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体系对抗包括对敌方体系的破击和对己方体系的防护,实施体系对抗需要拥有一体化军队体系.总结了一体化军队体系的主要特征,并着眼这些特征,给出了一体化军队体系建设的思路和方法.该项研究对于加速我军一体化体系建设,提高打赢信息化条件下局部战争的能力具有积极的推动作用.  相似文献   
分析了按作战效果进行空军武器装备需求分析的三种常用方法的特点,建立了一种全自动化解算模型,比较完整地讨论并描述了根据装备水平分析作战效果时需要考虑的关键因素,总结了需要使用的相关军事知识,并给出了表达方法,研究了推理机制.构建了各种战斗类型的效果评估模块,实现了软件系统并应用于一个重要课题研究,取得了比较理想的效果.  相似文献   
针对目前海军作战兵力需求问题,建立了海军作战的物理模型,并提出了用动态综合作战能力指数筹划海战兵力需求的数学模型和算法,采用战例统计法和专家打分法计算出战斗力系数.并且以航空兵空中争夺为例进行了因素分析、参数选取、效能计算并得出了明确结论.计算结果表明,采用动态综合作战能力指数作为海战兵力需求指标是可行的;信息作战能力在现代海战中具有极其重要的作用.  相似文献   
The creation of an African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis (ACIRC) is a sign of Africa's willingness to take its destiny into its own hands. Presented as a reaction to the slowness of the development of the African Standby Force (ASF), it is also a response to some of the ASF's conceptual weaknesses. This decision reflects a wish to establish an instrument better equipped to deal with the challenges Africa is facing. Departing from the (sub)regional logic of the ASF results from a desire to take into account the transnational nature of threats, while its enlarged mandate is meant to offer Africa the capacity to intervene in all kinds of conflicts, including by undertaking peace enforcement activities. But the obstacles on the road towards the actual creation and mobilisation of this capacity should not be underestimated. These include material difficulties, but also political tensions, between ‘small’ and ‘big’ states as well as between the African Union and subregional organisations. The risk then is high that the ACIRC, whose announcement came as a reaction to France's intervention in Mali, ends up joining the ranks of the many ‘anti-imperialist’ phantoms haunting the history of the Organization of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU). Confronted by events considered ‘neocolonial’ initiatives, African actors have indeed traditionally reacted by launching grand projects that never got off the ground. However, by actually establishing this new instrument, they may also demonstrate that times have definitively changed.  相似文献   
Secret French plans to launch guerrilla-style raids on the British Isles devised in the spring of 1796 were referred to as ‘chouanneries’. The name and concept behind these small-war operations were modelled on the irregular tactics used by the Chouan rebels in the Vendée, which the French state army had brutally quashed, but some wished to transfer into their institutional practice. Part of France's ongoing military strategy in the war against Britain, which included fomenting insurrection in Ireland, these irregular operations were to be manned partially by pardoned deserters and released convicts and prisoners of war. Of these, only Tate's brief invasion of Wales in 1797 was realised, but the surviving plans provide insightful historical lessons into an Anglophobic mindset shared by a small network of practitioners and policy deciders on the effectiveness of such shock and awe tactics. Largely motivated by the desire to take revenge for Britain's support of counter-revolutionaries in the Vendée, these plans could more aptly be referred to as counter-‘chouanneries’.  相似文献   
In terrorism research, three different sources of information and data exist: the terrorists and their environment; the incidents; and the population. This article discusses the strengths and weaknesses of research that is concerned with, or relies on, any of the mentioned sources. An in-depth understanding of the methodological issues that come with these sources is important to correctly interpret results from scientific studies. It is highlighted how the different scientific approaches add to a holistic view of terrorism as a phenomenon. Furthermore, the double-edged sword of information in the field of terrorism is discussed. From these deliberations, guidance concerning the future work of both scholars and decision-makers can be deducted.  相似文献   
设计是作战行动筹划的重要步骤,精确工程保障需要对工程保障行动进行精密的设计和精确管理与控制。科学管理采用科学实验的方法,通过劳动方法标准化和差别计件工资制度,有效提高了工作效率,其基本原理经过百余年的实际检验,被证明是一个成熟有效的管理方法。借鉴科学管理理论,需要对工程保障行动进行动作研究,进而研究工程保障行动的作业标准,以期提高其保障效率。精益管理是在科学管理在新的历史时期的发展与改进,它使用了准时制、零库存、均衡生产、持续改进等先进的管理理念和六西格玛管理、成组技术等先进技术,为基于信息系统体系作战的工程保障能力生成提供了有益的借鉴,可加深我们对精确工程保障的理解,促进精确工程保障研究的可操作性。  相似文献   
TRL(Technology Readiness Level)评价是用以评价某项特定技术的成熟程度,以及比较不同技术的成熟程度的系统性、定量化工具,其对象是装备研制的关键技术,目的是把握技术成熟状况、工程化决策支持以及装备研制技术风险管理。推广使用这项工具,就是希望通过TRL评价,能够准确把握装备预研攻关的进展情况和技术状态,综合分析存在的问题和差距,为提高装备预研的科学决策和项目管理水平提供支撑。立足于TRL评价在装备预研中的实际应用场景,本课题针对TRL评价的适用性,工作结构分解(WBS)与项目技术分解之间关系、关键技术遴选原则和关键技术评价细则四个难点问题进行了讨论,以期回答如何使TRL评价这项工具在实际应用中能得以更好运用的问题。  相似文献   
The building of reliable covers has always been of the utmost importance for clandestine Humint. Using both primary and secondary sources, this study seeks to examine how classical authors and modern scholars have dealt with this topic, and which kind of covers have been the most used throughout history in different sociopolitical contexts, and what are the new perspectives for today’s challenges. Findings suggest that a careful reading of the political milieu in which intelligence officers are required to work, and a certain degree of creativity, are the essential premises for the construction of a plausible cover; that some apparently outdated disguises such as merchants, itinerant monks and philosophers should be understood more broadly today to include business people, humanitarian NGOs and academics; that undercover practices have been theoretically and historically recognized as necessary and convenient by a great number of societies, often with scant regard for ethical considerations.  相似文献   
The U.S. Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts, rarely appears in Civil War histories except perhaps as an unexplained statistical wonder. By late 1863, the Armory was the largest single supplier of rifles to Union forces. Springfield Armory workers out-produced over thirty American contractors, making more Army rifles at less cost while providing contractors with gauges, inspectors, and models, even though there were significant wartime private-sector mechanical innovations. This article identifies and explains the factors in the Armory’s success, provides context on contemporary American arms production and rifle models, and argues that the Armory’s methods and performance were among the first if not the first example of mass production in American small arms manufacture. The relative brevity of the Civil War episode, and the fact that it was not repeated in any comparable way at the Armory until World War II, has obscured its significance in American manufacturing history.  相似文献   
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