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In the years since the 2003 Rose Revolution, the popularly elected leadership of the Republic of Georgia has responded to organized protests with a variety of repressive tactics. These reactions suggest that former challengers to authoritarian elites may utilize similar methods of retaining power during crisis periods. Yet, the alleged involvement of agencies of the Russian Federation in fomenting domestic instability has also occupied a central position in the national security policies of the outgoing Saakashvili government. These conditions both preceded and were reinforced by the South Ossetia War of August 2008. This article proposes a theoretical model that represents the intervening effect of interstate conflicts on state–society relations in Georgia from 2003 to present. It presents several hypotheses and possible indicators, data sources, and techniques for analyzing the interaction between characteristics of opposition groups, external threats, and the domestic security practices of contemporary Georgian political elites.  相似文献   
Following the 11 September 2001 attacks, the US government increased its counterterrorism (CT) funding and created several Federal Agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security; Transportation Security Administration; and National Counterterrorism Center. Similarly, the 7 July 2005, London bombings also compelled the British government to increase its CT funding. These examples illustrate a phenomenon that when states experience terrorism, they dramatically increase public safety spending in order to reduce or eliminate the incidents of and casualties resulting from acts of terror. Using statistical data collected from 34 countries covering nine years, this article examines recent CT spending increases. Critically, the authors explore whether recent public safety expenditures can measurably reduce the number of domestic and international terrorist attacks. The implications of their findings should be salient for policy-makers’ assessments of their countries’ current CT strategies and policies concerning their respective Intelligence and Security Communities.  相似文献   
This article explores Russia's increasing reliance on nuclear weapons from three perspectives. First, it seeks to demonstrate that the phenomenon is not exclusively limited to Russia and represents a broader trend, which is ultimately rooted in the nature of the contemporary international system or, more precisely, the uncertainties of the transitional period between the Cold War system and a new emerging one. Second, it analyzes the role assigned to nuclear weapons in Russia's doctrinal documents, in particular the emergence of a new mission—limited-use of nuclear weapons to deter or, if deterrence fails, to de-escalate large-scale conventional conflicts. Discussions of the new doctrine, which have begun recently, suggest that this new mission will likely remain unchanged. Finally, this article looks at the apparent discrepancy between Russia's nuclear modernization programs and the roles assigned to nuclear weapons in the military doctrine, as well as the causes of that discrepancy.  相似文献   
Security strategies are important sites for narrating the EU into existence as a security actor. The unveiling of a new global strategy on foreign and security policy for the EU immediately post-Brexit could be conceived as a pledge to remain together as a Union for the purposes of contributing to global security in a particular way. This paper offers a brief stock-taking of the EU’s way of writing security from the European Security Strategy (2003) to the EU Global Strategy (2016). A concise exegesis of these documents exposes an interesting dynamic: as exercises in ordering the world, both strategic guidelines have turned out to be major exercises in ordering the self. The comparative snapshot shows the EU as increasingly anxious to prove its relevance for its own citizens, yet notably less confident about its actual convincingness as an ontological security framework for the EU’s constituent members over time.  相似文献   
由于某框架结构在施工过程中发生了明显的不均匀沉降,结构体可能存在安全隐患。为此,对该框架结构进行了现场检测,根据检测结果,应用大型有限元软件ANSYS对地基变形后的结构安全性进行分析,合理评价了结构性能,其工程经验可供参考。  相似文献   
黄金娥  徐东 《国防科技》2018,39(4):104-109
我国海军执行远海护航与南海领海巡航任务已成常态化,同时随着"一带一路"国家战略的稳步实施,海军舰船必将走得更远,为经济建设与世界和平、地区稳定保驾护航。为了科学地构建我国远海舰船维修保障体系,本文分析总结美英国家海军舰船远海维修保障体系基本模式、特点及利弊,并在合理界定远海及远海维修保障概念的基础上,提出构建我国海军舰船远海维修保障体系的基本策略。  相似文献   
王亮  贺朗月  牛敬华 《国防科技》2018,39(2):065-073
随着地理观测技术、计算机网络和地理信息系统、社会调查统计的迅速发展,具有空间位置的自然环境数据正在急剧增长,上升到大数据级别。而传统的数据库已经无法满足现有地学大数据的规模和增长速度。在资源访问方面,人们更加担心数据安全与隐私保护问题。由于数据交易的双方和交易中介都是互不信任的,这显然不利于数据的共享与流通,将阻碍地学大数据产业的发展。常用地学数据管理系统主要由单一机构进行维护管理,在多方用户参与的情形下,由于无法信任数据库中的数据,每一方用户都需要一个专用数据库,这样不同数据库之间数据的差异将产生繁琐的争议。区块链的到来却给这一问题的解决带来了希望,区块链技术实现了不完全可信网络环境中的可信数据管理,具有去中心化、防篡改、不可抵赖、完整性等特性,从而为解决目前依靠中心或第三方机构存在的高成本低效率和信息安全问题提供了切实的方法。本文从区块链的共识机制、智能合约、身份验证、数据溯源等方面进行阐述,并重点分析区块链如何解决流通和共享数据的问题,让地学大数据真正得以广泛应用。  相似文献   
为适应信息扩散中病毒传播的复杂性和不确定性,在传统病毒传播模型和信息扩散模型基础上,引入潜伏状态和隔离状态,研究潜伏-隔离机制下的信息扩散模型及其稳定性。构建基于潜伏-隔离机制的信息扩散模型;运用劳斯稳定性判据,论证系统平衡点的局部稳定性,分析基本再生数R0及其对网络感染源和系统状态的影响;通过仿真实验,分析节点连通半径、节点分布密度和节点接触率对信息扩散的影响。仿真结果表明:通过调整节点连通半径、节点分布密度和节点接触率等参数,可实现对信息扩散的有效控制。  相似文献   
当水下监测系统遇到外部攻击、发生故障和事故时,生存性为系统仍保证基本服务提供了保障.为准确衡量此类系统的生存性,提出了它的生存性定义、计算方法和系统模型.生存性定义为在指定工作环境下,受事件影响的系统服务仍能达到用户要求的能力,表示为系统服务性能的数学期望.根据这种定义和计算方法能更准确地判别系统设计是否满足生存性标准.在基于多状态系统的生存性模型中,服务性能是各子系统状态的函数,与系统的结构函数有关.子系统状态的概率分布由系统的可靠性和安全性决定.最后通过实例说明了生存性模型的有效性.  相似文献   
针对目前在军用信息技术领域对搜索雷达视频模拟器大目标批数和高实时性的需求,运用PCI总线和FPGA技术设计搜索雷达视频模拟器系统。在设计方面提出了4个硬件设计要点和1个软件设计结构框图,形成了一个完整的搜索雷达视频模拟器系统解决方案。该方案有效地提高了搜索雷达视频模拟器系统的性能,在军用信息技术领域有较广阔的应用。  相似文献   
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