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This article examines the domestic causes of the Iran–Iraq War. It delves into secret discussions among Iranian political and military elites during the conflict, their analyses of their own performance on the battlefield, and their revealing public disputes and blame game decades later. It contends that an underexplored and yet critical driving force behind Iran’s prosecution of the war was factional politics. Along with state-level geo-strategic, regime-level security and individual-level ideological concerns, factional factors must also be examined to understand Tehran's war-time decisions. Iran’s factional rivalries began between the Islamists and the nationalists; and between the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the army at war’s outbreak, and eventually penetrated into the heart of the Islamist camp between the militant clerics and the IRGC.  相似文献   
建国六十年来,我国国防法制理论研究,始终坚持军地结合、基础先行、服务治军和理论创新,取得了令人瞩目的成就,积累了丰富的历史经验。  相似文献   
境外反恐行动在国际上已有大量先例,对于一个境外目标面临恐怖威胁或遭受恐怖袭击的国家,是不容回避的现实问题。通过对境外反恐行动产生的根源、各国境外反恐的对策、采取的方式及其制约因素的综合分析,能够得出有益的启示。反恐怖斗争的严峻现实和发展趋势,要求我们探索境外反恐对策,切实保护国家利益和人民生命财产安全,同时为国际反恐斗争作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
地方高校国防生的体育教学训练往往沿袭了普通大学生的体育教学形式,针对性不强,影响了国防生军事体育素质的提高。通过调查分析指出,国防生体育教学训练形式应从开展新生体能强化训练、军事体育竞赛等方面来进行拓展。  相似文献   
20世纪初,民族问题是西欧和俄国阶级斗争的焦点之一,解决民族问题成为无产阶级革命的当务之急。列宁从俄国民族斗争的实际出发,撰写了《关于民族问题的批评意见》一文,此文是列宁研究俄国民族问题的集大成之作。列宁以马克思主义民族理论为指导,澄清资产阶级和机会主义者在民族问题上散布的谬论和制造的混乱,批判了资产阶级和机会主义者鼓吹超阶级的民族文化的反动谬论,为解决俄国民族问题指明了方向。  相似文献   
通过体育与国防的互动关系入手了,剖析体育既是强身健体的娱乐活动,也是提高国防能力的重要途径和手段;从高校体育教学功能和国防建设的要求上入手,提出在体育教学中开展国防教育是进行国防教育的补充和拓展,并具有得天独厚的优势,有助于形成终身国防意识;开展国防教育的关键是挖掘体育教育的文化功能,把爱国主义贯穿到体育教学中;最后提出将军事体育项目可引入高校体育教学中,既丰富了体育教学的内容,也是承载国防教育的良好载体,推进国防教育的开展和实施。  相似文献   
This article provides a theorisation of militarism in post-war Cyprus. Based on qualitative empirical research conducted in Cyprus in 2011, the article explores the manifestation and steadfastness of Greek-Cypriot militarism, and the development of this militarism, which appeared after the partition of the island in 1974. In particular, it proposes the ideology of defence as a way to understand post-war Greek-Cypriot militarism. It shows the embedded nature of defence in the idea of the national struggle. It aims at mapping the character of this militarism in order to provide the grounds for future discussion. Only by understanding the interconnecting discourses that made Greek-Cypriot militarism possible in post-war Cyprus, can we understand its past, present, and future.  相似文献   
This article explores whether it makes sense for national governments to employ defence industrial policies – such as offsets and discriminatory procurement practices – to support their domestic defence industries. This question has so far primarily been discussed by economists, who have argued strongly against the use of defence industrial policies. This article maintains that these economists fail to address the often complex motivation behind the introduction of these policies. It illustrates these shortcomings by contrasting their arguments against a case study of Norway, which accounts for the country’s use of defence industrial polices from the early post-Second World War era up until today. The article concludes that, depending on their objectives, defence industrial policies can be seen as either a sound security strategy or an economic fallacy.  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,是社会主义先进文化的精髓,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。建设社会主义核心价值体系,必须以马克思主义为指导思想,确立中国特色社会主义共同理想,在实践中坚持价值体系的辩证性,从而巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的思想道德基础。  相似文献   
Africa has emerged as a strategic location for transcontinental narcotics trade. Particularly the West African subcontinent has turned into a cocaine warehousing and trans-shipment hub along the way to the European underground markets. At this juncture, African drug networks (ADNs) began to play a momentous role in global drug trade, and pose a considerable threat to international security, as they operate in more than 80 countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, and Europol perceive ADNs as one of the primary issues in international counter-narcotics policy. These agencies have launched several multilateral initiatives to contain the West African threat. None of these initiatives, however, retarded the expansion of the problem. Indeed, the containment efforts turned out to be quite embryonic. The ADNs eventually entered the Turkish market by the early 2000s. West African drug networks (WADNs) in particular have begun to operate within Turkey extensively, often supplying and distributing drugs. The gravity of the threat became ever more serious by 2012. The upsurge of the new threat has compelled the Turkish drug-law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and counter-strategies. These policies have to be based upon proper strategic analysis of the threat. This paper seeks to address the need for a threat assessment of ADNs. It investigates the dimensions of the problem, profiles the members of WADNs, their modes of operation, and the factors that compelled them to exploit the illicit Turkish drug markets. The analyses are based upon the scrutiny of 227 narcotic interdictions files and statements from the African individuals in these case files. The paper concludes by presenting policy implications and recommendations for the Turkish security and foreign-policy institutions to cope with this impending threat.  相似文献   
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