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Today, many products are designed and manufactured to function for a long period of time before they fail. Determining product reliability is a great challenge to manufacturers of highly reliable products with only a relatively short period of time available for internal life testing. In particular, it may be difficult to determine optimal burn‐in parameters and characterize the residual life distribution. A promising alternative is to use data on a quality characteristic (QC) whose degradation over time can be related to product failure. Typically, product failure corresponds to the first passage time of the degradation path beyond a critical value. If degradation paths can be modeled properly, one can predict failure time and determine the life distribution without actually observing failures. In this paper, we first use a Wiener process to describe the continuous degradation path of the quality characteristic of the product. A Wiener process allows nonconstant variance and nonzero correlation among data collected at different time points. We propose a decision rule for classifying a unit as normal or weak, and give an economic model for determining the optimal termination time and other parameters of a burn‐in test. Next, we propose a method for assessing the product's lifetime distribution of the passed units. The proposed methodologies are all based only on the product's initial observed degradation data. Finally, an example of an electronic product, namely contact image scanner (CIS), is used to illustrate the proposed procedure. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   

In Operation Iraqi Freedom, which ended in August 2010, nearly 3500 hostile deaths occurred among US military personnel and 32,000 more were wounded in action (WIA). More than 1800 hostile deaths occurred during Operation Enduring Freedom (in and around Afghanistan) through 2014 and about 20,000 were WIA. A larger proportion of wounded personnel survived in Iraq and Afghanistan than during the Vietnam War, but the increased survival rates were not as high as some studies have asserted. The survival rates were 90.2% in Iraq and 91.6% in Afghanistan, compared with 86.5% in Vietnam. The casualty rates varied between the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and before, during, and after the respective surges. Amputation rates are difficult to measure consistently, but I estimate that 2.6% of all WIA and 9.0% of medically evacuated WIA from the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters combined resulted in the major loss of a limb. Elevated non-hostile death rates (including deaths due to accidents, illnesses, homicides, or suicides) resulted in about 220 more deaths in Iraq and about 200 more deaths in Afghanistan than would have been expected in peacetime among populations of the size deployed to those two conflicts.  相似文献   
本文根据西部民族地区教育的特殊性和共性,从创建和谐社会的基本理念出发,提出发展西部民族教育的对策:促进民族教育与全国教育发展相协调;增强少数民族的自信心,促进民族地区的社会稳定;确立教育公平和补偿性投入的理念,实现民族教育超前发展;重视民族基础教育和高层次骨干人才培养;加强师资队伍的建设;加强发达地区对西部贫困地区的教育对口支援。  相似文献   
把英语作为第二语言的教学是20世纪60年代在美国兴起并逐步走向独立的科目,它在综合相关专业的同时正在朝专业化方向发展。近年来其硕士层面的教育为全球培养了大量合格的中小学英语教师,取得了较好的成绩。本文以曼卡托明尼苏达州立大学英语系为例,并结合笔者在该系攻读TESL硕士学位时的经历,解析其主要课程及设置理据。  相似文献   
本文通过对新疆高校校园文化建设现状进行问卷调查,着重对新疆高校校园文化建设存在的问题进行了思考和分析,并在此基础上提出了相应对策。  相似文献   
当前,为适应我国的经济发展形势和军队现代化改革的步伐,在部队中推行政府采购制度是提高后勤工作管理水平的必然选择。针对军队政府采购制度的规范化建设问题,主要从完善采购法制建设、改革财务管理体制、加强人才培养和信息化建设方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
法制现代化是中国当前重大的社会主题之一,它是一个历史的、发展的过程。公安法治建设必然对国家法制现代化进程产生重大的影响。公安机关的性质、地位和作用决定了公安执法人员必须具有正确的执法思想。而法律至上观念、权利本位观念、分权制衡观念、正当程序观念对公安执法人员正确执法思想的形成有着直接的影响。  相似文献   
继续教育是提高教师队伍素质、实现教师终身教育的必要手段,中小学教师作为教育者首先需要接受教育。高等院校是实施中小学教师终身教育的重要基地。本文通过近年来的教学管理实践,提出兵团中小学教师继续教育存在的主要问题及今后改进的对策。  相似文献   
党的十八届三中全会指出要深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制:提出"三个进一步解放",即进一步解放思想、进一步解放和发展生产力、进一步解放和增强社会活力。这一新形势下,为确保社会和谐稳定、推进区域发展和教育公平,实现新疆高校跨越式发展显得尤为重要。本文对此形势下实现这一目标进行探讨。  相似文献   
核心力量训练作为现代体能训练的重要内容,近年来引起了国内许多体育界研究者的高度重视,已取得了一定的研究成果。但是,在部队的手榴弹立姿投掷训练课目中尚未引入这一训练理念。本文通过阐述与核心力量训练相关的概念、手榴弹立姿投掷核心力量训练的作用,总结出适用于部队实际、开展手榴弹立姿投掷核心力量训练的方法和原则。  相似文献   
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