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海上机动目标的运动预测模型及精度分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了海上机动目标的运动特性,针对海上机动目标在某些时间段运动具有一定的规律性,用插值外推法建立了预测其运动的数学模型。并对此模型的精度进行了分析,最后给出了实例。仿真结果表明,本模型能适用于海上机动目标不同的机动方式,算法快捷,具有较强的军事应用价值,模型的计算精度完全满足某新型号导弹的作战要求。  相似文献   
网络扩容的一个重要障碍是异构子网连接后的互连管理问题。分区域的一体化管理无疑是一种解决办法。本文提出一种基于管理协议细栈(MTS)来构造一体化的区域管理中心(RMC)的策略,这里的 RMC 可实现彼此间的管理通信和互操作,从而也解决了扩容后的互连管理问题。结合正在进行的工程实践,文章还进一步从技术角度上讨论了实现策略。  相似文献   
地震是引发石化企业火灾的重要潜在罪魁,且多造成惨重损失,鉴于罕见研究,本文着意对石化企业地震火灾的产生、特点及预防和初期火灾扑救对策作以探讨,以望减少该类火灾危害。  相似文献   
In this study, we propose that in states with relatively weak central authorities, decision-makers had to develop market-oriented organisation solutions to successfully face a grave external threat, and these solutions proved to be efficient. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines institutional theory, history and strategy, we analyse a case study, the use of corsairs (privateers) by England in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. We have found that the development of partnership companies went hand in hand for commercial and military purposes. English privateers proved to be economically efficient and superior to the centrally planned war operations of the Spanish empire.  相似文献   
This paper empirically investigates the impact of military base realignments and closures on regional economic activity in light of the 2005 round of Base Realignment and Closure actions. Baseline regressions with county-level data show employment multipliers comparable to those generated from conventional input–output models. However, controlling for possible endogeneity and other regional-specific factors, regressions indicate more tenuous results for spillover effects from the military to the private sector. Only the contractor type of base employment generated economically and statistically meaningful impacts on local employment. In addition, there is strong evidence of asymmetric effects between military buildups and drawdowns.  相似文献   
Previous studies on the relationship between individual’s enlistment decisions and their personal characteristics examined a number of variables such as age, marital status, gender, family background, geographical background, employment situation and education level. However, attitudes towards working, expectations from a good job and centrality of working are also important determinants in this process. This paper examines the profile of juveniles who seek a career as gendarmerie non-commissioned officers (NCO) in the Turkish Armed Forces and their attitudes and expectations towards working in general within the framework of Meaning of Working (MOW) researches. According to the results of the survey conducted with 500 NCO candidates in Turkey, learning something new, good relations with colleagues and employment guarantee are detected as the main expectations of juveniles who seek a career in military. Results also show that having a job is so important for these young people that they consider having a job even prior to their families.  相似文献   
Approximately 470,000 refugees and migrants passed through Slovenian territory between September 2015 and March 2016, creating a crisis that required a great deal of organisational and field work on the part of many governmental and non-governmental institutions. In the social sciences, a discourse on “security versus humanitarian approach” on the refugees and migrant issue appeared; however, the article goes over such a discourse and deals with roles and problems of different institutions – mostly the military – that responded to the crisis. Namely, coping with the crisis was characterised by significant institutional adjustments, difficult co-ordination, and intense public debate. The Slovenian Armed Forces were included in this process as support for Civil Protection and Police. The military’s role followed the military missions defined by the Defence Act; however, the government also proposed some changes to the act that were met with some doubts on the part of the public and different institutions.  相似文献   
CHENG Hong 《国防科技》2018,39(1):001-004
坚持向科技创新要战斗力,落实到国防动员建设领域,就是要紧紧围绕党在新形势下的强军目标,积极适应现代战争形态新变化、世界军事变革新趋势、总体国家安全新要求和军队使命任务新拓展,加强高技术力量平战一体国防动员,搭建起高技术力量在经济与军事、地方与军队、潜力与实力、平时与战时的桥梁和纽带,全面提升国防动员战时应战、急时应急、平时服务能力,为保障军队能打仗、打胜仗提供强大科技支撑。  相似文献   
赵辉 《国防科技》2018,39(6):040-043
科学技术的飞速发展及其在军事领域的广泛应用,物化出全新的武器装备。文章分析世界各军事强国在感知装备、主战平台、精确制导武器、信息对抗装备、太空及新概念武器等方面加大研发力度,呈现出的全新发展态势。它推动军事领域深层次变革,对现代战争产生广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   
本文论述了世界军事在国际格局形成、发展、演变过程中的作用。军事实力是影响国际格局的重要因素,各国军事实力的变化,促使世界向多极化迈进;局部战争对国际格局具有直接作用,朝鲜、越南、阿富汗及海湾战争的爆发、进程与结果,影响着国际格局的发展;各国军事战略的对抗性和相溶性,亦同样对国际格局有重要影响。  相似文献   
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