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为有效协调反应堆功率与需求负荷能量间的平衡,提高运行过程的安全性、机动性和经济性,当前普遍采用压水堆负荷琅踪运行模式.由于反应堆系统具有高度复杂、非线性、时变等特点,鲁通方法很难达到良好控制效果.通过合理简化,基于集总参数方法建立了压水堆负荷跟踪系统模型,并据此模型要求构造了优化目标函数,采用改进的二次寻优混沌算法对现...  相似文献   
随着房地产业的迅速发展,房地产策划在观念、专业化、组织、创新、协作和信息等方面存在着一些与发展不和谐的因素,通过对房地产策划的危机进行理性思考,以寻找战胜危机的可靠途径。在全面分析房地产策划危机的基础上,从贯穿市场意识、主动创造效益、强化整合功能、塑造品牌、引进管理等方面寻找形成房地产策划核心竞争力的源泉,以战胜暂时的危机。其结果证明了房地产策划仍然具有强大的生命力,暂时的危机一定能被克服。  相似文献   
基于Elman神经网络的NSG水位特性辨识方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对核动力蒸汽发生器在瞬态、启动和低功率下的“收缩”与“膨胀”现象引起的逆动力学效应使核动力蒸汽发生器水位特性难以辨识的问题,提出了基于Elman神经网络的NSG水位特性辨识的新方法.采用串-并联型辨识结构,以保证辨识的收敛性和稳定性.网络训练采用Levenberg-Marququardt BP学习算法.仿真结果表明,所提出的方法能够正确地辨识核动力蒸汽发生器的水位特性,且具有较高的辨识精度.  相似文献   
利用分离变量法导出了均匀圆柱形反应堆时空中子动力学方程的近似解析解,它满足反应堆运行现场所需的计算速度和精度要求,对舰船反应堆安全运行有重要意义.  相似文献   
因稳定时间受限,传统的倍增公式导出的外推临界公式计算结果大于实测值,偏危险;文中根据新的中子倍增公式导出了外推临界计算的新公式,实例计算表明,该公式比传统的外推临界公式精确且偏安全.  相似文献   
本文提出了热管输热核动力反应堆的构想,即用热管代替现今压水堆的一回路管道、主泵和稳压器,并对热管输热反应堆进行了原理分析,提出了工程应用可行性等急需研究的问题。  相似文献   
本文主要内容是通过对有外加中子源反应堆次临界状态下中子密度稳定值的分析,说明考虑缓发中子在内的中子倍增公式对次临界状态的反应堆物理分析是很有用的。  相似文献   
Russia has sharply objected to US plans for ballistic missile defense. The Russian official explanation is that the real purpose of the US missile defense plan is to make it impossible for Russia to retaliate against a US nuclear (or massive conventional) attack, thus making Russia subject to military blackmail by the US. The Russian response has been the result of a sum total of various factors, mostly political and cultural, while the technical capabilities of the proposed system have played a secondary role.  相似文献   
The new government in Egypt will have to deal with the following challenges in its foreign policy: the Palestinians, Sinai, the arms race between Israel and Egypt, the nuclear issue, the Suez Canal, and the Tiran Straits. Egypt has to decide what its approach would be toward these issues and as to how to maneuver between its own interests and those of other states such as Israel and the USA. All the sides have to consider their steps carefully in order to avoid an unnecessary crisis.  相似文献   
In 2002, a Nuclear Security Culture (NSC) Enhancement Program with the mission to raise the level of the NSC at sites and facilities in Russia's nuclear complex was launched under the guidance of the Russian State Corporation “ROSATOM” and with support from the US Department of Energy. A Joint Working Group for NSC with both Russian Federation and US members was formed and charged with the design and implementation of the program. The program was implemented at sites and facilities on a pilot basis. Nine sites participated in the Pilot Project. The key program component was an establishment of Culture Coordinators (CCs) with the authority to coordinate and implement NSC enhancement activities at sites and facilities. The CCs have served as the force that has maintained the momentum of the Pilot Project and continuously steered the site NSC enhancement efforts. The contribution of the CCs in achieving the positive outcomes of the program cannot be overstated.  相似文献   
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