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Natural resource-based conflicts continue to occur in different parts of Nigeria with negative implications. This study investigated the phenomena of natural resource conflicts vis-à-vis their propensities to impact political economy and national security negatively. Data for the study were sourced from theoretical and empirical evidence. Empirical data were sourced from existing studies selected on the basis on their relevance to the study and analysed based on their content. The limitation to this approach is the obsolete and subjective nature of some the literature. This limitation was, however, addressed among others through the author’s knowledge of the issues under study. The study found that Nigeria is enmeshed in conflict over ownership, distribution, access to or competition over natural resources such as petroleum resources and agricultural land and these conflicts have undermined democracy, human rights, the economy and the nation’s security. The paper identified poor resource governance, environmental factors and poor political leadership as the causes and drivers of these conflicts. It recommends natural resource governance among others, as a way out of the problem.  相似文献   
党的十九大报告提出要“加强全民国防教育”,“综合国防素质”的提出明确了国防教育的目标,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。在“综合国防素质”研究综述的基础上,从国防知识、国防意识、国防理念、国防技能、国防创新能力、国防行为六方面全面把握“综合国防素质”的基本内涵,明晰“综合国防素质”的概念,推进综合国防素质问题的深入研究。  相似文献   
美军在长期的国防采办实践中,经过不断改革和多次调整,逐步形成了较为完备的国防采办政策制度及管理体系,其有益经验和做法具有开创性和引领作用。尤其是自2018年启动重组国防采办组织管理体制以来,美军在国防战略调整的牵引下,先后发布多份新版采办文件,从政策体系、采办程序、业务领域等方面作出了重大改革调整,初步形成了“1+6+14”的政策体系架构。本文主要对美军国防采办政策的改革举措、背景及动因进行深入分析,总结美军国防采办政策改革的特点规律,试图通过研究美军国防采办改革的动向,探寻信息化条件下国防采办的特点及规律,并结合军队信息化装备采购实际提出思考与建议,以期为深化军队改革提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   
This article examines the domestic causes of the Iran–Iraq War. It delves into secret discussions among Iranian political and military elites during the conflict, their analyses of their own performance on the battlefield, and their revealing public disputes and blame game decades later. It contends that an underexplored and yet critical driving force behind Iran’s prosecution of the war was factional politics. Along with state-level geo-strategic, regime-level security and individual-level ideological concerns, factional factors must also be examined to understand Tehran's war-time decisions. Iran’s factional rivalries began between the Islamists and the nationalists; and between the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the army at war’s outbreak, and eventually penetrated into the heart of the Islamist camp between the militant clerics and the IRGC.  相似文献   
This article provides a theorisation of militarism in post-war Cyprus. Based on qualitative empirical research conducted in Cyprus in 2011, the article explores the manifestation and steadfastness of Greek-Cypriot militarism, and the development of this militarism, which appeared after the partition of the island in 1974. In particular, it proposes the ideology of defence as a way to understand post-war Greek-Cypriot militarism. It shows the embedded nature of defence in the idea of the national struggle. It aims at mapping the character of this militarism in order to provide the grounds for future discussion. Only by understanding the interconnecting discourses that made Greek-Cypriot militarism possible in post-war Cyprus, can we understand its past, present, and future.  相似文献   
每一种文化都有其独特的价值体系,文化的各个层面都受到价值体系的内在制约,价值体系在文化中处于核心地位.当前我们以社会主义核心价值体系引领思想文化建设,体现了我们党在全面推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业进程中高度的文化自觉.社会主义核心价值体系建设增强了民族认同,提升了文化软实力,凸显了文化传承与创新,促进了文化整合.  相似文献   
全球化对中国民族文化的发展将产生重大而深远的影响。本文重新探讨了全球化背景下,在西方强势文化的冲击下,中国民族文化整合的特点;以及在全球化背景下中国民族文化的发展、创新与重建的有关理论问题,提出了民族文化创新是主动回应文化全球化,实现中国民族文化走向世界的关键所在。  相似文献   
CHENG Hong 《国防科技》2018,39(1):001-004
坚持向科技创新要战斗力,落实到国防动员建设领域,就是要紧紧围绕党在新形势下的强军目标,积极适应现代战争形态新变化、世界军事变革新趋势、总体国家安全新要求和军队使命任务新拓展,加强高技术力量平战一体国防动员,搭建起高技术力量在经济与军事、地方与军队、潜力与实力、平时与战时的桥梁和纽带,全面提升国防动员战时应战、急时应急、平时服务能力,为保障军队能打仗、打胜仗提供强大科技支撑。  相似文献   
近年来,大学生就业已成为社会关注的重要问题。与其他大学毕业生不同的是新疆少数民族大学毕业生更愿意回到家乡工作,但他们为家乡做出重要贡献的同时,也增加了家乡的就业压力。本文从新疆少数民族大学毕业生回家乡就业的观念、价值、特点和选择标准等方面开展研究,并从中找出存在的问题,以期为少数民族就业难问题的解决提供帮助。  相似文献   
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