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把美育纳入社会管理的过程中并确定具体的管理、田野观察点,既可以使审美育人走出学者们的课堂和书斋,解决当前我国美育建设相对势弱问题,又可以使审美育人融入社会管理和人民群众的实践中,提高实践的质量和水平。要以个案来展示影响社会管理发展的某种重要因素、这种因素的张力以及它的存在和发展逻辑,以审美育人的标准和尺度考察社会管理者的行为,群众的感受和所见所闻、所思所想,关注群众现实生活的巨变。最理想的调查方式是选择那些与研究者成长背景完全不同的观察点,会收到最佳的效果,因为这样会避免先入为主的感觉。要特别注意运用相关的理论考察社会管理创新的机理,增强整体关照能力和深刻度。要在悬置经验本位和相关理论假设的前提下得出个案研究的新结论。  相似文献   
目前,创新教育已成为素质教育的核心。课堂教学是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力的主渠道。在课堂教学中应引导、启发学生勤于思考、积极探索、交流合作、勇于实践,逐步培养学生的创新意识,增强学生的动手实践能力,促进学生身心健康发展。在体育教学中,对学生创新精神的培养尤为重要。本文针对目前体育教学中学生创新精神的培养进行分析,以期能够为体育教学改革提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
兵团团场义务教育经费管理问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
兵团团场义务教育经费管理存在公用经费补助标准偏低、覆盖范围过窄、办学成本高、经费配置失衡、团场义务教育投入能力欠缺等问题,通过进一步完善兵团义务教育管理体制、经费投入保障机制、教育资源配置机制和经费监督保障机制,才能够有效解决上述问题,保障兵团团场义务教育经费的合理使用。  相似文献   
We study a stochastic outpatient appointment scheduling problem (SOASP) in which we need to design a schedule and an adaptive rescheduling (i.e., resequencing or declining) policy for a set of patients. Each patient has a known type and associated probability distributions of random service duration and random arrival time. Finding a provably optimal solution to this problem requires solving a multistage stochastic mixed‐integer program (MSMIP) with a schedule optimization problem solved at each stage, determining the optimal rescheduling policy over the various random service durations and arrival times. In recognition that this MSMIP is intractable, we first consider a two‐stage model (TSM) that relaxes the nonanticipativity constraints of MSMIP and so yields a lower bound. Second, we derive a set of valid inequalities to strengthen and improve the solvability of the TSM formulation. Third, we obtain an upper bound for the MSMIP by solving the TSM under the feasible (and easily implementable) appointment order (AO) policy, which requires that patients are served in the order of their scheduled appointments, independent of their actual arrival times. Fourth, we propose a Monte Carlo approach to evaluate the relative gap between the MSMIP upper and lower bounds. Finally, in a series of numerical experiments, we show that these two bounds are very close in a wide range of SOASP instances, demonstrating the near‐optimality of the AO policy. We also identify parameter settings that result in a large gap in between these two bounds. Accordingly, we propose an alternative policy based on neighbor‐swapping. We demonstrate that this alternative policy leads to a much tighter upper bound and significantly shrinks the gap.  相似文献   
涉外型院校实施体育“双语教学”的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会飞速发展的时代,经济的进步促使知识的日新月异,导致教学模式的不断创新。伴随着我国加入WTO,双语教学应运而生.在体育教学中运用双语教学,是体育教学模式的大胆尝试和教学手段的创新.涉外型院校具有实施体育双语教学得天独厚的条件,双语教学的实施具有重要意义,并有可行性。  相似文献   
随着知识经济时代的到来,自主创新能力是经济和社会发展的重要支撑。作为高等学校,担负着培养自主创新能力人才的任务,但是传统的高等教育观念,制约着学生自主创新能力的形成和发展。如何更新高等教育观念,积极探索培养学生自主创新能力的新途径,是每个教育工作者需要认真研究和思考的新课题。  相似文献   
高等教育中的体育教育直接肩负着“增强学生个体体质、促进学生个体健康”的使命,使我们培养的学生不但要掌握现代科学文化知识,还要有良好的身体素质和健康的体魄。而体育锻炼态度和习惯的培养是实现高校体育目标和任务的重要环节。本文通过对新疆省几所重点高校男女学生体育锻炼态度和习惯的调查与比较,从而分析高校男女学生在体育锻炼态度和习惯的差异和联系。为顺利完成高校体育教育的目标和任务,提供研究参考。  相似文献   
In nuclear nonproliferation negotiations, many governments pursue multiple objectives, and changes in policy can occur rapidly—and often unexpectedly. For these reasons, understanding nonproliferation requires empathy and imagination rather than just historical fact. This article considers one teaching tool to encourage such insight—simulations—and demonstrates how teaching and scholarship can interact to improve our understanding of the complex decisions and negotiations involved in nuclear nonproliferation. The article consists of five parts: first, it explains the benefits of simulations as both a policy development tool in Washington and as a teaching tool in universities; second, it describes the pedagogical strategy of the Stanford University simulation program; third, it shows how the simulations have identified and highlighted theoretical and substantive insights that are often neglected in scholarly studies of nonproliferation; and fourth, it describes how students are tested to enhance the learning experience from the simulation. Fifth and finally, the article provides concluding observations about how using simulations in the classroom can help scholars develop insights that improve their understanding of real-world nuclear negotiation dynamics and outcomes.  相似文献   
通过因素分析建立消防员心理健康量表,包括幸福感和快乐感、冲动、抑郁与焦虑、躯体化、社交退缩、信任与自信、孤独、性心理障碍、猜疑、社交攻击10个一级因素,心理幸福和心理痛苦2个二级因素.经检验分析,该量表符合心理测量学标准,适合用于对我国消防员心理健康状况的评定.  相似文献   
为充分利用多导脑电信息,首次提出运用有向传递函数(DTF)方法,对不同中枢疲劳状态下导联间信息流的强度和方向的变化进行分析。研究结果表明,脑电功能耦合中额一到一顶方向的信息流是大脑皮层联系的一个固有特征,可以有效地刻画安静清醒和疲劳两个状态,长时间脑力劳动任务引起中枢疲劳的增加,进而导致整个频率段占优势的信息流的方向发生了反转,信息流占优势的方向从实验前的顶一到一额方向,转变为实验后的额一到一顶方向。  相似文献   
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