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We study the optimal contracting problem between two firms collaborating on capacity investment with information asymmetry. Without a contract, system efficiency is lost due to the profit‐margin differentials among the firms, demand uncertainty, and information asymmetry. With information asymmetry, we demonstrate that the optimal capacity level is characterized by a newsvendor formula with an upward‐adjusted capacity investment cost, and no first‐best solution can be achieved. Our analysis shows that system efficiency can always be improved by the optimal contract and the improvement in system efficience is due to two factors. While the optimal contract may bring the system's capacity level closer to the first‐best capacity level, it prevents the higher‐margin firm from overinvesting and aligns the capacity‐investment decisions of the two firms. Our analysis of a special case demonstrates that, under some circumstances, both firms can benefit from the principal having better information about the agent's costs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 54:, 2007  相似文献   
We consider a manufacturer (i.e., a capacitated supplier) that produces to stock and has two classes of customers. The primary customer places orders at regular intervals of time for a random quantity, while the secondary customers request a single item at random times. At a predetermined time the manufacturer receives advance demand information regarding the order size of the primary customer. If the manufacturer is not able to fill the primary customer's demand, there is a penalty. On the other hand, serving the secondary customers results in additional profit; however, the manufacturer can refuse to serve the secondary customers in order to reserve inventory for the primary customer. We characterize the manufacturer's optimal production and stock reservation policies that maximize the manufacturer's discounted profit and the average profit per unit time. We show that these policies are threshold‐type policies, and these thresholds are monotone with respect to the primary customer's order size. Using a numerical study we provide insights into how the value of information is affected by the relative demand size of the primary and secondary customers. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
采用进化计算思想研制机器学习实际系统,利用隐含并行机制及并行规则触发策略实现多目标优化技术。针对航天员模拟训练评分标准具体任务,采取灵活的多层次动态编码方案,建立多种简洁且完备的进化操作。利用信度分配组桶策略实现竞争机制,依赖进化算法搜索、发现并选择适当规则,引入启发知识产生缺省规则层次以实现多种隐式目标。设计并实现了遗传进化机器学习系统GEML-1,该系统具有良好的鲁棒性和柔顺性。本文的遗传进化机器学习方法,可推广应用于各种军用专家系统和军事决策支持系统的研制,从而为人工智能在军事上的应用提供新的设计方法和实现途径。  相似文献   
为了适应嵌入式定制微处理器的开发的需要 ,克服现有微处理器仿真工具的某些不足 ,文中介绍了微处理器的仿真验证工具———VCPU的设计和实现方法。同其它微处理器仿真工具相比 ,该工具具有多层次 ,可配置 ,功能全面的特点。利用该工具 ,设计者可在设计早期进行系统集成验证 ,缩短设计周期并减少设计错误。该工具已经在嵌入式微处理器开发过程中得到成功应用  相似文献   
进化计算在机器人轨迹规划中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了采用进化计算思想研制的机器人轨迹规划系统RTP-1,提出多层次动态结构化编码方案,利用低中高三层进化算法分别优化距离、路径和关节角度偏差,基于多层综合优化策略解决多目标多约束工程优化问题,建立了次序相关问题求解的通用框架。在进化算法中,利用拉马克效应加快轨迹规划速度,在RM-501机械手上实现的任意空间直线和空间曲线轨迹规划具有良好的鲁棒性,规划轨迹的相邻臂构型间具有良好的柔顺性,规划轨迹的臂构型序列具有良好的平滑性。本文所采用的机器人轨迹规划方法具有通用性,可推广应用于各种动力学系统的研制。  相似文献   
随着计算机应用向分布和异构发展,如何建立一个具有良好性能价格比的分布式多机联合计算系统是当前计算机应用开发者遇到的重要课题。文中结合分布式仿真应用实例,对多计算机联合计算的系统划分、数据通讯机制和高性能并行计算问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
针对多体结构中连接部位带来的运动不连续问题 ,提出了将连接部件不作节点处理而作单元看待的设想。从力学基本原理出发推导了单元的刚度矩阵与阻尼矩阵 ,并由拉格朗日方程推导了这种单元的平衡方程  相似文献   
能力是规范Agent的一个重要抽象概念。本文提出了规划树概念以刻划在动态、不确定的多A-gent系统中Agent如何通过对其规划进行合理、有效的组织来实现其任务、维护某些条件。基于规划树概念,本文给出了能力概念的形式化语义定义,获取和描述了它的一些重要属性。  相似文献   
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