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针对OFDM系统中基于补零DFT实现信道插值的算法,对传统的时域方法和变换域方法进行了分析,并提出了一种新的补零方法。首先通过理论分析指出传统的基于补零DFT实现信道插值算法中,时域方法和变换域方法是等效的;通过对信道插值算法中冲激响应估计序列进行补零的分析,指出补零操作是为了重构出冲激响应的N点采样序列(N表示总子载波数),并针对传统补零方法在一定条件下产生的重构误差,提出了一种新的补零方法。仿真结果表明以上理论分析是正确的,新补零方法可以减小一定条件下的重构误差,增强信道插值算法对信道延迟分布的鲁棒性,有效提高系统的性能。  相似文献   
分析预估信道长度对信道估计算法的影响规律,提出了利用水声通信均衡恢复信号统计量对信道估计质量实时评估的方法,通过信道长度自适应修正机制,实现了对未知水声信道高精度、快速估计;针对水声信道造成的OFDM子载波特性差异,基于信道估计结果,提出了在码元总速率、能量约束条件下,各个OFDM子载波局部速率、功率优化分配的自适应调制算法,相比于传统的等功率、速率分配算法,新算法能够显著提升水声通信系统的误码率性能,通过仿真和实地试验,验证了本文研究内容的有效性。  相似文献   
传统雷达通道均衡采用自适应FIR滤波器作为均衡器,当理想脉冲响应序列很长时,其逼近效果不理想,计算量大。Laguerre滤波器兼具FIR和IIR结构的优点,通过在单位圆内固定一极点保证了系统的稳定,又因为引入了全通滤波环节,使其能够用较少的阶数逼近长脉冲序列响应。推导了Laguerre滤波器的自适应算法,并将其应用于雷达通道均衡中,仿真实验也证明了它与传统的FIR结构相比,用更少的系数获得了更优的对消比,达到了更好的均衡效果。  相似文献   
以现代物理、计算机、自动控制、信息处理与融合等高新技术为支撑的现代舰载光电装备技术,在现代海战中有着举足轻重的作用.根据现代海战的基本特点,论证了高科技局部海战对光电装备的3大需求,阐述了现代舰载光电装备的类别及其发展趋势.  相似文献   
为提高无线多跳网络的吞吐量和传输可靠性,提出一种信道分配算法。该算法优先考虑最小生成树上的可用信道,为每个节点分配信道资源;然后考虑利用生成树外其他可用链路,为节点提供信道资源,以提高吞吐量。算法通过考虑每个用户的通信需求,可以充分利用空闲信道资源。仿真结果显示,相比于不考虑最小生成树外链路时,有效地提高了网络整体吞吐量。  相似文献   
培育军人核心价值观,是当前部队思想政治教育的重中之重,其培育途径尤为重要,笔者认为,可以通过培养与激发官兵亲社会行为,来推动与促进军人核心价值观的培育。运用心理学的相关理论,促进亲社会行为的概念与特征、亲社会行为与军人核心价值观的有机结合,培育军人核心价值观。  相似文献   
We consider the coordination problem between a vendor and a buyer operating under generalized replenishment costs that include fixed costs as well as stepwise freight costs. We study the stochastic demand, single‐period setting where the buyer must decide on the order quantity to satisfy random demand for a single item with a short product life cycle. The full order for the cycle is placed before the cycle begins and no additional orders are accepted by the vendor. Due to the nonrecurring nature of the problem, the vendor's replenishment quantity is determined by the buyer's order quantity. Consequently, by using an appropriate pricing schedule to influence the buyer's ordering behavior, there is an opportunity for the vendor to achieve substantial savings from transportation expenses, which are represented in the generalized replenishment cost function. For the problem of interest, we prove that the vendor's expected profit is not increasing in buyer's order quantity. Therefore, unlike the earlier work in the area, it is not necessarily profitable for the vendor to encourage larger order quantities. Using this nontraditional result, we demonstrate that the concept of economies of scale may or may not work by identifying the cases where the vendor can increase his/her profits either by increasing or decreasing the buyer's order quantity. We prove useful properties of the expected profit functions in the centralized and decentralized models of the problem, and we utilize these properties to develop alternative incentive schemes for win–win solutions. Our analysis allows us to quantify the value of coordination and, hence, to identify additional opportunities for the vendor to improve his/her profits by potentially turning a nonprofitable transaction into a profitable one through the use of an appropriate tariff schedule or a vendor‐managed delivery contract. We demonstrate that financial gain associated with these opportunities is truly tangible under a vendor‐managed delivery arrangement that potentially improves the centralized solution. Although we take the viewpoint of supply chain coordination and our goal is to provide insights about the effect of transportation considerations on the channel coordination objective and contractual agreements, the paper also contributes to the literature by analyzing and developing efficient approaches for solving the centralized problem with stepwise freight costs in the single‐period setting. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
A new method based on phase difference analysis is proposed for the single-channel mixed signal separation of single-channel radar fuze. This method is used to estimate the mixing coefficients of de-noised signals through the cumulants of mixed signals, solve the candidate data set by the mixing coefficients and signal analytical form, and resolve the problem of vector ambiguity by analyzing the phase differences. The signal separation is realized by exchanging data of the solutions. The waveform similarity coefficients are calculated, and the time–frequency distributions of separated signals are analyzed. The results show that the proposed method is effective.  相似文献   
基于半定制集成电路设计流程,提出一种对CMOS集成电路进行电磁信息泄漏评估的方法。该方法首先利用综合工具生成电路的门级网表,将门级网表中的普通单元替换为防护逻辑单元,然后利用电磁辐射仿真模型和电磁信息泄漏评估模型对集成电路进行电磁辐射仿真和信息泄漏分析。该方法能够在设计阶段对密码芯片的抗电磁旁路攻击能力进行评估,可提高密码芯片的设计效率,减少资源浪费。  相似文献   
在已知台站布置的跳频系统中,针对邻频干扰对系统通信容量的影响,从信号信息熵角度,分析了接收点干扰信号和噪声的熵功率,利用信号熵和熵功率不等式,推导得出了以信道参数、干扰台站数和可用频点数为变量的系统通信容量公式。仿真结果表明,在干扰台站数较小时,接收点干扰信号的分布取决于信道参数,而不能简单地假设为高斯分布;并验证了所提理论在nakagami信道下的正确性。  相似文献   
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