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本文通过对1960年代历史小说语境化"重返"式的解读,运用"知识考古学"的研究方法,分析1960年代的历史小说表达了作家们在向历史诉求的过程中与小说中的历史人物彼此生死相知,以及他们对现实的介入性言说,而这种面向历史的精神旨归和介入现实的话语呈现,又隐约地透露出作家在现实规训下的复杂心态,1960年代的历史小说也成了意识形态与政治话语诉求的认识性装置,从一个侧面显示了权力、制度、意识形态等对文学与人的规训以及这种规训的隐秘成规。  相似文献   
高校思想政治理论课实践教学,是实效性改革的重要举措。思想政治理论课教学与实践教学是两个相互补充的方面,缺一不可。实践教学作为理论教学的一个重要环节,应当是而且可以是多元模式的。  相似文献   
科研与教学结合是思想政治理论课教学的基本要求,要提高教学质量,就必须树立思想政治理论课教学的科学意识,增大教学中的科研含量。确立教学出题科研解题,教学促进科研,科研反哺教学,教学与科研互动的模式,从而实现思想政治理论课教学与科研良性互动、滚动发展、共同提高的良好态势。  相似文献   
徐亮 《国防科技》2017,38(2):055-059
习近平同志强调要"打造一流新兴媒体,掌握网络时代话语权"。军队网络政治工作话语权关系到军队的安全、意识形态安全甚至国家安全。文章研究,积极适应网络信息化发展的新特点,主动占领网络阵地,不断掌握网络政治工作话语权,注重熟识军队网络政治工作的特点、分析网络政治工作存在的问题、创新网络政治工作的发展路径。文章指出,当前,提升军队网络政治工作话语权必须增强网络话语设置自觉,促进网络话语广泛传播,主动参与网络话语交锋和提高网络政治工作教育话语能力。  相似文献   
关于设置高校学生辅导员专业的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新时期党的思想政治工作对高校学生辅导员工作提出更高的要求。设立辅导员专业 ,实现辅导员职业化 ,建立一支高素质的辅导员队伍 ,是高校改革与发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   
This article examines the impact of parliamentary involvement in troop deployment decisions on restrictions on military mandates by examining the Belgian contribution to the 2011 Libya intervention and the coalition against the self-proclaimed Islamic State. More specifically, we analyse (1) the effect of party ideology on mandate preferences, and (2) the impact of bargaining between majority and opposition parties on the outcome of mandate negotiations. Our case study demonstrates that left-wing parties show a strong inclination toward imposing restrictions on the use of military force beyond humanitarian goals, while right-wing preferences tend to depend on the national interests at stake in the operation. With regard to majority-opposition bargaining, our study shows that the impact of opposition parties is dependent on the degree of contention between government and opposition parties, as well as on the extent to which the executive needs to seek support across its own majority.  相似文献   
Chapter 15 of the Xunzi stands as the most comprehensive account of the early Confucian analysis of warfare. Unlike a range of other early, non-Confucian discussions on warfare, particular strategies and tactics are taken to be of secondary importance. Thus, Xunzi refuses to discuss practical military strategy without framing it within a much broader ethical, social, and political context. On his account, a well-ordered, flourishing state necessarily rests upon a particular set of rituals and social norms in which people can cultivate themselves morally. Such a state has nothing to fear from any enemy, no matter how tactically sophisticated or militarily skilled. To many, such a view seems overly optimistic. However, given that Xunzi is anything but Pollyannaish in other parts of the text and is quite pessimistic about human nature in general, it behooves us to dig a bit more deeply into his ideas about military affairs and examine whether they can be understood in a more plausible light. This article provides a reading of Xunzi’s views on military affairs that is internally consistent and corresponds with Xunzi’s broader ethical and political views, while also showing why someone of Xunzi’s obvious intellectual acumen might hold such a view.  相似文献   
在新形势下 ,围绕“打得赢、不变质”两个历史性课题 ,强化精神支柱 ,坚定理想信念 ,应努力建设良好的政治环境 ,以正确的思想理论、昂扬的革命精神和严格的组织纪律来教育、激励和约束官兵 ,不断强化军人精神支柱。  相似文献   
以黄埔军校为载体的治军模式在意识形态、领导管理体制和纪律约束方面实现了中国军队建设史上的重大变革。从新制度经济学视角分析黄埔治军模式的制度变迁,有利于我们更好地理解和把握军队建设中政治工作的规律和原则,为今后我军政治工作领域的制度创新提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   
传统的思想政治理论课的考核体系中存在着诸多问题,关键在于没有准确地把握知识教育与思想政治教育的关系。因此,传统政治理论课考核体系的改革就应从知识教育与思想政治教育的基本关系定位出发,在把握好改革的前提和基本原则的基础上,进行具体的改革实践分析。  相似文献   
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