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模块化军事素质培养体系的核心和特色是既相对独立又密切联系的6个“模块”;这6个“模块”分别在人才培养的不同阶段实施,达到阶段教育目的,并有机地整合成为一个整体,使人才达到最终的培养目标。  相似文献   
Since the 2003 war in Iraq, private military and security companies (PMSCs) have become increasingly legitimate actors in modern conflicts. Despite this normative shift, rumours in March 2015 regarding the use of South African mercenaries in Nigeria to combat Boko Haram insurgents caused an international outrage, while the Nigerian government remained nonchalantly silent on the matter. This article investigates the impact of mercenaries on the conflict in the last six months of the Jonathan government. Using primary and secondary qualitative research, it assesses the role that PMSCs played in Nigeria’s counterinsurgency strategy, along with the ensuing reaction of international and local media to the outsourcing of violence to foreign companies. The article concludes that – notwithstanding the improved image of PMSCs in the world, and the actual impact of the contractors on the Nigerian counterinsurgency effort – the stigma of mercenaries continues to plague the industry, particularly on the African continent.  相似文献   
How much mileage can we get out of prospect theory to explain foreign policy decision-making? To answer this question, we first argue that risk as outcome uncertainty is the appropriate definition in prospect-theoretical applications. Then, we indicate that probability weighting—a crucial component of prospect theory—is typically ignored in such applications. We argue why this is problematic and suggest how to move forward. Next, we discuss how to establish the reference point in the face of outcomes in multiple dimensions, as is typically the case in foreign policy decision-making. Finally, we discuss what we have learnt regarding prospect theory’s scope conditions and the differences across individuals in the theory’s applicability. Overall, our contribution lies in identifying several underexposed or neglected issues (e.g., the definition of risk and probability weighting), in examining the advancements regarding prospect theory’s scope conditions, and in discussing avenues for further research.  相似文献   
Judging by recent media reporting and pronouncements by senior US military and security officials, the use of drones by militant groups is both reshaping conflict between armed non-state actors and state parties and now presents a grave and direct threat to nations in the West and elsewhere. But does this threat warrant the attention it is currently receiving? To answer this question, this article surveys how various militant groups have used drones both tactically on the battlefield and for wider strategic purposes. Closely examining how drones have been employed and by whom provides a basis for understanding variation in adoption. The article shows how drone usage or non-usage is highly contingent on the setting of the conflict, the aims of different groups, and the capacity of groups to adopt the technology. Though advances in drone technology could make the use-case more appealing for militant groups, drones will be subject to the same back-and-forth, techno-tactical adaptation dynamic between adversaries that have accompanied prior military innovations.  相似文献   
加快形成军民融合创新体系,是习主席在十二届全国人大五次会议解放军代表团全体会议上提出的重大战略思想。建立军民融合创新体系,是顺应军民科技发展新形势的必然抉择,是夯实科技兴军物质基础的内在要求、提升国家创新能力的重大举措、推动创新文化形成的有效途径,也是推进供给侧结构性改革的现实需求。加快形成军民融合创新体系,反映了现代战斗力和生产力生成的规律,体现了统筹国家安全和发展全局的内在要求,为深入实施军民融合发展战略、开创强军兴国新局面指明了方向,具有重大意义。  相似文献   
为了定量评价和探索提高网络中心战中的战场感知能力的途径,针对网络中心战的特点,运用集合论、信息论、图论等理论研究了战场感知能力的量化问题。首先分析了影响战场感知能力的主要因素及其作用,然后对主要因素进行了量化建模,提出了传感器对指控节点的信息量贡献模型以及指控节点之间的信息量贡献模型,建立了指控网战场感知能力量化计算模型,最后通过仿真,验证了模型的有效性,说明了提高指控网战场感知能力的有效途径。  相似文献   
陆军武器装备综合集成体系的系统效能评估是体系建设的的重要内容.给出了基于ADC方法研究的陆军武器装备综合集成体系的可用性和可信性定量评估模型,并结合应用示例评估了两种作战模式下某防空系统的作战能力和系统效能,通过评估结果的比较分析,验证了所建模型的有效性。  相似文献   
文中介绍了军用通信网接入层的组建原则,通过比较目前几种不同的接入技术,说明了多业务接入平台(MSAP)的技术特点和优势,提出了以MSAP作为军用通信网接入层的解决方案,并给出了采用MSAP组网的网络示意图。最后采用CPU+ASIC+FPGA这种典型的通信系统硬件架构,分析了MSAP的软硬件联合实现。  相似文献   
马克思主义理论课是高校进行马克思主义理论教育,培养大学生树立科学世界观、人生观的重要内容。如何提高教学效果和教学质量是每个教师的不懈追求。在教学实践中,把教师讲述和学生讨论结合起来,突出课堂讨论在教学过程中的作用,对提高学生学习主动性、积极性及理论素养,改善教学效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   
学风是学生群体在学习活动中表现出来的精神风貌,包括正确的学习目的、严谨的治学态度、求实创新的精神、浓厚的学习氛围和浓郁的文化环境。战士学员厌学现象,妨碍院校教育终极目标的实现,必须引起高度关注。  相似文献   
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