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This paper investigates the feasibility of using an active dynamic vibration absorber (ADVA) for active vibration control of a flexible missile system through simulation. Based on the principles of a dynamic vibration absorber (DVA), a ring-type ADVA is first designed to attenuate the elastic vibration of the flexible missile, and the design of the active controller adopts the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control algorithm. The motion equations of a flexible missile with an ADVA, which is subjected to follower thrust at its aft end, are derived using the Lagrangian approach. Taking the minimum of the root mean square (RMS) of the lateral displacement response of the center of mass as the objective function, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the parameter of the DVA and PID controller. The numerical calculations show that the ADVA and DVA are effective in suppressing the vibration and provide approximately 41.2% and 17.6% improvement, respectively, compared with the case of no DVA. The ADVA has better performance than the DVA. When the missile is subjected to follower thrust, the effect of vibration reduction is more effective than the case without follower thrust. It is feasible to reduce vibration and improve the stability of flexible missiles by means of the ADVA.  相似文献   
有源干扰条件下防空导弹单发命中概率统计模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了典型有源干扰对地空导弹防空各个过程的干扰方式和作用机理,建立了一种地空导弹射击有电子掩护的目标的单发命中概率统计模型.  相似文献   
根据水面舰船机动对其辐射噪声和反射强度的影响,首先建立了水面舰船与声自导鱼雷规避机动对抗的数学模型,然后采用Monte-Carlo法,计算水面舰船不同规避机动方法的生存概率,并分析了水面舰船转向、加速对其生存概率的影响,最后,得出水面舰船对声自导鱼雷防御的最优规避机动方法.提出的规避机动方法对水面舰船水下防御系统研究,具有十分重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
海军舰载导弹防空系统信息作战方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信息与火力是海军舰载导弹防空系统研究的核心问题,运用信息作战原理,在给定攻击战机的条件下,对舰载导弹防空系统的信息与火力联合作战能力的分析表明:与提高作战安全性的隐形战机相比,军事诱骗战术更易降低舰载导弹防空系统的火力防御能力.火力对作战能力的贡献约为信息的4倍.根据这一结论,可以为海军舰载导弹防空系统开发出基于信息作战原理的新战法,全面提高指战员在实战中把握信息与火力的运用规律、实施信息作战、做出科学决策和夺取战场胜利的能力.  相似文献   
双机合作下的远程空空导弹攻击技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了双机合作条件下远程空空导弹的攻击技术.首先描述了双机合作下时间对准的方法和数据延时的处理,然后给出了空间对准的具体坐标转换公式,最后以基准制导坐标系为基础建立了无线电修正指令的矢量图,用矢量方程法推导了无线电修正指令的形成过程.  相似文献   
航母舰载机对空防御作战出航保障指挥决策建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Agent的航母舰载机对空防御作战出航保障指挥决策系统,由数据部分和Agent组织部分组成.前者又含数据库、模型库、知识库、相关管理系统和MIS.后者包括五大决策Agent,通过界面Agent与用户进行交互,而与数据部分的交互则由DB监理Agent统一完成.对于系统内决策Agent的设计,可首先针对五大决策Agent的模板进行设计,再对其功能层进行实例化.  相似文献   
指令时延对舰空导弹中末制导交班误差影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从目标作直线飞行和机动飞行两种情况出发,建立相应的舰空导弹中末制导交班时的导引头指向误差模型和导弹速度矢量指向误差模型,指出了相应的误差修正方法,进行了仿真计算,并分析了计算结果.仿真结果验证了上述模型的正确性.  相似文献   
某型装甲车载反坦克导弹系统的发射制导装置,集光、机、电多种技术于一体,技术状态易受装载、运输等因素的影响。在导弹射击前,一般应在现场对发射制导装置进行快速检测以确定其技术状态。为了解决现场快速检测问题,分析了该型导弹系统发射制导装置的结构和技术特点,确定了现场快速检测的内容:用点光源的电视图像检测两个光轴不平度;用电压比较法检测点火电压和点火程序正确性;用指令频率变化检测控制指令正确性。开发了适于现场快速检测的装置,为部队射击保障提供了一种决策支持方法。  相似文献   
从现有的拦截排序准则出发,根据实际作战中进袭目标的特点,应用现代排序理论,分别建立了动态目标拦截排序模型和总损失最小化模型,给出相应的求解算法。最后实例计算得出模型既体现了现有的拦截准则,又对现有的准则进行了推广。  相似文献   
AirSea Battle (ASB) has generated significant publicity, controversy, and debate among scholars, analysts, commentators, and observers of US defense strategy. However, a research gap exists concerning formal analysis of the impact of the operational concept on the relationship between the US Air Force (USAF) and the US Navy (USN). The impact of the ASB operational concept on the USAF–USN relationship is examined across the issue areas of strategy, budgets, weapons procurement, and training. These four issue areas represent important areas of historical conflict and competition between the Air Force and Navy. The conclusion is that ASB is ushering in a new era of Air Force–Navy partnership that advances the inter-service dynamic from “jointness” toward integration. The emergent USAF–USN partnership therefore represents a significant development in US defense politics and defense strategy.  相似文献   
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