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介绍了坦克装甲车辆发动机的发展概况,综合论述了我军新装备发动机的主要技术特点和第四代坦克发动机的技术发展趋势.  相似文献   
于力  张政丰 《国防科技》2020,41(3):93-97
受美国亚太战略的影响,两栖攻击舰队逐步成为美军海外作战力量重要组成部分,其发展建设水平将对未来美军海外战略重心产生深远影响。本文以亚太新局势为背景,以美军两栖攻击舰队作为研究对象,基于美国防部对亚太地区未来军事部署和谋划的构想,对两栖攻击舰队部署情况、主要任务和发展趋势进行分析研究,可以预见,在未来十到十五年内,两栖攻击舰队将成为美国强势介入亚太的主要力量。  相似文献   
从分析农村消防工作面临的严峻现状着手,探讨新农村建设中消防工作存在问题的产生原因,以山西省晋城市为例,就做好社会主义新农村建设消防工作的工作要点以及需注意的方面提出了具体的意见和观点。  相似文献   
诗人芒克是"文革"中所谓"白洋淀诗群"的主要作者之一[1],并与北岛等人成为<今天>杂志的主要创办者,继续诗歌创作[2].评论界对芒克诗歌的关注集中于八十年代末以后,而系统深入的专论则较为少见[3].芒克诗歌所呈现出的自然而本质的抒情特色,常常给读者以强大的冲击和震撼,分析其诗作的艺术特质,便于深入了解其诗艺探索的独特性,也益于进一步把握从文革后期到八十年代初期的新诗发展脉络.  相似文献   
构建新时期和谐警民关系,是全国公安机关践行科学发展观、推进公安工作大发展的重要举措。公安消防部队在构建新时期和谐警民关系工作中要以法纪建设为重点,抓好三大创新;以改进技术手段为突破,打造三大平台;以突出问题为攻坚,改进三项工作。  相似文献   
新型防火板材是钢结构防火技术新的发展方向,结合钢结构防火保护技术的发展与现状,对GF防火板(1100℃级轻质无石棉硅酸钙防火板)、高温耐火胶粘剂以及用GF防火板保护钢结构的方法进行了深入的研究,并与目前大量使用的钢结构防火涂料作对比,探讨了新型防火板材在技术性能和工程施工方面的优势。  相似文献   
翟东航  张娜  段慧娇 《国防科技》2017,38(2):105-110
提出互联网+时代军队院校面临与军队新型作战能力培养有关的国家安全时代课题,从整合新媒体网络资源、依托校园文化平台、构建国家安全教育体系三方面进行了对策分析,重点探索与新军事变革密切相关的"文化安全、军事话语传播、地缘政治"等议题,以学术活动的顶层设计将国家安全教育融入军事院校学员具有中国特色的军事理论创新。  相似文献   
利用综合实验方法对新型陆军部队作战能力进行分析评估是新型陆军部队建设发展的客观需要,其综合实验的成功运用必须得到相应系统的支持。针对支持系统所需具备的功能,设计支持系统的总体结构及主要功能模块,详细分析各功能模块间的信息流程和支持系统的应用过程,为支持系统的具体构建提供指导。  相似文献   
This article looks at the Kashmir conflict in South Asia, which has been going on since 1947, when India and Pakistan became independent from British colonial rule. After looking at some historical background, the article looks at both the external dimension as well as the internal dimension of the conflict. The external dimension tends to focus on Indo-Pak relations over Kashmir and the internal dimension looks at India's repressive state policies within the state of Kashmir. This article uses Mary Kaldor's “New War” thesis as a theoretical framework to understand the situation and pays special attention to the conflict's very complex and multifaceted nature. The article argues that although the levels of violence have differed from time to time in the region since 1947, today the conflict seems to have less to do with Indo-Pak relations or the external side of things and has more to do with the internal dimension and India's undemocratic ways within Kashmir. Today, Kashmir is one of the most militarised conflict zones in the world. The stationing of the Indian military and paramilitary forces in the region has only exacerbated the situation since it is the security personnel who cause much of the problem. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act gives these security forces extraordinary powers in the region, which they often abuse. The armed forces have no real understanding of the local culture or sympathy for local religious sentiments. Poverty, corruption, administrative failure, police brutality, identity politics and human rights abuses are some of the key features associated with this conflict. Methodologically, a number of interviews were carried out with the local people in the region recently. From the data gathered through the interviews, it is very obvious that the people still feel very oppressed and that the situation is still very volatile, fraught with uncertainty. Finally, after making an assessment of the situation, the article tries to suggest methods of peaceful building and conflict management as the way forward.  相似文献   
While Carl von Clausewitz has generally been respected as one of the most profound philosophers of war, his expertise has been regarded as somewhat limited if not even irrelevant to the so-called ‘new wars’ of the post-Cold War world. Many scholars in international relations have claimed that ‘new wars’ are essentially ‘post-Clausewitzian’ and ‘post-trinitarian’ in nature, meaning that they are no longer fathomable through a Clausewitzian framework. However Clausewitz's earlier writings were nearly exclusively dedicated to guerrilla warfare, or what he called ‘small wars’. These writings have been largely overlooked by many analysts of contemporary conflicts. By drawing on his rare and untranslated writings, the article uncovers a critical part of Clausewitz's expertise in asymmetric warfare and shows that, far from being irrelevant in an age where interstate warfare is increasingly being replaced by conflicts between states and semi-/non-state actors, Clausewitz's philosophical writings actually shed new light into the particular interactive dynamics generated during wars waged under conditions of asymmetry.  相似文献   
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