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超精密加工机床及其新技术发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了超精密加工技术、应用背景、发展动向以及超精密加工关键技术的一些最新成果。从超精密加工技术推广应用的角度阐述了其精度目标、模块化、廉价化发展趋势 ,同时就如何发展超精密加工技术全面介绍了目前机床模块化部件、传动系统、检测环节、数控系统和环境控制等领域的最新研究水平和成果。  相似文献   
针对探月飞行器月球公转轨道上的卫星导航定位问题,以高轨道飞行器卫星导航定位的研究为基础,采用多全球导航卫星系统联合定位的方法进行仿真。分析了载波功率与噪声功率密度比为15d BHz的弱信号捕获门限下,各系统联合定位时波束主瓣和旁瓣的可用性,同时对各系统联合情况下的精度因子值进行分析。仿真结果表明:当接收到的卫星天线辐射的主瓣和旁瓣信号均高于载噪比门限时,全球导航卫星系统的三系统或四系统的联合能满足实时定位条件;而旁瓣损耗不加以补偿时,接收信号载噪比低于门限并导致任意联合方式均无法完成定位。各系统联合的精度因子分析表明:单系统或双系统联合的几何精度因子变化剧烈,四系统联合相比三系统联合的几何精度因子下降16.93%;三系统联合定位方案中,美国全球定位系统、中国的北斗卫星导航定位系统与欧洲的伽利略卫星导航定位系统联合方案的几何精度因子值变化最平稳,为最佳选择。理论分析和仿真结果为探月飞行器定位技术研究和星载多系统接收机设计提供参考。  相似文献   
提高步进电机步距精度的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
就步进电机细分可以提高步距精度的问题从理论上进行了分析和研究,并用传递函数的方法研究系统的动态响应,最后给出了不同细分数的步距角的均匀性的实验数据。  相似文献   
本文针对离散控制系统的有限脉冲响应(FIR)函数模型,研究了在伪随机m序列输入的激励和有色噪声干扰下辨识的精度问题,纠正了参考文献中的错误,得到了有色噪声干扰下FIR参数估计精度的显式表达式。同时,给出了辨识精度的下界和上界,分析并得到了达到上下界的条件。文中有实例分析。  相似文献   
In 2011, the Department for International Development, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, and the Ministry of Defence launched the Building Stability Overseas Strategy (BSOS). This document sought to integrate cross-government activity as it related to conflict and security so as to ‘take fast, appropriate and effective action to prevent a crisis or stop it escalating and spreading’. At the heart of the strategy was the recognition that addressing instability and conflict overseas was morally right and in the UK's national interests. This confluence of foreign policy realism and ethical outlook most clearly found harmony in the acknowledgement that it was cheaper for the international community to avoid conflict than it was to try to manage it. Through an examination of three historical case studies (Uganda 1964–1972, Rhodesia–Zimbabwe 1979–1981, and Sierra Leone 2000–2007), this article seeks to demonstrate just how difficult this seemingly sensible strategic outlook is. In particular, the article shows there are historical parallels in British postcolonial history that very closely resemble contemporary policy choices; that these can be used to define what is different about past and present practice; and, which in turn, can be used to – at least tentatively – mark out the potential strengths and weaknesses in BSOS.  相似文献   
US military operations are increasingly conducted within urban environments and with these operations come the risk of increasing the number of civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. The use of non-lethal weaponry, such as directed-energy weapons, is one method for minimizing collateral damage. This method enables US military forces to effectively fight within urban environments through force escalation capabilities. Using a series of historical examples and future scenarios for urban warfare, this article highlights deficiencies affecting military capabilities in military urban operations, addresses the consequences of collateral damage, assesses the effectiveness of directed-energy weapons in military urban operations and encourages further funding, research and integration of non-lethal weaponry, such as directed-energy weapons, within the US military.  相似文献   
结合北斗二号(COMPASS)和GPS系统的运行轨道参数及系统特性,建立了COMPASS/GPS双模导航定位伪距测量误差模型,推导分析了双系统定位的几何误差因子;并对某地区的COMPASS/GPS双模导航定位精度进行了系统的分析.仿真结果表明,在某地区内,北斗二代系统在空间域与时间域上的整体稳定性优于GPS系统,组合的COMPASS/GPS系统在可见星和精度方面优于单一的定位系统.  相似文献   
拦截联盟形成是网络化防空导弹体系(NADMS)中的新问题,旨在确定目标、火力节点以及制导节点三者之间的最优匹配关系,使得NADMS整体作战效能最大。结合NADMS的分布式无中心节点体系结构,剖析了拦截联盟形成问题的本质,形式化定义了体系中出现的新型一体化作战能力;分别从运筹学与整数规划、组合优化以及经济学博弈问题角度对拦截联盟形成问题进行形式化描述,并深入探讨了集中式和分布式的拦截联盟形成方法。  相似文献   
为了优化移动平台基线修正的精度指标,首先推导了由基线测量误差引起的目标现在点定位误差计算公式,进而得到了基线测量误差影响下的系统命中概率计算公式.理论分析与Monte—Carlo仿真表明,与移动平台间的基线测量精度相比,目标观测设备相对移动平台的基线测量精度对命中概率的影响更加显著.  相似文献   
针对反导预警作战过程中远程预警相控阵雷达(early-warning radar,EWR)和多功能地基相控阵雷达(ground-based radar,GBR)探测跟踪弹道导弹的交接班问题,提出了一种可行的雷达交接班时机选择方法.该方法通过卡尔曼滤波对弹道目标进行滤波定轨,基于目标瞬时运动状态估算目标剩余飞行距离,并依据GBR对目标的探测定位精度(geometrical dilution of precision,GDOP)进行接班时机优选,以支持反导预警作战雷达交接班决策.最后,通过一个实例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
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