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国家认同对跨界民族地区的社会稳定具有重要作用。文章通过回顾社会认同概念,辨析了国家认同在认同基础和认同客体上的特殊性,并进一步分析了跨界民族国家认同的复杂性、模糊性和不稳定性,最后指出跨界民族国家认同应该成为各学科共同迫切研究的现实问题。  相似文献   
课外阅读在当代大学生的精神生活领域占有着极其重要的地位,是当代大学生自我学习、自我培养、自我发展的一种重要方式。课堂教学与中文系学生课外阅读兴趣的培养关系密切,教师通过课堂教学以多种形式对学生进行必要的课外阅读指导、激发学生开展课外阅读的兴趣、培养学生的阅读能力具有极其重要的意义,而这也是中文系教师深入开展教学活动的有效举措。  相似文献   
Following the terrorist attacks against the US in 2001, the Bush administration reaffirmed the Dover ban, the policy that prohibited press coverage of military coffins arriving at Dover Air Force Base from conflicts abroad. Conventional wisdom holds that the Bush administration enforced the ban in the hope of maintaining public support for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This understanding, though, is incomplete. If the Dover ban were enforced only in response to eroding public opinion, then other coalition states would have responded likewise to this shared incentive. I argue instead that maintaining public support is only one factor among many that led the US to uphold this policy. In addition to considering the influence of factors such as perceived media bias and casualty aversion, I focus on necropolitics and the related impetus for governments to regulate the observation of death. Through this interpretation, part of the American response to the involuntary loss of sovereignty on 9/11 was to exercise control over the observation of death by enforcing the Dover ban. Through comparing the press policies of the US, the UK, and Canada, I show that the necropolitical blow to sovereignty that only the US experienced triggered a repressive policy that only the US was able to maintain.  相似文献   
基于兴趣域的"快递式"动态负载平衡算法从HLA/RTI提供的服务出发,当节点成为重载节点时,将节点部分负载转移到兴趣域内的轻载节点上,同时采用两次"握手"方式解决了负载迁移过程中出现的问题.通过使用两个评价参数--CPU占有率和内存使用率进行实验证明,负载平衡前后重载节点的CPU利用率和内存使用率有明显差别,结果表明该方法能有效地平衡系统各节点之间的负载,保证系统的实时性,提高系统的服务质量.  相似文献   
研究基于中国综合社会调查2010年及2017年的微观数据,运用中介模型对七个多民族地区劳动者国家通用语言能力在受教育程度对其收入影响中的中介效应进行分析。得出在受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响中,国家通用语言能力起到部分中介作用,对劳动者收入有明显促进作用,且随着多民族地区经济发展以及推普工作的开展,国家通用语言能力对个体收入的正向影响力有所减弱,受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响力有所增强。因此应注重通过提升劳动者国家通用语言能力促进多民族地区经济发展,持续重视国家通用语言能力在多民族地区劳动者就业能力中的基础性作用以及为其带来的经济收益。  相似文献   
提出一种基于主题模型的人体动作识别方法。该方法首先提取时空兴趣点(STIP,space-time interest point)来描述人体运动,然后提出使用慢特征分析(SFA, slow feature analysis)算法计算兴趣点梯度信息不变量最优解,最后使用概率潜在语义分析 (pLSA, probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis) 模型识别人体动作。SFA计算的梯度不变量最优解可以表示时空兴趣点固有特征,能够无歧义反映时空兴趣点在空间及时间方向上的信息。同时,针对pLSA隐性主题正确性无法保证的缺点,算法将主题与动作标签“一对一”相关,通过监督方式得到主题,保证了训练中主题的正确性。该算法在KTH人体运动数据库和Weizmann人体动作数据库进行了训练与测试,动作识别结果正确率分别在91.50%和97%以上。  相似文献   

Natural resource-based conflicts continue to occur in different parts of Nigeria with negative implications. This study investigated the phenomena of natural resource conflicts vis-à-vis their propensities to impact political economy and national security negatively. Data for the study were sourced from theoretical and empirical evidence. Empirical data were sourced from existing studies selected on the basis on their relevance to the study and analysed based on their content. The limitation to this approach is the obsolete and subjective nature of some the literature. This limitation was, however, addressed among others through the author’s knowledge of the issues under study. The study found that Nigeria is enmeshed in conflict over ownership, distribution, access to or competition over natural resources such as petroleum resources and agricultural land and these conflicts have undermined democracy, human rights, the economy and the nation’s security. The paper identified poor resource governance, environmental factors and poor political leadership as the causes and drivers of these conflicts. It recommends natural resource governance among others, as a way out of the problem.  相似文献   
每一种文化都有其独特的价值体系,文化的各个层面都受到价值体系的内在制约,价值体系在文化中处于核心地位.当前我们以社会主义核心价值体系引领思想文化建设,体现了我们党在全面推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业进程中高度的文化自觉.社会主义核心价值体系建设增强了民族认同,提升了文化软实力,凸显了文化传承与创新,促进了文化整合.  相似文献   
近年来,大学生就业已成为社会关注的重要问题。与其他大学毕业生不同的是新疆少数民族大学毕业生更愿意回到家乡工作,但他们为家乡做出重要贡献的同时,也增加了家乡的就业压力。本文从新疆少数民族大学毕业生回家乡就业的观念、价值、特点和选择标准等方面开展研究,并从中找出存在的问题,以期为少数民族就业难问题的解决提供帮助。  相似文献   
坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,全面建成小康社会,离不开社会主义初级阶段这个最大实际。同样,全面深化改革,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,也离不开当前中国的“最大实际”。我们必须坚持“最大实际”的社会主义原则,必须把握“最大实际”的崭新成就基础,必须注重“最大实际”的时代诉求,在新的历史起点上全面深化改革。  相似文献   
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