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超视距多目标攻击排序及火力分配建模与解算   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
针对未来超视距空战条件下的多目标攻击排序和制导武器火力分配问题,提出了一种用以评估超视距空战作战效能的综合优势指数法;当目标数多于攻击机数时,通过构造综合优势矩阵,将非平衡指派问题转化为平衡指派问题,并建立了多目标攻击排序的0-1规划模型,该模型可解决对多个目标同时攻击的排序问题;以2对8攻击排序为例,利用求解线性规划软件Lindo6.0进行解算。最后,建立了1对4攻击火力分配的非线性规划模型,并利用求解非线性规划软件Lingo5.0进行解算。计算结果验证了建模的合理性和运用Lindo、Lingo软件求解较大规模目标攻击排序和火力分配问题的实时性。  相似文献   
航路规划中大地主题解算的简化方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了大地主题解算的精确公式:Bowring公式,给出了三种大地主题解算的简化方法,包括:椭球体到圆球体、椭球面到圆球面以及椭球面到平面的简化方法,并分析了各种简化方法的误差大小。  相似文献   
中学数学教学中,解数学难题的过程就是从题设中不断地挖掘并利用隐含条件进行推理和变形的过程。数学题中的隐含条件形形色色,花样繁多,但从对解题过程的影响看,又可以分为制约解题方向的隐含条件、制约解题思路的隐含条件、制约解题准确性的隐含条件等三类隐含条件。只要我们把握了难题中隐含条件的规律特征,运用我们获得的数学知识,结合适当的数学思想和数学方法,就可以轻松解决难题了。  相似文献   
This article studies the optimal control of a periodic‐review make‐to‐stock system with limited production capacity and multiple demand classes. In this system, a single product is produced to fulfill several classes of demands. The manager has to make the production and inventory allocation decisions. His objective is to minimize the expected total discounted cost. The production decision is made at the beginning of each period and determines the amount of products to be produced. The inventory allocation decision is made after receiving the random demands and determines the amount of demands to be satisfied. A modified base stock policy is shown to be optimal for production, and a multi‐level rationing policy is shown to be optimal for inventory allocation. Then a heuristic algorithm is proposed to approximate the optimal policy. The numerical studies show that the heuristic algorithm is very effective. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 58: 43–58, 2011  相似文献   
针对表面工程中测量膜基材料性能或结合强度的压入法,分析了其实验过程中所涉及的重要而又困难的接触问题。在引入适当的假设后,文中首次对二维、三维问题等一般情况,分别给出了控制接触的边界条件方程,并进一步使用半解析的数值方法——线法,针对二维情况使用,球形压头和楔形压头分别进行了数值模拟,并将计算结果和不考虑接触情况下的结果进行了比较结果表明:剪应力差别巨大,这说明接触问题的考虑对于正确地处理实际问题是非常必要的。  相似文献   
We present an algorithm for solving a specially structured nonlinear integer resource allocation problem. This problem was motivated by a capacity planning study done at a large Health Maintenance Organization in Texas. Specifically, we focus on a class of nonlinear resource allocation problems that involve the minimization of a convex function over one general convex constraint, a set of block diagonal convex constraints, and bounds on the integer variables. The continuous variable problem is also considered. The continuous problem is solved by taking advantage of the structure of the Karush‐Kuhn‐Tucker (KKT) conditions. This method for solving the continuous problem is then incorporated in a branch and bound algorithm to solve the integer problem. Various reoptimization results, multiplier bounding results, and heuristics are used to improve the efficiency of the algorithms. We show how the algorithms can be extended to obtain a globally optimal solution to the nonconvex version of the problem. We further show that the methods can be applied to problems in production planning and financial optimization. Extensive computational testing of the algorithms is reported for a variety of applications on continuous problems with up to 1,000,000 variables and integer problems with up to 1000 variables. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 770–792, 2003.  相似文献   
In the apparel industry, vendors often suffer from high mismatches in supply and demand. To cope with this problem, they procure the same style product from different suppliers with different manufacturing costs. Especially in the quick response environment, which allows vendors to monitor trends in customer demand and search for available suppliers through the electronic market, they have additional opportunities to improve their decision‐making. In this paper, we propose an analytical profit maximization model and develop efficient decision tools to help both the middle and lower level managers pursuing this strategy. Furthermore, we have shown how significantly the vendors' potential competitive edge can be improved by exploiting multiple supply options, even at the expense of high premium procurement costs for late orders. The effect is critical, especially in a highly competitive market, and it has important implications for the top managers. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
朝核问题一直是困扰东北亚地区安全的核心问题,自20世纪90年代第一次朝核危机至今.朝核问题不但没有得到妥善解决,反而更加复杂。2006年10月9日,朝鲜宣布成功进行了地下核试验,朝鲜半岛再一次成为全球关注的焦点。在前人研究的基础上,就朝核问题产生的背景,朝核问题对中国边境地区经济、地区稳定以及生态环境等方面产生的影响进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   
结合火灾烟气蔓延扩散的客观规律和防排烟工程的实际状况,分析了建筑防排烟工程存在的几个共性问题及其危害,剖析了出现这些问题的根本原因,提出了尽快制定一部统一的《防排烟系统设计规范》、加强防排烟系统的设计、施工队伍监督管理和部件质量管理的对策。  相似文献   
消防无线通信存在问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国消防无线通信在灭火救援中的重要性,重点从消防通信装备的配备、技术和管理等方面分析了消防无线通信在使用中存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对策。  相似文献   
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