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This article discusses the validity of national security threats in Botswana and whether they justified the creation of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services (DISS), which has been controversial since its formation. Since its inception in 2008, the DISS has been accused of many human rights violations and politicisation. Without fully deliberating on the basis for its creation, some discourses have focused on the politicised operations without relation to what the DISS is supposed to be doing. The author works under the assumption that debates should be shaped by whether it was necessary to create the DISS, and, if so, how we can shape and steer debates on its oversight, management, reform and operations. This article argues that despite the politicisation of the DISS, Botswana's national security threats are both real and imagined; and that domestic threats to national security have moved from the conceptual ‘imagined’ category to the ‘real’. However, that in itself did not warrant the design and mandate of the DISS, and the article argues that it was external threats that really warranted the creation of a civilian intelligence agency. The article concludes that Botswana faces a plethora of external security threats – traditional and non-traditional – that warranted the creation and continuance of the DISS.  相似文献   
针对古代战争研究与当今国防建设缺乏关联的问题,首次就钓鱼城保卫战经典战例对我国现代国防建设的启示意义作了研究。分析钓鱼城城池选址"独"与"险"的地理关系、筑城布局内容和多层综合防御体系这三者对战争胜利的关键影响,提出在当前国防工程规划与建设中借鉴其成功经验的观点,并从工程宏观选址、多城池防御的联防体系及军民联合的防御模式等三方面就其经验和启示意义进行归纳与总结。  相似文献   
潘平 《国防科技》2017,38(4):005-007
国防科技和武器装备领域是军民融合发展的重点,也是衡量军民融合发展水平的重要标志。加快国防科技和武器装备军民融合发展,是保军强军的重要支撑,更关乎国家安全和发展一系列重大问题,必须从战略高度深刻领会其全局意义,以清醒头脑研判国防科技和武器装备军民融合发展形势,用务实举措推动国防科技和武器装备军民融合创新发展。  相似文献   
张正明  崔殿宁  高岑 《国防科技》2018,39(5):054-056
综合国防素质是在适应世界军事变革发展和国家安全新需要的基础上,对传统国防素质的一次改进与提升。与传统国防素质不同,综合国防素质强调的是对综合国防意识、综合国防知识以及综合国防技能的掌握和运用。新时代,弘扬和培育大学生综合国防素质是贯彻党的十九大精神、落实国家教育事业"十三五"规划部署的重要举措,对加快实施人才强国战略、实现新时代强军目标发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   
空间信息栅格体系与服务聚合技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
空间信息应用中存在的数据海量、分布异构、处理复杂、计算密集等问题制约了空间数据和信息的广泛共享和应用。空间信息栅格(SIG)以Grid和WebServices技术为核心,共享并汇集地理上分布的海量空间信息资源,实现动态整合与集成。在构建开放性SIG七层应用体系的基础上,重点研究SIG服务聚合技术,基于Petri网和图论提出了一种新的服务聚合流程模型(服务/资源网),同时构建了可扩展的服务动态选择模型(SISM),实现服务聚合过程中的动态服务选择。结合国家地质调查业务应用,通过地下水资源评价应用实例对SIG的实用性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   
技术预警是对技术突破和由此引起的军事、政治、经济和社会危机的预测,是从国家安全的根本利益出发,以保持己方军事优势、防止敌人"技术突袭"为宗旨的技术发展预测。研究回顾了国内外技术预警研究历程,从前期准备、预警清单、技术调查、分析评估等四个主要环节,全面分析国防领域技术预警的具体流程,为国防领域技术预警系统的构建与应用提供支撑。  相似文献   
A dynamic multi-stage decision-theoretic approach is introduced to establish the optimal offset and its incidence, the contract price arising from bargaining, and the scale of the acquisition. A new rationale is suggested for offsets in terms of their role as an insurance devise. Results are derived for the pricing of delivery contracts subject to offset claims and their national security implications. It is shown that the national security is strictly convex in the offset transaction. As to the incidence of the offset, the offset claim is shown to be capitalised in the delivery price. The bargaining price is shown to depend on the value of the product to be delivered for the national security, the relative negotiation power of the contracting partners and the social cost of public funds. The analysis highlights the expectation effects of offsets on the bargaining price and the scale of delivery. The results aid in explaining why offsets are widely used in procurement contracts for defence materiel. As they contribute to the national security, they should be allowed to survive and not be denied under competition laws.  相似文献   
新疆地处祖国的西北边陲,占有重要的地理位置,是我国一个重要的历史民族区,有着悠久的历史,民族关系十分复杂。新疆民族关系处理的好坏,直接影响着社会稳定和经济发展及祖国的边防安全。本文从民族关系的一般情况入手,分析了影响新疆民族关系的各种因素,进而分析了新疆民族关系的发展趋势。  相似文献   
我国地方国家机关享有国防职权和立法权,有权就国防事务制定地方性军事法规和地方性军事规章。地方国家机关的军事立法权既有法律依据,也有存在的必要性。但地方军事立法的内容是有限的,不应涉及军事行动和军队管理事项。  相似文献   
研究基于中国综合社会调查2010年及2017年的微观数据,运用中介模型对七个多民族地区劳动者国家通用语言能力在受教育程度对其收入影响中的中介效应进行分析。得出在受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响中,国家通用语言能力起到部分中介作用,对劳动者收入有明显促进作用,且随着多民族地区经济发展以及推普工作的开展,国家通用语言能力对个体收入的正向影响力有所减弱,受教育程度对个体收入的正向影响力有所增强。因此应注重通过提升劳动者国家通用语言能力促进多民族地区经济发展,持续重视国家通用语言能力在多民族地区劳动者就业能力中的基础性作用以及为其带来的经济收益。  相似文献   
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