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Spatial pricing means a retailer price discriminates its customers based on their geographic locations. In this article, we study how an online retailer should jointly allocate multiple products and facilitate spatial price discrimination to maximize profits. When deciding between a centralized product allocation ((i.e., different products are allocated to the same fulfillment center) and decentralized product allocation (ie, different products are allocated to different fulfillment centers), the retailer faces the tradeoff between shipment pooling (ie, shipping multiple products in one package), and demand localization (ie, stocking products to satisfy local demand) based on its understanding of customers' product valuations. In our basic model, we consider two widely used spatial pricing policies: free on board (FOB) pricing that charges each customer the exact amount of shipping cost, and uniform delivered (UD) pricing that provides free shipping. We propose a stylized model and find that centralized product allocation is preferred when demand localization effect is relatively low or shipment pooling benefit is relatively high under both spatial pricing policies. Moreover, centralized product allocation is more preferred under the FOB pricing which encourages the purchase of virtual bundles of multiple products. Furthermore, we respectively extend the UD and FOB pricing policies to flat rate shipping (ie, the firm charges a constant shipping fee for each purchase), and linear rate shipping (ie, the firm sets the shipping fee as a fixed proportion of firm's actual fulfillment costs). While similar observations from the basic model still hold, we find the firm can improve its profit by sharing the fulfillment cost with its customers via the flat rate or linear rate shipping fee structure.  相似文献   
The post-civil war agreement phase is vulnerable to credible commitment problems, a lack of government capacity to implement, and/or mutual vulnerability to retribution from violating the agreement. This study’s main contribution is to demonstrate the combined utility of mediation and UN peacekeeping. Mediation builds trust and confidence and works with the parties to design an efficacious agreement conducive to, among other features, tamping down post-agreement violence. Peacekeeping stems violence and facilitates the implementation of the agreement. Agreements that are mediated and followed by UN peacekeeping are expected to be more robust in terms of staving off violence. We report the effects of the mediation–peacekeeping interaction using a method correcting for a common misinterpretation of interaction terms. We test logit and hazard models using a sample of full and partial civil war peace agreements signed between 1975 and 2011. Controlling for agreement design, democracy, and income per capita, the results indicate mediation and its interaction with peacekeeping reduce the probability of renewed/continuing violence and have a positive impact on agreement duration. We also report brief case study evidence from the 1990s peace process in Guatemala.  相似文献   
武器装备论证及AHP层次分析法的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论证是装备研发过程中首要的、不可或缺的过程,涉及到不同层次、不同领域、不同学科的知识(自然科学、社会科学、工程技术等),要处理定性的和定量的不同类型的信息和数据。如何把这些知识综合集成起来,解决决策和组织管理问题,需要有科学的方法来支持。本文试以AHP层次分析法解决实际问题一例,见诸论证方法之一斑,为涉及装备论证的科研、管理、决策人员自觉运用科学论证方法起到一点积极作用。  相似文献   
从武警初级指挥学院的实际情况出发,提出了“院本科研”的指导观,并从科研积极性的调动、科研课题选择、分层分类指导等三个方面对如何加强武警初级指挥学院的科研指导做了探讨。  相似文献   
浅议高校科研经费的管理与监督   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校科研经费成为高校资金重要来源和科研经费管理的现状,笔者就科研经费管理与监督工作现存问题、科研经费管理和科研经费监督工作问题对策进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
美国FDL是美国证件研究中心,在硬件和职能建设上时间长,投入大,优势明显,特点突出,在业界居于领先地位。对FDL的特点、优势进行分析研究的基础上,结合我国证件研究的现状,提出了建设出入境证件数据库、获取证件司法鉴定资格及加强交流与合作等建议。  相似文献   
边防管理中的行政许可工作,涉及国家公安、外交、军事、民族等多个领域,直接影响到人民群众的正常生产和生活秩序,直接关系到与周边国家的合作配合和友好往来。应认真汲取我国历史上边防管理工作中的经验教训,充分借鉴世界有关国家的现行做法,并根据国际、国内形势的变化发展适时进行修改完善。  相似文献   
对高校管理信息化建设的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校管理信息化是一个包含着技术、组织、理念等多种因素的综合体系,对高校和社会发展均具有重大意义。目前,各高校对于管理信息化建设在目标定位、建设措施、组织实施等方面都存在不足。本文对石河子大学高校管理信息化建设现状进行了调查分析,针对学校存在的问题提出了抓目标定位、整体规划、技术支持等重要环节,以推动高校管理信息化建设的纵深发展。  相似文献   
国外潜艇作战系统的现状及其发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
潜艇作战系统的功能主要包括环境与目标分析、战术图像与威胁评估、软硬杀伤武器的协调与控制、战术导航、艇上模拟训练、系统监视,以及广泛的数据集成,是潜艇作战平台的核心。首先详细叙述和归纳了美国、英国以及其它欧洲国家潜艇作战系统的技术发展和现状,并在此基础上总结了国外主要国家潜艇作战系统的未来发展趋势,提出了目前潜艇作战系统关注和研究的重点领域。  相似文献   
管输水力摩阻不分区计算与实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长输管道输送一般处于紊流区,紊流区的水力摩阻计算一直采用分区计算的方法,涉及到的公式较多,使用起来不方便,并且分区附近存在数值跃变;由于混合摩擦区的计算通常采用近似公式,误差增加,最大甚至可达百分之十几。科尔布鲁克公式被公认为是计算混合摩擦区摩阻因数的准确公式,也可近似地用于水力光滑区和完全粗糙区的计算。文中给出了基于科尔布鲁克公式的水力摩阻计算公式,用该公式统一紊流区水力摩阻计算,并对不同油品在同一管道中流动的水力摩阻损失进行了实验研究,用实验数据分析了水力摩阻计算公式的误差。研究表明,紊流区的水力摩阻计算可不分区,均采用科尔布鲁克公式,以利于工程计算,同时可提高混合摩擦区的计算精度。  相似文献   
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