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This article explores whether it makes sense for national governments to employ defence industrial policies – such as offsets and discriminatory procurement practices – to support their domestic defence industries. This question has so far primarily been discussed by economists, who have argued strongly against the use of defence industrial policies. This article maintains that these economists fail to address the often complex motivation behind the introduction of these policies. It illustrates these shortcomings by contrasting their arguments against a case study of Norway, which accounts for the country’s use of defence industrial polices from the early post-Second World War era up until today. The article concludes that, depending on their objectives, defence industrial policies can be seen as either a sound security strategy or an economic fallacy.  相似文献   
本文从公平与效率视角对新疆少数民族普通高等教育发展进行了分析,指出了新疆少数民族普通高等教育发展中存在的公平与效率问题,为了新疆少数民族高等教育的健康持续发展,对新疆少数民族高等教育发展中存在的效率与公平问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
从军队对应急物资的需求特点及应急物资的特征属性出发,构建了军队代储应急物资品种选择的指标体系。在此基础上,通过部队调研和专家经验获得了一组军队代储应急物资品种选择的样本数据并形成了决策表,运用基于可辨识矩阵的属性频率约简算法对决策表进行属性约简,并对约简属性集进行属性值约简,提取出军队代储应急物资品种的选择规则。提取的规则简洁合理,能够为军队代储应急物资品种选择提供决策支持。  相似文献   
This article investigates how US national security planners have envisioned the emerging strategic environment during the early twenty-first century and evaluates how their perceptions of this strategic environment have changed during these years. This conceptual evolution can be seen in how defense planners define threats, identify defense priorities, and design security strategies. Five key strategic planning documents serve as the basis for this analysis and illustrate significant shifts in how the US government has envisioned its own security requirements as well as the context within which its strategic vision will need to be realized. These planning documents are: (1) Joint Vision 2020, (2) the Bush Administration's 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States, (3) the Obama Administration's 2010 National Security Strategy, (4) US Strategic Defense Guidance entitled Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, and (5) the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020.  相似文献   
Cyberspace has emerged as a potentially new (and unconventional) domain for warfare. Much debate has focused on understanding cyber conflict. The ability to critically analyse this phenomenon is important; however, the nascent nature of cyberwarfare and the complexity of the systems involved create challenges not met by conventional approaches. As a first step, this requires an analytical construct to frame discussions in a way that highlights distinct characteristics of the cyber domain. An approach proposed is one of the postulating conjectures for debate as a way to achieve this and to demonstrate its use, both at the strategic and operational levels. It is suggested that such an approach provides one component of a mature analytical framework for the analysis of cyber across a range of warfare domains.  相似文献   
西部民族地区是实现“两基”目标的重点与难点,是提高国民素质的重要举措,关系到国家稳定、民族融合。基于对西部民族义务教育存在问题的分析,依据义务教育与我国《义务教育法》的基本内涵与精神及其存在的问题,阐述了义务教育强制性在西部民族地区的重要地位与功效。在对国外义务教育强制性实践经验探讨的基础上,为我国西部民族地区义务教育强制性的有效实施提出了具有实践性和针对性的对策与建议。  相似文献   
校本课程是生物课程体系中重要的组成部分。民族地区因偏远落后、师资数量不足,因而生物校本课程开出率过低。微型化的生物校本课程作为民族地区生物课程开发的新模式,以其"短而小"可促进生物教师专业成长,以其"精"可体现民族地区生物校本课程特色,以其"活"保证了民族地区生物校本课程的可持续发展。因此,微型化的校本课程是民族地区生物教师校本研究的新路径。  相似文献   
在经历了陆权逐鹿、海权争霸、空天对垒以及制网权较量之后,在全球媒体时代,人类战争正在从自然空间、技术空间向认知空间拓展。文章从多学科视角切入,聚焦认知空间的战争与战略问题,剖析了战争制权理论演进背景下,制脑权战争兴起的历史合理性及其攻防对抗律,最后从捍卫国家认知空间安全的高度,对全球媒体时代的国家安全战略提出了对策。  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,是社会主义先进文化的精髓,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。建设社会主义核心价值体系,必须以马克思主义为指导思想,确立中国特色社会主义共同理想,在实践中坚持价值体系的辩证性,从而巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的思想道德基础。  相似文献   
新疆少数民族高校毕业生就业问题研究课题组针对新疆在校民、汉大学生、用人单位、学生家长分别制作了不同的调查问卷,本文对回收的用人单位和学生家长调查问卷结果分别进行分析说明,从不同层面考察新疆少数民族高校毕业生的就业状况。  相似文献   
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