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Although India is a major importer of defence equipment, it has also been manufacturing defence equipment for some of its needs. The Government of India’s ambitious ‘Make in India’ initiative for the defence sector aims to achieve self reliance in defence equipment production. This essay explores the opportunities for bilateral arms trade between India and Africa, as a new facet of India-Africa defence cooperation. It covers India’s arms export policy, policy reforms in India’s defence sector, and the opportunities for Indian and African defence markets.  相似文献   
提出一种适用于探雷声纳图像的疑似水雷目标扫描分割方法。该方法以图像区域生长法为基础,根据探雷声纳的成像原理及水雷目标的图像特性,对区域生长法中的参数做了特别设定,分搜索和定位两步对图像中疑似目标进行扫描分割,讨论了搜索和定位两种扫描窗口的尺寸及扫描方法。将该方法应用于实际探雷声纳图像,可得到符合预定信混比要求的疑似目标区域,为基于探雷声纳图像的水雷自动判别奠定了基础。  相似文献   
李辉  蔡敏  谈亮 《火力与指挥控制》2012,37(2):144-146,150
针对粒子群算法易陷入局部极小的缺陷,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化算法,并将改进后的算法应用到RBF神经网络核函数参数的选取中。依照文中提出的编码方式、迭代公式和适应度函数,在全局空间中搜索具有最优适应值的参数向量。实例仿真表明,基于改进粒子群算法优化的RBF神经网络不仅收敛速度快,且误差精度高。  相似文献   
针对舰载预警直升机对海搜索存在的问题,以提高舰载预警直升机对海搜索的隐蔽性与安全性为目标,结合舰载无人机被动探测区的特点,提出了舰载预警直升机机载雷达断续主动搜索与舰载无人机“Z”字形航线被动搜索相结合的协同对海搜索方式与策略,并给出了舰载预警直升机断续搜索周期计算模型及舰载无人机“Z”字形航线要素计算模型,通过仿真计算,验证了该协同方式的有效性,为舰载无人机与舰载预警直升机协同对海搜索提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   
航空反潜时,无人机代替有人机对浮标阵进行监听是无人机在未来战场上的重要应用之一。以无人机独立执行监听浮标阵任务为背景,在对应召搜潜时浮标阵的布设进行分析并提出无人机航路的代价函数后,根据浮标阵的特点,规划出了单圆浮标阵监听方案,并对所规划航路的技术指标进行了研究。最后,通过仿真对此方案进行了验证,仿真结果表明方案可行,对今后无人机监听浮标阵的实际应用提供了理论决策依据。  相似文献   
中国和巴基斯坦是社会制度和意识形态完全不同的两个国家,但是自1951年正式建立外交关系的50多年来,两国之间发展起来的睦邻友好"全天候和全方位"的国家关系堪称世界上双边关系的典范。中巴友好关系的存在有力的支撑了南亚地缘政治格局的安全与稳定,其中,中巴军事技术合作又是这一友好关系中极为重要的一个侧面。通过分析中巴军事技术合作的背景、历史和现状,可以有效的了解南亚地缘政治格局的复杂性以及我国在其中的核心战略利益所在。文章分为三个部分:第一部分分析中巴友好的地缘政治因素和历史原因;第二部分分析中巴军事技术合作的历史、现状以及其在中巴关系起到的重要作用;第三部分在前几部分的基础上,对中巴军事技术合作中存在的一些不足之处提出看法并对未来进行展望。  相似文献   
In the Post-Bipolar Era the growing complexity of the military operations requires a new approach for the resolution of international crises. Since the end of the Cold War, peace support operations (PSO) have become the mainstay and principal occupation of most Western armies. At the same time, Italy has been one of the most important actors in such an area. The article focuses on the cooperation between military and civil components (a process called CIMIC) as a key variable in the Italian PSOs. We will analyse in detail the main lessons learned from past military interventions as well as the general context in which new tendencies are taking place. The maintaining of a minimum security frame becomes essential to fulfil activities ‘collateral’ to the mission: reconstructing services and infrastructure, food distribution, water and medication, law and order, de-mining, training of local forces, and supporting local institutions. These are the main tasks to obtain thrust and support from the population.  相似文献   

While nuclear suppliers compete in markets, they simultaneously partner in other fields. This produces a delicate relationship between civilian nuclear programs and nuclear weapon proliferation. This study explores how export competition affects suppliers’ conditions of supply related to nuclear nonproliferation. We investigated three export cases (India, North Korea, and South Korea) and identified four effects that competition has on the conditions of supply related to nonproliferation. First, under highly competitive conditions, suppliers might hesitate to enforce the conditions of supply to avoid negotiation conflicts with recipients. Second, suppliers focus on politically and economically attractive recipients while mostly ignoring unattractive ones, perhaps allowing proliferation problems to fester out of view in marginal states. Third, suppliers can build consensus on the conditions of supply to avoid being the only party experiencing negotiation conflicts. Fourth, suppliers can constrain others from relaxing the conditions of supply to maintain economic benefits and nonproliferation norms. The first two effects accelerate proliferation while the last two promote nonproliferation. Although the extent of these effects can vary with changes in nonproliferation norms, they can contribute to our understanding of the relationship between nonproliferation and civilian nuclear programs.  相似文献   
在对潜搜索中,针对搜索兵力武器装备战技性能的优劣、指挥人员的军政素质的高低、水文气象条件的好坏等因素均会随着时间的推移而发生变化的特点,为了取得最佳的搜潜效果,需要根据时间变化给不同的作战单元分派不同的作战任务.将整数规划与灰色模型相结合,建立了对潜搜索的灰色整数规划模型,给出了检验方法和求解步骤,并举例分析说明.经验证,该模型精度等级较高,且能使各作战单元的搜索效率达到最佳,因此,可资对潜搜索兵力分配时借鉴.  相似文献   
陆战Agent是陆军作战复杂系统ABMS核心的基础要素,友方陆战Agent之间的协作机制是陆军作战复杂系统演化运行的关键支撑之一。陆战Agent之间的协作可归纳为自主协作和上级统一组织协作两种模式。陆战Agent之间的自主协作,与一般Agent系统中的协作模式相同,但由于陆军作战的特殊性,必须研究符合作战特点的陆战Agent自主协作机制。针对陆战Agent自主协作特点,对合同网协议进行了改进,探讨了陆战Agent自主协作机制模型的功能结构、框架、策略、流程和实施步骤,为陆军作战复杂系统的ABMS奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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