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This article explores Russia's increasing reliance on nuclear weapons from three perspectives. First, it seeks to demonstrate that the phenomenon is not exclusively limited to Russia and represents a broader trend, which is ultimately rooted in the nature of the contemporary international system or, more precisely, the uncertainties of the transitional period between the Cold War system and a new emerging one. Second, it analyzes the role assigned to nuclear weapons in Russia's doctrinal documents, in particular the emergence of a new mission—limited-use of nuclear weapons to deter or, if deterrence fails, to de-escalate large-scale conventional conflicts. Discussions of the new doctrine, which have begun recently, suggest that this new mission will likely remain unchanged. Finally, this article looks at the apparent discrepancy between Russia's nuclear modernization programs and the roles assigned to nuclear weapons in the military doctrine, as well as the causes of that discrepancy.  相似文献   
Security Intergovernmental Organizations, here illustrated by NATO, persist in a “permitted interval” of internationalization, i.e. permitted by its member-states. On the one hand, they are seldom or never permitted to vanish due to member-states' vested interests in retaining them as tools of statecraft, even if their original purposes have become redundant. On the other hand, there is an internationalization ceiling that they must respect: they should not become too autonomous and thereby no longer be suitable as member-state tools. In spite of post-Cold War reform, interviews carried out at NATO Headquarters (HQ) in the late 1980s compared to interviews in 2012 display that a continuous pulling and hauling of forces of internationalization and renationalization have taken place around NATO HQ. The only instance of clear internationalization can be observed in the proactive diplomacy of Secretary General Fogh Rasmussen. There is stiff opposition to the internationalization of abolishing the Military Committee/International Military Staff among minor and South European states, and there is no waning in states' attempts to micro-manage the International Staff. Only external shocks can overcome resistance to internationalizing reform.  相似文献   
States confronting cross-border intrusions of terrorism, illegal immigration, and/or drug trafficking weigh the costs of such intrusions against the costs of imposing barriers to prevent or curb the intrusions. In such situations, the degree of national security afforded a state depends, in large measure, upon the degree of border openness the state chooses. Depending upon the intensity and frequency of the intrusions – expressed in terms of opportunity-cost functions – a state might have little choice but to pursue a border policy of zero openness. It is this relationship of border openness to national security that explains why many states choose to construct security fences. In the 49 cases of security fences examined, many – among them Israel vis-à-vis the West Bank, India vis-à-vis Pakistan, Turkey vis-à-vis Greece in Cyprus – the construction of security fences becomes more complicated by their placement on lands whose sovereignties are disputed.  相似文献   
In the years since the 2003 Rose Revolution, the popularly elected leadership of the Republic of Georgia has responded to organized protests with a variety of repressive tactics. These reactions suggest that former challengers to authoritarian elites may utilize similar methods of retaining power during crisis periods. Yet, the alleged involvement of agencies of the Russian Federation in fomenting domestic instability has also occupied a central position in the national security policies of the outgoing Saakashvili government. These conditions both preceded and were reinforced by the South Ossetia War of August 2008. This article proposes a theoretical model that represents the intervening effect of interstate conflicts on state–society relations in Georgia from 2003 to present. It presents several hypotheses and possible indicators, data sources, and techniques for analyzing the interaction between characteristics of opposition groups, external threats, and the domestic security practices of contemporary Georgian political elites.  相似文献   
Following the 11 September 2001 attacks, the US government increased its counterterrorism (CT) funding and created several Federal Agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security; Transportation Security Administration; and National Counterterrorism Center. Similarly, the 7 July 2005, London bombings also compelled the British government to increase its CT funding. These examples illustrate a phenomenon that when states experience terrorism, they dramatically increase public safety spending in order to reduce or eliminate the incidents of and casualties resulting from acts of terror. Using statistical data collected from 34 countries covering nine years, this article examines recent CT spending increases. Critically, the authors explore whether recent public safety expenditures can measurably reduce the number of domestic and international terrorist attacks. The implications of their findings should be salient for policy-makers’ assessments of their countries’ current CT strategies and policies concerning their respective Intelligence and Security Communities.  相似文献   
基于IPSec的下一代高性能安全处理器的体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
IPSec是目前适合所有Internet通信的惟一一种安全技术。通过分析IPSec的处理过程,指出网络安全处理器的使用是IPSec协议高效实现的关键,并详细介绍了目前典型安全处理器的结构和应用。由于目前的网络安全处理器无法满足OC 48及其以上速率接口的处理要求,对下一代高速网络安全处理器的体系结构进行了分析和预测。  相似文献   
为解决部分党员领导干部不认真过双重组织生活的问题,上海边防总队确立了发放组织生活通知单和组织生活公示制、报告制、通报制,这对于党员领导干部过好组织生活起到了很好的规范作用。严格落实"一单三制"制度,需要把握好三个环节:一要筑牢思想基础,增强落实制度的责任感;二要强化管理监督,提升落实制度的严肃性;三要建立配套制度,提高制度落实的规范性。  相似文献   
尽管全国火灾形势逐年呈下降趋势,但是城乡结合部的消防安全工作仍然不容乐观,因此加强和改进城乡结合部消防管理工作是公安消防部队必须面对和解决的问题.分析了城乡结合部的消防安全现状和影响城乡结合部消防安全的主要问题,探讨了改进城乡结合部消防安全工作的对策.  相似文献   
中央八项规定的出台给警卫工作带来了前所未有的挑战,即:减少“硬性”控制措施,能否经得起严峻安全形势的考验,确保警卫安全;接受公众和舆论的监督,能否提交合格“答卷”,展示警卫部队的良好形象。同时,中央八项规定也为推动警卫工作模式创新、警卫战斗力建设、警卫工作立法、警卫工作理念和作风转变提供了难得的机遇。  相似文献   
重大活动警卫工作头绪多、任务重、影响大,面临的恐怖袭击风险高。警卫部门必须清醒认识当前反恐形势的严峻性,认真研究重大活动警卫工作的反恐防范措施:完善情报工作机制,实现预警预控;强化社会治安综合整治,夯实警卫基础工作;严格各项警卫安全措施,确保绝对安全;加强反恐力量建设,增强反恐处突能力;加强国际合作,借鉴其他国家的先进经验。  相似文献   
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