了一种基于中间表示规则替换的二进制翻译中间代码优化方法....  相似文献   
讨论了快擦写存储器典型位元结构及其存储信息原理,详细论述了目前广泛使用的或非和与非两种结构的快擦写存储矩阵的结构组成和工作原理。  相似文献   
为了达到异构多核处理器能直接交叉访问对方的内存地址空间的目的,通过构建统一的三级Cache结构和数据块状态标记方法,并优化Cache块状态的修改算法,提出了异构千核处理器系统的统一内存地址空间访问方法,避免了当前独立式异构计算机系统结构下复制和传输数据块所带来的大量额外访存开销。通过采用部分Rodinia基准测试程序测试,获得了最高9.8倍的系统加速比,最多减少了90%的访存频率。因此,采用该方法能有效减少异构核心间交换数据块所带来的系统开销,提高异构千核处理器的系统性能加速比。  相似文献   
规约与扫描是并行计算中的核心原语,其并行加速至关重要。然而,冯·诺依曼体系结构下无法避免的数据移动使其面临“存储墙”等性能与功耗瓶颈。近来,基于ReRAM等非易失存储器的存算一体架构支持的原位计算可一步实现矩阵-向量乘,已在机器学习与图计算等应用中展现了巨大的潜力。提出面向忆阻器存算一体架构的规约与扫描的并行加速方法,重点阐述基于矩阵-向量乘运算的计算流程和在忆阻器架构上的映射方法,实现软硬件协同设计,降低功耗并提高性能。相比于GPU,所提规约与扫描原语可实现高达两个数量级的加速,平均加速比也可达到两个数量级。分段规约与扫描最大可达到五个(平均四个)数量级的加速,并将功耗降低79%。  相似文献   
布朗运动能够概括一大类物理现象,因此一直受到人们的重视。近年来,计算机模拟和实验的结果都表明,布朗运动具有“记忆”效应。本文试图对布朗运动“记忆”效应构造一个模型。在稳定情况下计算结果表明,微粒位移涨落的二次矩仍与时间间隔t成正比,“记忆”效应表现为流体的粘滞性加大。  相似文献   
基于磁记忆的铁磁性构件定量无损检测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高磁记忆检测结果的稳定性,设计匀速采样系统,并且针对系统的实验结果进行分析。由实验结果得出提离值对系统稳定性的影响较小,扫描速度对检测结果稳定性的影响较大。  相似文献   
基于DRFM的机载PD雷达干扰研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统干扰技术对PD雷达干扰的不足,噪声干扰对干扰机功率要求高,欺骗干扰产生的干扰数目单一,基于当前对抗先进体制雷达的手段——DRFM,对PD雷达干扰进行研究。通过将截获的雷达信号存储、处理,按程序设定的转发间隔重复读出当前采样信号并转发,产生了多个距离欺骗假目标;通过对每次转发干扰进行频率调制,产生了包含距离速度欺骗的一系列假目标;并经过Matable仿真验证了在PD雷达窄带滤波器中,出现多个距离或速度欺骗假目标。并通过仿真验证了干扰的有效性。  相似文献   
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