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针对空袭作战时对预警机的需求问题,以空袭作战想定为背景,构建了预警机阵位选择的估算模型;以预警机实时探测能力为基础,给出了预警机航线规划的定量公式,并在其中考虑了工作模式变化对其影响;通过仿真,分析了主要参数与预警机阵位和航线的关系,其结果具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
总结了第19届国际信息融合会议的总体情况和主要特点,通过对大会报告、分会场报告以及国际信息融合界一些著名专家团队发表论文情况的统计分析,提炼出国际信息融合界普遍关注的焦点和难点问题;通过对获奖论文的分析,了解到受大会评奖委员会一致认可的年度优秀成果和技术进步点;最后,面向高层信息融合中的不确定性处理,对信息融合领域的发展进行展望。  相似文献   
We introduce and study a generalization of the classic sequential testing problem, asking to identify the correct state of a given series system that consists of independent stochastic components. In this setting, costly tests are required to examine the state of individual components, which are sequentially tested until the correct system state can be uniquely identified. The goal is to propose a policy that minimizes the expected testing cost, given a‐priori probabilistic information on the stochastic nature of each individual component. Unlike the classic setting, where variables are tested one after the other, we allow multiple tests to be conducted simultaneously, at the expense of incurring an additional set‐up cost. The main contribution of this article consists in showing that the batch testing problem can be approximated in polynomial time within factor , for any fixed . In addition, we explain how, in spite of its highly nonlinear objective function, the batch testing problem can be formulated as an approximate integer program of polynomial size, while blowing up its expected cost by a factor of at most . Finally, we conduct extensive computational experiments, to demonstrate the practical effectiveness of these algorithms as well as to evaluate their limitations. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 275–286, 2016  相似文献   
介绍了多机实时通信系统的设计方法,并在此基础上介绍了多机实时通信系统自动生成器的设计原理和方法。  相似文献   
针对最坏情况下性能优化的稳健自适应波束形成,提出一种自适应方向图的副瓣控制方法。该方法通过在副瓣任意区域设置多个二次不等式约束,对副瓣增益进行控制,从而可将方向图副瓣电平严格控制在期望值以下。该方法的优化模型可转化为凸二阶锥规划问题,利用内点法可有效求解实现。计算机仿真结果表明存在波束指向误差情况下,该方法既能获得指定的较低副瓣电平,又不带来干扰抑制性能的损失。  相似文献   
We consider a design problem for wastewater treatment systems that considers uncertainty in pollutant concentration levels at water sources. The goal is to optimize the selection of treatment technologies and pipeline connections, so that treated wastewater can achieve specified effluents discharge limits as well as possible. We propose a new two-stage model to optimize a set of guarantee levels, that is, the maximum concentration level of source pollutants for which treated wastewater can be compliant with discharge limits. In the first stage, treatment technologies and pipeline connections are selected. In the second stage, when pollutant concentration levels are revealed, wastewater distribution and mixing are determined. A key attractiveness of the proposed guarantee rate optimization model is that it can be simplified into a single-stage mixed-integer linear program. In our numerical experiments based on real-world pollutants data, the guarantee rate model demonstrates its advantages in terms of computational efficiency, scalability and solution quality, compared with the standard probability maximization model. Finally, the methodology proposed in this paper can also be applied to other two-stage problems under uncertainty with similar uncertainty characteristics.  相似文献   
为揭示故障轴承系统复杂的非线性动力学特征,建立了基于轴承外圈缺陷、接触非线性和间隙非线性的轴承系统非线性动力学微分方程,并采用数值方法对其求解,得到转子系统在不同转速、不同缺陷程度、不同阻尼下的相图、庞加莱图、分岔图等。研究结果表明,转速和缺陷程度是影响轴承系统非线性动力学特性的重要因素,随着转速和缺陷程度的不同,系统会产生周期、拟周期和混沌等多种非线性行为。  相似文献   
多传感器任务分派的快速启发式规划新算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在多目标多传感器管理中经常采用的线性规划算法中,随着传感器个数和目标个数的增加,计算量会爆炸式增长,使得跟踪系统不能实时计算,为此,根据传感器管理中线性规划的特点,提出了一种快速启发式算法,考虑组合中的传感器个数将组合的分配效用转化为权重,递推分配权重最大的组合,逐步减小组合和目标的个数.证明了权重最大的组合分派能实现组合中的传感器的最大效用.仿真结果表明该算法在与采用线性规划方法的跟踪精度相当的情况下,能有效地减小计算量.  相似文献   
坦克炮控伺服系统的滑模非线性摩擦补偿控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坦克炮控伺服系统存在低速摩擦,摩擦环节不但造成系统的稳态误差,而且导致极限环振荡、低速爬行等现象.提出基于Lyapunov稳定理论的滑模控制方法,通过 Lyapunov稳定理论获得控制量,同时克服参数不确定性和补偿非线性摩擦力矩,从而保证跟踪误差渐进收敛.仿真结果表明该设计方法大大优于经典设计,为炮控伺服系统实际设计提供了一种可行的新方法.  相似文献   
This paper derives optimal policies for when to hire, train, and lay off employees in service organizations when worker productivity appreciates deterministically or stochastically under constant, monotonic, and cyclic service demand. The model, an extension of the machine replacement problem from the engineering economy literature, uses infinite horizon linear programming to produce optimal personnel planning strategies and dual prices that characterize the workforce's economic value. The effect of employee attrition is also considered. In its valuation of human assets, unlike pure accounting approaches that only try to measure, this paper proposes an approach to capture the interaction between firm decisions pertaining to human resources and human resource value. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
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