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提出了一种基于改进免疫遗传算法的弹药自动装填机器人自适应模糊神经滑模控制器(IIGAAFNSMC)。用径向基神经网络来近似等效滑模控制中的不确定参数,通过自适应免疫遗传算法在线调整径向基神经网络非线性隐含层的结构和参数。利用最小二乘法计算线性输出层的权值,自适应模糊系统调节滑模控制的增益,减小了网络逼近误差和外部干扰并消除了传统滑模控制中的抖振问题。仿真结果表明,该方法比传统的神经网络滑模控制器具有更高的逼近精度和速度。  相似文献   
车辆姿态仿真是自行高炮仿真中的一个重要环节。该文给出了车辆姿态仿真的一种新算法,该算法采取了一系列措施,在基本上不降低仿真精度的情况下,使仿真时间大大减少。  相似文献   
The drone is the latest tool to promote interests of a nation-state. It is clear that USA as well as other major powers anticipate that robotics will play a key role in future warfare. Today, more than 70 countries have already acquired drone technology and many others are desperate to join the ranks. This urge for drone technology will ultimately lead to a “boundless and borderless war without end.” In the case of Pakistan, the US drone campaign has raised some important issues regarding how their use could, or should, be regulated in the future. This article analyses the legal issues raised by the US's use of drone technology in non-combat zones, such as Pakistan. It is argued that a reckless disrespect of Pakistan's sovereignty has had adverse implications and consequences for the legitimacy of the Pakistani government. Drone strikes have prompted instinctive opposition among the Pakistani population, hurt their feelings and estranged them from the government. This in turn has added to Pakistan's instability and stimulated a ground-swell of animosity toward the USA.  相似文献   
Here, we revisit the bounded batch scheduling problem with nonidentical job sizes on single and parallel identical machines, with the objective of minimizing the makespan. For the single machine case, we present an algorithm which calls an online algorithm (chosen arbitrarily) for the one‐dimensional bin‐packing problem as a sub‐procedure, and prove that its worst‐case ratio is the same as the absolute performance ratio of . Hence, there exists an algorithm with worst‐case ratio , which is better than any known upper bound on this problem. For the parallel machines case, we prove that there does not exist any polynomial‐time algorithm with worst‐case ratio smaller than 2 unless P = NP, even if all jobs have unit processing time. Then we present an algorithm with worst‐case ratio arbitrarily close to 2. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 351–358, 2014  相似文献   
影响坦克操纵力的因素很多.本文利用正交试验法,对影响操纵力的主要因素进行试验,得出转向操纵装置组装工艺的最优方案.对制定维修工艺过程、工艺标准、要求有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
在非制导火控系统中,为实现目标信息的自适应滤波与自适应解命中问题,机动目标模型应能动态识别,又要适应工作周期的各种变化.本文提出的“参数辨识模型”能同时满足上述要求,并可将自适应滤波纳入到现代控制理论的正常思路内予以解决.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于输入匹配的直接自适应广义预测控制器;分析证明了确定性系统和随机系统广义预测自适应控制算法的全局稳定性和收敛性。唯一的关键假设是参数已知时广义预测控制导致闭环系统稳定,去掉了正实条件的限制。  相似文献   
多项目并举状况下的资源有限-工期最短问题求解,是提高航空企业资源利用率、缩短项目周期的关键。在项目网络计划的基础上,提出了一种改进型粒子群算法对多项目实施并行资源调度,求解多项目最优资源调度方案。该方法通过改进的交叉和变异操作,提高了解的多样性,保证了算法的全局搜索能力。最后,通过对某型飞机的2个并行装配计划进行实例计算,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
分析了定位导航信息的几种分发模式,以旅级规模的战术互联网为背景,研究了定位导航信息分发模型,对几种分发模式下不同类型节点的信息流量进行了定量的分析,最后给出了几点结论和需要进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   
大部分关联规则挖掘算法仅以出现频率作为阈值来产生关联规则,然而在发动机故障数据分析领域,很多关键故障的出现机率较低,采用传统的挖掘算法无法适应航空发动机故障分析的需要.提出一种新算法,称为权重式多重支持度关联规则挖掘算法,此算法可针对不同重要度的故障定出不同的支持度阈值,由此产生的关联规则,可以解决高重要度但出现较少的故障不易被挖掘的问题.  相似文献   
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