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This paper presents an actuator used for the trajectory correction fuze, which is subject to high impact loadings during launch. A simulation method is carried out to obtain the peak-peak stress value of each component, from which the ball bearings are possible failures according to the results. Subsequently, three schemes against impact loadings, full-element deep groove ball bearing and integrated raceway, needle roller thrust bearing assembly, and gaskets are utilized for redesigning the actuator to effectively reduce the bearings' stress. However, multi-objectives optimization still needs to be conducted for the gaskets to decrease the stress value further to the yield stress. Four gasket's structure parameters and three bearings' peak-peak stress are served as the four optimization variables and three objectives, respectively. Optimized Latin hypercube design is used for generating sample points, and Kriging model selected according to estimation result can establish the relationship between the variables and objec-tives, representing the simulation which is time-consuming. Accordingly, two optimization algorithms work out the Pareto solutions, from which the best solutions are selected, and verified by the simulation to determine the gaskets optimized structure parameters. It can be concluded that the simulation and optimization method based on these components is effective and efficient.  相似文献   
In order to predict the storage life of a certain type of HTPB (hydroyl-terminated polybutadiene) coating at 25 C and analyze the influence of pre-strain on the storage life, the accelerated aging tests of HTPB coating at 40 C, 50 C, 60 C, 70 C with the pre-strain of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, respectively were carried out. The variation regularity of the change of crosslinking density was analyzed and the aging model of HTPB coating under pre-strained thermally-accelerated aging was proposed. The storage life of HTPB coating at 25 C was estimated by using the Berthelot equation as the end point of the aging life with a 30% decrease in maximum elongation. The results showed that the change of crosslinking density of HTPB coating increased with the increase of aging temperature and aging time, and decreased with the in-crease of pre-strain. Under 0% pre-strain, the relationship between the change of crosslinking density of HTPB coating and the aging time can be described by the logarithmic model with the confidence probability greater than 99%.The stress relaxation phenomenon existed under 3%, 6% and 9% pre-strained aging. The aging model considering chemical aging and pre-strain was established with the confidence probability greater than 90%. The storage life of HTPB coating was 15.2935 years at 25 C under 0% pre-strain, which was reduced by 13.9007%, 75.6949% and 89.7859% under 3%, 6% and 9% pre-strain, respectively. The existence of pre-strain has a serious impact on the storage life of HTPB coating, therefore, the pre-strain should be avoided as much as possible during the actual storage.  相似文献   
描述了路面不平度的统计特性,建立了AR模型。运用现代谱估计的方法对沙土地、硬土地和耕地等非人工路面的频谱特性进行了分析,得到了沙土地等3种路面的加速度功率谱和位移功率谱密度曲线图。结果表明,沙土地和耕地路面要好于硬土地路面,该结论与常识相符,验证了用AR模型法进行功率谱分析的可靠性和可行性。  相似文献   
维修资源在抢修过程中的分配决定了抢修活动的平均处理时间和等待时间,针对抢修实施时维修资源的分配,研究资源的优化配置使抢修时间最小的问题.在抢修过程中使抢修时间最小的目标和约束条件下,提出了资源配置优化的排队模型,并结合遗传算法给出了求解最优配置模型的方法,通过实例分析说明了模型和方法的应用情况.资源配置优化模型和算法已成功应用于集群装备保障决策系统的开发.  相似文献   
针对移动代理的分布式应用性能评估需求,建立了移动代理生命周期中主要行为的网络负载模型和时间消耗模型.在3种典型分布式应用想定下,分析了基于C\S模式和移动代理模式的应用实现基本过程,对两种模式下的网络负载和执行时间进行了仿真比较,结果证明了在访问节点数量较多,网络传输速率较低时,移动代理模式的具有更好性能.  相似文献   
简要描述随机服务系统基本理论和常用数学模型。针对坦克弹药保障中两种典型的决策问题,即阵地配置方案优选和指派保障车辆数量问题,运用运筹学的方法,将其视为先到先服务的随机服务系统。在一定的简化条件下,运用三种数学模型进行系统评估,根据排队模型计算得出的一些定量指标,表明集中配置优于分散配置;并提供了完成保障任务必须的车辆指派数量。结论不仅符合实际的战场需要,而且能提出较为合理的解决方案,算法简单易行。  相似文献   
概念模型的重用已成为当今仿真研究的热点问题之一,本文主要对作战仿真中概念模型的可重用性评估展开研究。首先建立了概念模型可重用性评估指标体系,在此基础上研究了概念模型可重用性评估算法,对评估中领域专家的权重分配方法和评估结果的表示方法进行了研究,提出了“静态权重+动态权重”的组合权重分配方法和用Kiviat图表示评估结果的方法。最后对概念模型在“XX作战仿真系统”开发中的重用结果进行了分析,结果表明,通过概念模型的重用可以有效地缩短概念模型的开发时间,提高开发效率,提高概念模型的可信性。  相似文献   
基于GAHP的模糊综合评判法在潜艇 作战方案评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潜艇作战方案评估是辅助对潜指挥员决策的重要方法,而评估的科学性对决策的有效性影响很大.利用多人层次分析法(GAHP)和模糊综合评判相结合的方法,对潜艇作战方案进行评估,评估的结果可信度高,有利于对潜指挥员的正确决策.最后,通过实例证明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   
针对目标回波小尺度幅度起伏特性模型进行了介绍。对雷达线性接收机和对数接收机的特性和模型进行了对比。对雷达信号级仿真中,由于雷达采用非线性对数接收机造成的目标回波小尺度幅度起伏特性模型与接收机模型相互耦合的原因和所产生的影响进行了分析。提出对这样的模型耦合问题必须解决,以保证仿真研究结果的有效性。  相似文献   
合理部署弹道导弹位置对于提高作战效能具有至关重要的作用。基于解析计算的优化方法难以反映环境因素、武器装备的技术和动力特性等不确定性因素对部署位置的影响,求得的结果存在置信度低的问题。故将解析法与仿真实验相结合,以体系对抗条件下弹道导弹作战效能评估的数学模型为基础,建立了由各种作战实体和行动的模型聚合而成的弹道导弹攻防对抗仿真模型,然后通过仿真实验找出最优部署位置,最后给出了应用示例。实验表明该方法具有速度快、效率高、结果清晰直观的特点,可为指挥员提供科学、快速的决策支持。  相似文献   
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