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战例研究是进行军事问题研究的重要基础,也是汲取战争经验、深化军事斗争准备的现实需要.开展战例研究的前提是建立起知识体系完备、检索运用便捷的战例库.随着智能技术的发展,战例数据的标准化描述、规范化存储、智能化分析成为可能,极大地支撑了便捷、高效的数字化战例库系统开发工作.本文首先从战例研究的重要性入手,分析了当前战例运用...  相似文献   
刘明  彭天笑 《国防科技》2018,39(3):032-036
军队翻译能力是军队外语能力的组成部分。军队翻译能力的理论框架包含构成要素、存在形式和转换机制三个组成部分。新的安全形势对我军的翻译保障在广度和深度上都有了新的要求,而军队翻译能力供给相对不足。需要对军队翻译能力进行规划,加强翻译人力资源的储备与管理,提升翻译保障信息化水平。  相似文献   
Relations between the USA and Pakistan have been tenuous since the 1947 partition of British India and the subsequent creation of the former. The 1979 Soviet intervention in Afghanistan focused the attention of the international community on South Asia. This article will examine the foreign policies of three successive US Presidential Administrations between 1977 and 1993, and how their decisions and corresponding actions were interpreted by the Pakistani government and its people. The key finding is the trend of the ebb and flow of US interest in Pakistan. The primary research conducted for this article shows that Pakistanis recognize this trend and consider it hypocritical of the US government. The current conditions in South Asia are ominously similar to those of 1992 with the drawdown of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan. Policy-makers would be wise to review the events of 1977–1993 so that the cycle is not repeated again.  相似文献   
There are n customers that need to be served. Customer i will only wait in queue for an exponentially distributed time with rate λi before departing the system. The service time of customer i has distribution Fi, and on completion of service of customer i a positive reward ri is earned. There is a single server and the problem is to choose, after each service completion, which currently in queue customer to serve next so as to maximize the expected total return. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 659–663, 2015  相似文献   
探讨公安消防部队审计方法应用现状及不足,分析相关原因,提出加强宣传、营造良好的审计工作环境、顺应消防部队建设发展需要、不断加强审计队伍建设等对策。  相似文献   
南宋抗蒙斗争时期,四川军民凭借严密的山地滨江网状防御体系成功地抵御了蒙军长达数十年的进攻。为分析、总结这一体系中山地滨江防卫型城池的营建特征,以其中一个重要城池——重庆多功城为代表,从历史沿革、选址、地形地貌、平面布局、周边道路、环境和主要建筑特征等方面进行分析,并结合相关史书资料和其他城池研究成果,总结出南宋四川山地滨江防卫型城池的营建特征:选址依山临水,择险而立;防御设施完善坚固;后勤保障得力。  相似文献   
South Africa's military has, since the First World War, been an oft-used and effective tool in the conduct of South African foreign policy, but this role has not always translated into power for Defence Department principals in its formulation. South African Defence Ministers for most of the country's history have played a minor role in the making of foreign policy; despite a change in this dynamic between approximately 1975–1990, the post-apartheid era has once again seen a diminishment of Defence's power in this arena. This article examines why Defence Ministers have generally been such weak players, with an eye toward disaggregating whether this was a product of interpersonal relationships with Cabinet and – most importantly – the Head of State, or whether this influence (or lack thereof) was more a function of South Africa's international standing. While determining who has influence on this process is difficult given the primacy of the national leader in making foreign policy and a lack of insider accounts by participants in the process, this article relies upon several interviews with participants and knowledgeable observers that help illuminate the process and Defence's role in it.  相似文献   
对贵阳市某大楼型钢混凝土桁架转换层进行了施工期间的监控,并利用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了带有型钢混凝土桁架转换层的结构有限元分析模型.针对工程中连接、构造和施工影响等相关因素进行有限元模型的对比分析,明确各因素对桁架受力的影响.结合施工阶段的监控数据,分析此工程中桁架受力状态的成因,为准确判断工程在正常投入使用后的...  相似文献   
当前和今后一个时期,国际、国内毒潮将持续冲击我国社会,禁毒斗争将是一场持久战。针对当前缉毒情报侦查网络建设中存在的主要问题,公安边防部队应从适应信息化条件下缉毒工作的需要出发,建好缉毒情报侦查信息网络,为边防缉毒工作提供有力的情报保障。  相似文献   
利益冲突可分为一般意义的利益冲突和廉政意义的利益冲突。目前,我国常见的利益冲突类型有交换型利益冲突、权力型利益冲突、双重型利益冲突和集体型利益冲突等。构建防止利益冲突制度,其内容大体包括建立防止利益冲突组织机构、利益冲突教育制度、回避制度、利益申报制度、公务员离职制度、反腐倡廉监督检查制度、立法和公共政策制定过程中的利益协调制度等。  相似文献   
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