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目前火控界对大闭环火控原理中的一些基本概念的看法还不太一致,有的甚至还比较模糊,对这些基本概念的深入探讨,对大闭环火控系统的发展有重要意义。本文针对其中一些基本问题谈了笔者的观点。  相似文献   
应用雷达反电子对抗(ECCM)模糊矩阵、雷达和各类光电定位器材的作战可用度以及电磁环境的模糊分类等手段,提出了一种地面防空武器群整体反电子对抗能力的评估方法。  相似文献   
本文以陆军战术导弹性能检测系统为研究对象,探讨复杂检测系统中微机数据管理系统的设计方法,给出了此类系统标准化设计的规范步骤。  相似文献   
在分析电路模块故障诊断特性的基础上,本文利用表结构表示推理规则,以框架结构组织规则库,为快速孤立故障,将症状按其检测的难易程度划分类别,并由检测点的选择准则确定下一个能有效孤立故障的检测点,该方法在“电子装备模块级故障诊断系统”和某装备测距系统与搜索系统的实际故障处理中得到了应用,并证实了其有效性。  相似文献   
The measurement and control of high temperature play very important roles in national defense, military, scientific experiments, industrial and agricultural production. Photoelectric pyrometer is one of the important radiation thermometers for non-contact temperature measurement. It has an important application in the field of high temperature measurement, and its performance directly affects the accuracy of temperature measurement. By improving the design of the detection optical system of the photoelectric pyrometer, the imaging performance of the photoelectric pyrometer can be improved effectively, and the temperature measurement accuracy can be improved. In this paper, the temperature measurement principle of photoelectric pyrometer, the working principle of the detection optical system and the composition of the system are introduced. The optical components that affect the imaging of the optical system of the photoelectric pyrometer are analyzed. The optical pyrometer detection optical system is simulated by ZEMAX software, based on the analysis results, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and the spot Diagram are used as the main evaluation criteria to optimize the design of the objective lens of the photoelectric pyrometer detection optical system. The imaging performance of the photoelectric pyrometer detection optical system and the accuracy of temperature measurement of the photoelectric pyrometer are improved by optimization design of the detection optical system.  相似文献   
In this paper, a condition-based maintenance model for a multi-unit production system is proposed and analyzed using Markov renewal theory. The units of the system are subject to gradual deterioration, and the gradual deterioration process of each unit is described by a three-state continuous time homogeneous Markov chain with two working states and a failure state. The production rate of the system is influenced by the deterioration process and the demand is constant. The states of the units are observable through regular inspections and the decision to perform maintenance depends on the number of units in each state. The objective is to obtain the steady-state characteristics and the formula for the long-run average cost for the controlled system. The optimal policy is obtained using a dynamic programming algorithm. The result is validated using a semi-Markov decision process formulation and the policy iteration algorithm. Moreover, an analytical expression is obtained for the calculation of the mean time to initiate maintenance using the first passage time theory.  相似文献   
战争中,预警探测体系作为典型的复杂系统,其探测效能发挥情况的有效评估一直是亟需人们研究解决的重要现实问题。突破了传统效能评估方法的局限,在分析了知识图谱技术、贝叶斯评估方法基本原理的基础上,提出了基于两者综合运用的预警探测体系探测效能评估新方法,利用专家知识和实验数据构建知识图谱,并进一步使用贝叶斯网络方法实施知识推理,从而实现了体系探测效能评估。通过构建具体作战场景,验证了所提方法的有效性,并基于推演数据分析了所提方法的评估情况。  相似文献   
坦克承载零部件的疲劳失效是其主要的失效形式,疲劳寿命的预测一直是装备设计、研制、验证和使用过程中的重要问题之一。利用虚拟样机技术,建立履带车辆刚柔体耦合模型,通过在一定任务剖面下车辆虚拟试验,测试其承载零件的载荷谱,结合疲劳寿命分析技术,进行疲劳寿命预测,并给出计算实例,预测的寿命与实际使用情况相符合,表明提出的坦克承载件疲劳寿命预测方法是一种高效、实用的新方法。  相似文献   
行政即时强制补偿是行政补偿制度的重要组成部分,即时强制往往给行政相对人造成重大的财产损失,但我国消防法律法规在赋予公安消防机构即时强制权时,没有规定相应的补偿内容,致使行政相对人的合法权益得不到有效保护。本文就消防行政即时强制补偿的原则、构成要件、方式、标准、程序以及救济途径进行探讨,以期构建我国消防行政即时强制补偿制度。  相似文献   
由于采用传统的稳定控制系统设计方法使得导弹弹体对不同大小指令信号响应的品质特性差异较大,因此主要研究了在传统的稳定控制系统设计方法的基础上,采用滑模变结构控制器来调节控制参数,较好地解决了稳定控制系统对大小指令信号时域响应特性差异较大的问题,提高了稳定控制系统的快速响应能力。  相似文献   
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