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新疆推行民汉合校后,少数民族学生的语言使用情况一直是双语教育领域关注的问题。本文通过问卷调查和访谈的方式,以特克斯县初级中学为个案,考察了伊犁地区哈萨克族“民考民”及“民考汉”中学生语言使用情况。结果表明,哈萨克族“民考汉”和“民考民”学生在语言文字使用、语言态度以及语言文化认同上有较大差异,但也有一致性:希望在熟练地掌握汉语的同时,也能掌握好自己的本民族语言。最后基于提高新疆少数民族基础教育水平和培养民汉兼通人才的目的提出对策。  相似文献   
This article argues that since the advent of democracy, the South African Police Service (SAPS) has been plagued by poor administration. Having inherited a repressive police force, the post-apartheid national police commissioners (NPCs) have found it difficult to transform the organisation. Among the unintended consequences has been a rise in police deaths. Although police deaths can be attributed to numerous factors, this article focuses on fault lines in the SAPS administration through a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis drawing largely on existing scholarly debates. Essential theoretical perspectives have been employed to gain insight into the root causes of the problem. The article concludes that poor administration and a lack of trust, partnership and collaboration between police officers and community members have perpetuated the killing of police officers. These killings are further compounded by the flawed and ill-conceived selection and appointment of NPCs. As a consequence, the article recommends that the appointment of NPCs should be promptly reviewed. It further recommends that each potential candidate should have risen through the ranks and must fully comprehend the challenges facing the organisation.  相似文献   
Taking its point of departure in Donald Rumsfeld’s second term as US Secretary of Defense (2001–2006), this article analyses the crisis of strategic leadership in Western national security. Three “traps” are identified that explain why Donald Rumsfeld ultimately was a failure as defence secretary and demonstrate the perils of national security governance. These traps are termed the inquisitor trap, the strong leader trap and the delegation trap. It is argued that our understanding of strategic leadership in national security, particularly in defence, can benefit from insights gained from the study of strategic leadership in business. As such, this article engages the recent trend of merging insights from business and military strategy.  相似文献   
民族自决权理论是马克思主义处理民族问题的一个基本原则。列宁在领导俄国革命的过程中,进一 步丰富和发展了马克思主义的民族自决权理论,为巩固无产阶级政权,建立社会主义制度发挥了重要作用。正确 认识列宁的民族自决权理论,对我们当前解决民族问题,反对民族分裂,维护祖国统一,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
In 1968, President Nixon established the Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, or the Gates Commission, which served as the impetus and justification for an All-Volunteer Force (AVF). At the end of its deliberations, the commission recommended abolishing the draft and transforming the U.S. military into a force of volunteers beginning in 1973. Interestingly, the debate regarding the merits of both systems appeared to be largely economic – with cost–benefit analysis playing the primary role. Lately, we are beginning to see a new, politically-motivated impetus for returning to a “system of national service.” The ideas spurring this debate are many: the need to reaffirm the nation state, the commitment of citizens to the state, political ownership and oversight of the forces, the need for social equity in serving the nation, limiting the support for armed conflict by burden-sharing among citizens, and equitably spreading the personal cost of war.  相似文献   
素质教育作为一项教育的基本决策,其制定和实施已有二十几年的时间。但为什么在长达十几年的学校教育之后,相当多的少数民族青年却越来越感到涉足社会的困难。学校究竟能否使年轻一代得到全面和谐的发展。我们应如何理解和实施素质教育。如何理解素质教育在少数民族大学生的培养过程中的地位。这都是我们全体教育工作者需要思考的问题。本文从分析当前新疆少数民族大学生素质现状入手,重点分析素质教育在少数民族大学生培养过程的作用。目的是使教育工作者从全新的角度看待素质教育在培养少数民族大学生中的地位,进一步增强培养少数民族大学生综合素质的使命感和紧迫感。  相似文献   
教师是思想的传承者和教育的主导者,在新疆少数民族双语教师培训中加强民族团结教育,培养学生在社会交往中正确对待和处理民族问题的基本素质,引导学生形成维护民族团结的自觉意识和良好的行为习惯,是抵制和粉碎民族分裂势力破坏活动、维护民族团结、维护新疆社会稳定和国家安全的有效途径。  相似文献   
边疆民族地区特殊的自然、史地、经济社会、宗教及文化环境,决定了边疆民族地区危机情势的特殊性。这种特殊性要求主要表现在以下五个方面:安全形势严峻,应急机制责任重大,意义特殊;客观条件限制,创构应急机制难度大,任务艰巨;经济社会发展相对落后,对应急机制资源整合能力要求高;宗教文化及民族风俗因素影响广泛,对应急机制创新性要求高等。  相似文献   
在国家法制建设不断推进的背景下,我国边境法制建设的某些方面还不够完善,需要加快立法进程,尽快制定全国统一的陆地国界法,为陆地边境管理提供法律依据;完善海上边防管理法规,为维护国家海洋权益提供法律保障;加紧出台统一的出入境法典,整合出入境法律体系;完善打击“三股势力”和跨境犯罪的法律制度,维护边境安全稳定。  相似文献   
民族团结法制化、制度化是指我国在促进各民族平等团结的社会买践中,逐步便民族团结的思想、政策转化为国家的一项法律或制度,使民族团结成为我国法律体系中的一项重要内容。改革开放以来我国已建立起了一个促进各民族和睦相处、平等团结的完备的法律法规体系,它包括以宪法为主干,以民族区域自治法为基础,以各项具体的法律、法规为补充的法律框架。这些法律、法规伴随着我国社会主义建设事业的不断发展而逐步完善,体现了我国政府对民族团结法制化、制度化建设的重视。本文将对我国改革开放以来民族团结法制化、制度化建设及其对新疆的影响作些探讨。  相似文献   
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