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Guinea-Bissau's transition toward democracy has been violent and disruptive. Despite holding elections and attempts to promote economic and social development, the latest government, under President Yala, is not equipped to bring stability or even a more democratic state. A politicised military, inexperienced opposition and corrupt government officials have contributed to the current poverty and instability. Although unlikely to be deposed by the fragmented opposition, Yala is not secure within his own party and is likely to use his position to weaken his opponents. As a Catholic, Yala has been careful to avoid religious conflict by reassuring Muslim citizens that they will not be marginalised. The economy is precarious and poverty has not been addressed. Guinea-Bissau is dependent on foreign donors for its financial needs. Guinea-Bissau has begun military operations against rebels opposing the Senegalese government and the battles seem likely to continue to cause regional instability. Without external intervention political and economic development looks remote.  相似文献   
One of the consequences of the state's inability to protect the life and property of all its citizens—especially in developing countries—is the formation of private alternatives to crime prevention and control. Gated communities, or enclosed neighbourhoods, are one such popular alternative. This article compares the phenomenon of gated communities in two developing countries: South Africa and Brazil. Both countries are plagued by violent crime and share key human development indicators. The article also explores key issues that have been raised around gated communities in both countries. Gated communities can contribute to spatial fragmentation in urban areas, and reflect increased polarisation, fragmentation and diminished solidarity within society. By excluding other urban residents and people from surrounding neighbourhoods, gated communities can contribute to social exclusion, inhibiting the construction of social networks that form the basis of social and economic activities.  相似文献   
This article explores the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons in the West African sub-region and efforts by the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to deal with the problem through the ECOWAS Declaration of a Moratorium on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa. The paper analyses the degree of compliance with the Moratorium by four ECOWAS member states, namely, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Mali.  相似文献   
Children have special protection under the South African constitution, including the right to safety, health and an environment conducive to their wellbeing and optimal development. Yet, firearms contribute significantly to the high incidence of deaths and injuries among South African children and in young males in their late teens. This case study is about the participation of the Child Health Policy Institute (CHPI) in a law reform process ultimately aimed at reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the country by exercising stricter gun control through legislation and other reforms. This feature briefly describes the political context in which the project was initiated, the research on firearm injuries and deaths in children conducted by the CHPI, and the dissemination of the research findings. The role of the CHPI as an academic institution within the Gun Control Alliance is also examined as are the lessons learnt in trying the bridge the gap between research and law reform.  相似文献   

Malawi's political transition from single-party rule to multiparty democracy in June 1994 raised expectations for sustainable peace in the country by, among others, passing a new legal framework that provided for conflict resolution mechanisms and good governance. However, political conflicts that have posed challenges to the foundations of peace and political stability have been a characteristic of the multiparty dispensation, leading to interventions by indigenous institutions whose aim is to build peace. This paper, which is based on field research, analyses the major political conflicts that have occurred on Malawi's political scene since the 1990s. Using the Public Affairs Committee as a case study, the paper illustrates the challenges facing the indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. It also shows that despite the political transition, the socio-political environment still exhibits political behaviour and norms formed during the 30 years of single-party rule. There is a need for capacity-building and deliberate policy to enhance the indigenous-based mechanisms in order to promote sustainable peace in the country.  相似文献   
阐述了火灾公众责任保险的涵义,分析了火灾公众责任保险在消防治理中的作用,梳理了火灾公众责任保险的发展现状问题,进而提出消防治理视阈下火灾公众责任保险的发展思路。  相似文献   
政治理论教学作为传授党的创新理论的主阵地,在强军目标“三进入”中发挥着举足轻重的作用。扎实推进强军目标“三进入”,必须坚持把培养高素质军事人才作为根本要求,积极搭建教学平台,不断拓展基本途径,从而不断提升“三进入”的质量效果。  相似文献   
思想政治教育是保证军队“打得赢、不变质”的有效途径。探讨制约思想政治教育效果的因素,对于增强我军的文化软实力有着现实性和必要性。从传播效果的“劝服论”入手,通过对教育者、受教育者和教育技巧三个方面的分析,探寻提升思想政治教育效果的有效途径。  相似文献   
少数民族大学生既具有一般大学生的时代特征,又包含民族特色,思想政治教育工作需要进一步创新和完善机制予以应对。作为一种专业的助人服务活动,社会工作的价值观和方法可以融入到少数民族大学生思想政治教育工作中,使其更加凸显人文关怀,切实提高工作的针对性、主动性和实效性,在教育的理念、对象、内容、方式方法和环境等方面获得一定的创新。  相似文献   
探究性学习的实质是要求教师转变教育观念,在教学中充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,激发学生学习的主人翁意识,真正使学生成为学习的主人。因此高中政治课的课堂教学应该充分渗透探究性学习的精神,同时教师又应在这一宗旨的指导下,根据教材的内容和特点的不同采用不同的模式,选用不同的方法,这样才能达到构建高效课堂的目的。  相似文献   
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