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对多层弹道导弹防御体系火力分配问题进行了研究。首先对多层弹道导弹防御体系火力分配问题进行了描述,在此基础上建立了基于最大化资源剩余价值目标函数的多层弹道导弹防御体系火力分配模型,分析了求解该模型的难点,提出了基于文化基因的多层弹道导弹防御体系火力分配问题文化基因求解算法,最后应用实例验证了模型的有效性,并对算法进行了对比分析。试验结果证明,合理制定多层弹道导弹防御体系火力分配方案,对于提升防御效能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In this paper we study a capacity allocation problem for two firms, each of which has a local store and an online store. Customers may shift among the stores upon encountering a stockout. One question facing each firm is how to allocate its finite capacity (i.e., inventory) between its local and online stores. One firm's allocation affects the decision of the rival, thereby creating a strategic interaction. We consider two scenarios of a single‐product single‐period model and derive corresponding existence and stability conditions for a Nash equilibrium. We then conduct sensitivity analysis of the equilibrium solution with respect to price and cost parameters. We also prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium for a generalized model in which each firm has multiple local stores and a single online store. Finally, we extend the results to a multi‐period model in which each firm decides its total capacity and allocates this capacity between its local and online stores. A myopic solution is derived and shown to be a Nash equilibrium solution of a corresponding “sequential game.” © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
准最优增量搜索效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对极限搜索圆进行特殊分割的条件下,导出准最优增量搜索和准最优总量搜索发现目标概率的计算公式,并通过对搜索力变化时两种发现概率的比较,得出了准最优增量搜索优于准最优总量搜索的重要结论.  相似文献   
Applications for content distribution over networks, such as Video‐on‐Demand (VOD), are expected to grow significantly over time. Effective bandwidth allocation schemes that can be repeatedly executed must be deployed since new programs are often installed at various servers while other are deleted. We present a model for bandwidth allocation in a content distribution network that consists of multiple trees, where the root of each tree has a server that broadcasts multiple programs throughout the tree. Each network link has limited capacity and may be used by one or more of these trees. The model is formulated as an equitable resource allocation problem with a lexicographic maximin objective function that attempts to provide equitable service performance for all requested programs at the various nodes. The constraints include link capacity constraints and tree‐like ordering constraints imposed on each of the programs. We present an algorithm that provides an equitable solution in polynomial time for certain performance functions. At each iteration, the algorithm solves single‐link maximin optimization problems while relaxing the ordering constraints. The algorithm selects a bottleneck link, fixes various variables at their lexicographic optimal solution while enforcing the ordering constraints, and proceeds with the next iteration. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
多层弹道导弹防御系统在助推段、飞行中段或再入段不同阶段实施拦截,可有效提高系统拦截概率,不同拦截阶段存在拦截弹最优配比问题。为了解决拦截弹道导弹过程中的最优分层配置的问题,本文分别以单层、双层、三层这三种拦截系统为例,通过公式演算和计算机仿真,得出了分段拦截弹道导弹时、不同拦截阶段的拦截弹之间的数量比与整体拦截成功率之间的关系;并提出了整体拦截成功率的概念。经仿真表明,在整体拦截成功率给定的情况下,使用本文所得出的不同拦截段之间所需拦截弹数目之间的最优比,可以最大限度地降低弹道导弹的拦截成本。  相似文献   
在资源有限的情况下,综合考虑某一区域不同机场之间的相互关系,从整体的角度合理分配排弹抢修资源,可以大幅提升区域内军队机场阵地的战场排弹抢修能力.本文通过建立数学模型,从整体的角度出发,分析区域内各机场的排弹抢修资源分配问题:首先,针对不可预见作战带来的新挑战,提出了新的机场排弹抢修作业流程,引出排弹抢修力量分配所面临的...  相似文献   
新一代面向密集计算的高性能处理器普遍采用分布式寄存器文件来支撑ALU阵列,并通过VLIW开发指令级并行.面向分布式寄存器文件的编译成为新兴的研究热点,在斯坦福大学的kernelC编译器ISCD中最早提出了面向分布式寄存器的VLIW调度问题,在该领域处于领先水平,但是没有解决重负载下的分布式寄存器分配问题,使应用编程受到极大限制.在其基础上提出了一种新的VLIW调度策略,实验结果表明能够很好地解决重负载下的分布式寄存器分配问题.  相似文献   
针对并行面向对象数据库的特点,结合异步并行查询执行策略,提出了一种基于对象类的混合式数据放置策略,它包括两个部分:混合式数据划分策略和基于对象类的数据分配策略  相似文献   
针对六轮月球车,对国内外空间探测机器人的移动机构的构型进行分析和综合,通过构型创新、构型组合等手段提出了125种新型六轮移动机构.进一步利用虚拟样机软件ADAMS12.0和控制仿真软件Matlab6.5平台,从方案创新、方案组装、方案优化三个层次对月球车机械系统和控制系统进行综合评价与优化,得到优化方案及其优化参数.选择了一种方案进行了分析和参数优化,并试制了物理样机,取得较好效果.  相似文献   
基于SpaceWire网络在热点通信模式下的工作特点,研究缓存资源的分配算法。给出均匀通信模式和热点通信模式的释义;推导网络路由节点的满负荷概率和平均延时的解析方法,计算网络中的关键通信节点;再给出SpaceWire网络缓存资源分配算法。利用Opnet网络仿真平台建立SpaceWire通信模型,仿真了不同通信模式中采用缓存优化策略前后的关键性能指标。研究结果表明:在热点通信模式状态下,该缓存资源分配算法在保证总资源一定的前提下,网络系统的平均延时降低,优化了SpaceWire网络性能。  相似文献   
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