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为了找出轴频电场无法彻底消除及实际测量中静电场产生波动曲线问题的原因,基于旋转点电荷的建模方法对舰船腐蚀电场进行研究。利用汉克尔变换对点电荷在三层介质中产生的电场进行近似求解,得出一定转速下感应电场随时间、螺旋桨半径及水面距离变化的规律曲线图,并通过实验验证了理论结果的正确性。结果表明:螺旋桨旋转产生的感应电场是构成舰船腐蚀电场的一部分,一定转速下的感应电场频率与螺旋桨转动频率一致,并会随着螺旋桨半径及与水面距离的增加而减小。  相似文献   
聚能射流形成过程的理论建模与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了聚能射流的形成过程,并对其中的各阶段进行了详细建模。在模型中考虑了炸药爆轰、金属的驱动、药型罩压垮以及射流和杵体的形成过程。采用该模型对某一聚能装药结构进行了计算,计算结果表明:药型罩顶部和底部微元的压垮速度较小,在射流头部形成反向速度梯度,与试验数据吻合较好。该模型对于多级侵彻战斗部的工程设计与侵彻参数的计算具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
随着海洋开发的日益增加,水下航行器的研究也进入了快速发展阶段,如何保证航行器在水下恶劣环境中可靠工作成为急待解决的问题,尤其对于超远航程和超长航时的航行器,其航行过程中难免会发生意外错误,因此在保证性能的同时,如何提高水下航行器的容错能力成为近年来研究的一个热点问题.提出了一种基于冗余管理(Redundancy Management)理论的水下航行器容错控制方案,方案有效利用了航行器中各传感器的冗余性,减少了硬件设备的增加,降低了成本,并利用有限元状态机方法进行了Matlab程序仿真,结果表明,整个方案设计合理,容错控制律真正达到了"容错控制"的目的.  相似文献   
进行了两类压剪加载实验:(1)利用石英的平面正碰撞产生压剪加载的实验,采用电磁质速法测试装药试件内部不同质点的运动情况,分析炸药装药中发生化学反应的可能性;(2)在压剪炮上采用平行倾斜碰撞产生压剪加载的实验,观测炸药装药爆炸的可能性。由实验可以看出:在亚爆轰状态的压缩加载应力条件下,剪切的联合作用对炸药的起爆起到敏化作用,适当比例的压剪加载造成更加敏感的炸药起爆响应。文中给出了起爆响应规律和响应机制的实验分析。  相似文献   
为分析电荷泵中不同频率单粒子瞬变(SET)电流对锁相环(PLL)的影响,采用频域分析法从增益和带宽的角度研究了环路参数与SET响应的关系。分析结果表明,减小环路滤波电阻可以降低系统增益,从而有效降低压控振荡器控制电压的扰动;增大固有频率或阻尼因子则可以提高系统带宽,从而滤除更大范围的SET电流,同时还可以降低PLL恢复到锁定状态的时间。因此,减小环路滤波电阻、增大固有频率或阻尼因子是有效的设计加固方法。通过1GHz PLL的SET模拟验证了上述结论。  相似文献   
海洋中,由于种种原因可能造成声呐发射深度或接收深度发生变化,针对这一问题,研究了水听器的晃动给混响强度带来的影响。在波束位移射线简正波理论的基础上推导了浅海混响模型,仿真比较了负跃层浅海情况发射深度或接收深度上下变化1m时(小幅度变化)的混响衰减曲线,结果表明发射深度或接收深度上下变化1m时对混响衰减曲线的影响不大。可以认为水听器小幅度晃动时浅海混响相对于声源深度及接收深度是稳定的。  相似文献   
依据Herrmann状态方程和斜冲击波关系估算了多孔材料药型罩压垮之前的冲击温升,求解了经过冲击压缩卸载后材料的声速。给出了多孔材料药型罩聚能射流的形成条件。初始冲击温升会使材料的声速和强度降低,从而使多孔材料聚能射流形成射流的高速和低速条件降低。  相似文献   
The formation mechanism of an EFP(explosively formed projectile) using a double curvature liner under the overpressure effect generated by a regular oblique reflection was investigated in this paper.Based on the detonation wave propagation theory,the change of the incident angle of the detonation wave collision at different positions and the distribution area of the overpressure on the surface of the liner were calculated.Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the formation process of the EFP with tail as well as the ability to penetrate 45# steel were performed using LS-DYNA software,and the EFP ve-locity,the penetration ability,and the forming were assessed via experiments and x-ray photographs.The experimental results coincides with those of the simulations.Results indicate that the collision of the detonation wave was controlled to be a regular oblique reflection acting on the liner by setting the di-mensions of the unit charge and maintaining the pressure at the collision point region at more than 2.4 times the CJ detonation when the incident angle approached the critical angle.The distance from the liner midline to the boundary of the area within which the pressure ratio of the regular oblique reflection pressure to the CJ detonation pressure was greater than 2.5,2,and 1.5was approximately 0.66 mm,1.32 mm,and 3.3 mm,respectively.It is noted that pressure gradient caused the liner to turn inside out in the middle to form the head of the EFP and close the two tails of the EFP at approximately 120μs.The penetration depth of the EFP into a 45# steel target exceeded 30 mm,and there was radial expansion between the head and tail of the EFE increasing the penetration resistance of the EFP.Therefore,the structural size of the unit charge and the liner can be further optimized to reduce resistance to increase the penetration ability of the EFP.  相似文献   
The numerical simulation of a blast wave of a multilayer composite charge is investigated. A calculation model of the near-field explosion and far-field propagation of the shock wave of a composite charge is established using the AUTODYN finite element program. Results of the near-field and far-field calculations of the shock wave respectively converge at cell sizes of 0.25–0.5 cm and 1–3 cm. The Euler––flux-corrected transport solver is found to be suitable for the far-field calculation after mapping. A numerical simulation is conducted to study the formation, propagation, and interaction of the shock wave of the composite charge for different initiation modes. It is found that the initiation mode obviously affects the shock-wave waveform and pressure distribution of the composite charge. Additionally, it is found that the area of the overpressure distribution is greatest for internal and external simultaneous initiation, and the peak pressure of the shock wave exponentially decays, fitting the calculation formula of the peak overpressure attenuation under different initiation modes, which is obtained and verified by experiment. The difference between numerical and experimental results is less than 10%, and the peak overpressure of both internal and external initiation is 56.12% higher than that of central single-point initiation.  相似文献   
Experiments on shaped charge penetration into high and ultrahigh strength steel-fiber reactive powder concrete (RPC) targets were performed in this paper. Results show that the variation of penetration depth and crater diameter with concrete strength is different from that of shaped charge penetration into normal strength concrete (NSC). The crater diameter of RPC is smaller than that of NSC penetrated by the shaped charge. The jet particles are strongly disturbed and hardly reach the crater bottom because they pass through the narrow channel formed by jet penetration into the RPC. The effects of radial drift velocity and gap effects of jet particles for a shaped charge penetration into RPC target are discussed. Moreover, a theoretical model is presented to describe the penetration of shaped charge into RPC target. As the concrete strength increases, the penetration resistance increases and the entrance crater diameter decreases. Given the drift velocity and narrow crater channel, the low-velocity jet particles can hardly reach the crater bottom to increase the penetration depth. Moreover, the narrow channel has a stronger interference to the jet particles with increasing concrete strength; hence, the gap effects must be considered. The drift velocity and gap effects, which are the same as penetration resistance, also have significant effects during the process of shaped charge penetration into ultrahigh-strength concrete. The crater profiles are calculated through a theoretical model, and the results are in good agreement with the experiments.  相似文献   
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