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Frustrated by decades of authoritarian rule, political repression, economic mismanagement, poverty, soaring unemployment and other related injustices, the youth in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya rose up against the state, while Algeria and Morocco narrowly escaped the events of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. This quest for political reform is an indication of a great collective shift that has the potential to reverberate throughout the African continent. However, to what extent can the youth succeed in bringing about the much-desired transition to democracy? This article focuses on the North African youth uprising and the quest for political reform in Africa. It examines the core issues of the youth uprising and the challenges to the attainment of political reform. A youth uprising can lead to genuine political reform if the major challenges in building new democratic forms of governance which can address economic disparity, protection of human rights, justice and security, can be overcome.  相似文献   
高校干部"双肩挑"是目前高校普遍存在的管理模式,在高校教学科研中发挥着重要作用,是学校管理干部队伍中一支重要力量,同时又存在着不可回避的矛盾和问题。本文对"双肩挑"模式发挥的作用和存在的问题进行分析,最后有针对性的提出了几点改革对策。  相似文献   
当前公安现役部队院校开展心理调控工作日益成为人们关注的焦点,它关系到和谐警营的创建、学员心理品质的优化和部队战斗力的提高等重大现实问题。为此,必须建构公安现役部队院校心理调控机制,从领导、内容、管理和运行等方面规范公安现役部队院校的心理调控工作,以促进公安现役部队院校的全面建设。  相似文献   
This article proposes a case study of the multinational counterinsurgency operations that occurred in China during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900–1, to provide a better understanding of the political and military dynamics specific to this type of mission. The study focuses primarily on the nature of the cooperation on the ground, the various national approaches to counterinsurgency, and the asymmetry of strategic approach between the Westerners and the Chinese. A discussion is also proposed, highlighting that combined counterinsurgency is not per se an obstacle to the unity of command, but that politically international coalitions create unique challenges to counterinsurgency operations.  相似文献   
The anchoring effect is a well-studied subject. This article connects the effect with the rules-in-use within a military intelligence institution. Particularly the rules-in-use that dictate that an analyst takes his or hers starting point from recently conducted assessments of the specific area or threat. The threat assessment as well as the written assessment were affected. The results show that officers have an aversion to lower a previous given threat assessment. This gives that to understand risk assessment we not only need to understand the methods used, we also need to understand the institutions in which they are used. This is especially relevant for military intelligence as the assessments are conducted in an environment of high uncertainty.  相似文献   
公安高校教学质量监控体系的构建,必须坚持科学的思路和原则,构建监控目标系统、监控组织系统、监控内容系统、监控方法系统、监控制度系统和监控信息系统,并保证整个体系的良性运行。  相似文献   
公安现役院校研究生的管理工作与普通高校研究生和公安现役院校本科生的管理工作相比存在显著差异,准确定位公安现役院校研究生的特点,深入分析影响研究生有效管理的主要因素,积极探索研究生管理工作的有效路径,成为公安现役院校研究生管理工作科学化、正规化的重要突破口,对研究生培养质量和层次的提升有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
We know little of the internal governing practices of non-state actors once in control of territory. Some territories have witnessed the establishment of new institutions of public goods remarkably similar to state institutions. This article compares four armed political parties governing territory during the Lebanese civil war. These non-state violent actors established complex political and economic institutions and administrative structures. Despite the wide range of ideologies and identities of these actors, they all converged in their institutional priorities, although not in their capacities or the particular ways of achieving those priorities. Data from interviews and the actions of the armed political parties suggest a combination of ideology and desire for control is causal in generating public institutions, partly attributable to the high degree of citizen activism marking the Lebanese case.  相似文献   
NATO burden sharing has become an especially timely issue in the past several years as a result of a number of factors, including Russian annexation of Crimea and destabilization of eastern Ukraine in 2014. This article argues that alliance unity among the great democracies of Europe and North America is indispensable to peace and stability on the Eurasian continent. A fractured NATO, and especially, a large divide in purposes or commitments as between the United States and its European security partners, invites aggression and the possibility of inadvertent escalation. Past successes and failures in US-involved multinational peace and stability operations, within and outside of Europe, show that mission accomplishment requires give and take, including the occasional acceptance of unequal costs and benefits among the members, in order to achieve peace and security objectives.  相似文献   
军队科研机构推进国防知识产权转化运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队科研机构作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,承担了大量科技创新任务,产生了许多具有自主知识产权的高水平科技成果,推动军队科研机构国防知识产权转化运用,是贯彻军民融合发展战略的必要途径。分析了军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的现状及制约转化的现实障碍,并结合实际探讨了推进军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的建议举措。  相似文献   
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