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There is widespread acknowledgment that the modus operandi of jihadis affiliated with Al Qaeda and associated movements (AQAM) relies on brutal terror-inducing tactics which, more often than not, target Muslim and non-Muslim non-combatants. This article comparatively analyzes the AQAM modus operandi within the traditional stipulations of Islamic precepts with respect to waging jihad al saghir. The purpose is to glean whether or not such tactics such as suicide bombings, declaring fellow Muslim apostates in order to kill them, use of IEDs and EFPs to target civilians, constitute legitimate rules of engagement in jihad al saghir.  相似文献   
The death of Jean Charles de Menezes on the London Underground in 2005 remains a horrifying example of what happens when counterterrorism goes wrong. One of the extraordinary features of the shooting was the remarkable number of special elements, police units, military Special Forces, and unusual procedures and tactics involved in the incident. This article attempts to assess the causal significance of the special dimension in the horrific chain of circumstances. It does so by interrogating numerous explanations for the tragedy and highlighting the role of the special factor. The Stockwell shooting remains very important today because it casts a sharp and somewhat harsh spotlight on the particular pitfalls of special responses, measures and units to the multitudinous threats posed by international terrorism in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
Maritime interests in the twenty-first century are not immune to the growing number of irregular challenges and hybrid threats that have come to dominate land warfare. In order to better understand these challenges a study of naval history can help provide a vital foundation. In the early 1830s the United States Navy dispatched the frigate USS Potomac to Sumatra to investigate a pirate attack on the spice trader Friendship. Potomac's crew of sailors and Marines conducted a landing at the village Quallah Batoo and fought a pitched battle. As the navies of the world approach naval irregular warfare in the new century, studying past examples like Potomac's mission can help illuminate the principles of successful naval irregular warfare.  相似文献   
维和警察团队在维和行动中展现了强大的优势。在构建维和警察团队时,要把握好一系列原则;在培养其团队精神时,要做好以下六个方面的工作:强化维和事业心、合理明确的定位、警队制度化、复合化培养、以人为本、处理好警队内部竞争与合作的关系。  相似文献   
随着武警部队抢险救灾任务的日益增加,完善心理危机干预机制势在必行。通过分析武警部队完善危机干预机制的意义和目前存在的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。心理危机干预机制的建立,对于维护武警部队官兵心理健康,保证部队稳定,增强整体战斗力,具有战略意义。  相似文献   
探讨建设现代化武警的规律和特点,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。建设现代化武警,一是必须打牢思想政治基础,二是必须体现科学发展,三是必须坚持改革创新,四是必须突出武警特色,五是必须全面提升部队建设水平。  相似文献   
特色学报建设是武警院校在建设现代化武警中培养高素质学术人才的必然选择。在特色办刊理念指导下,找准特色学报方向,构建特色学报梯队,开设特色栏目,培育特色学术人才,是武警院校特色学报建设的主要内容和途径。在追求武警院校人才建设,着力为建设现代化武警服务的同时,又注重追求学报建设的内在价值,发挥特色学报栏目建设的整体功能,是提升武警学术研究核心竞争力和办刊水平的基本路向。  相似文献   
随着国际形势的不断变化,维和工作也日益复杂,对维和警察的基本素质提出更高的要求,在这种需求的基础上特提出了“一要、二增强、六懂、六会、五掌握”的训练要求。  相似文献   
2020年初发生的"新冠肺炎"疫情是新中国成立以来防控难度最大的重大突发公共卫生事件,也是对军队应急防疫保障体系的实际检验。军队应立足于军民融合战略思想的大背景,着眼非战争军事行动应急防疫保障体系建设的实际,完善重大疫情防控体制机制,进一步健全公共卫生体系,以全面提升防控和救治能力。本文结合当前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情和以往非战争军事行动应急防疫保障的实践经验,分析了非战争军事行动卫生防疫保障的特点,阐述了其经验做法和存在的不足,从防疫指挥救治、应急物资保障、卫勤保障法律、心理危机干预以及防疫研发攻关等五个方面给出了对策措施,希翼随着军民融合不断深入推进,军地救治经验的相互交流和科研技术的协助攻关,本研究能够为非战争军事行动应急防疫保障体系建设提供一些参考。  相似文献   
反潜作战是现代战争中一种重要的作战样式,是决定战争胜负的重要因素之一.通过详细讨论现代反潜作战中主要的武器平台及对我潜艇作战的影响,提出了我军在未来可能的反"台独"作战中潜艇作战的3种主要战法.  相似文献   
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